Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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From the same data

I was having a hard time first with my glasses fogging with the mask.

So used to have my nose out knowing it was stupid.

Now I have my mask pulled up to right under my eyes so my glasses sit on the mask.

Not the most comfortable or stylish look lol.

I need to get one of those mask that goes around the whole neck.
Use shaving cream on the lenses
Read a Danish article on masks today. "Advice on masks fogging up glasses: 1. surgical tape on top part of mask. 2. Get contacts."

Don't shoot the messenger!!!

Having a good fit along the top of the mask definitely helps - you want it close to your nose so air doesn't escape that way.

Contact lenses is a great solution too but I've been looking for things to help for a few weeks and have some promising ones.

I have 2 different types depending on what sort of lenses you have. If you have anti-glare coated lenses you want No Fog Wipes - single wipes in a little packet in a pack of 30, you basically clean your lenses with them and the anti fog lasts 10 hours. Seems pretty good so far.


If you don't have an anti-glare coating you want Cat Crap - same sort of thing, just spray it on and buff your lenses with a clean cloth.



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who cares what they think? They all have 0% FREEDOM.

Maybe you are reading it wrong? The global powers significantly believe that the US did a worse job than China. Also, I thought the percentage for WHO stood out for me. I didn't think it would be that high.
The normal vaccine development you are talking about does not typically happen in the middle of a global pandemic and therefore it takes a lot more time to allow participants to be “challenged” naturally and be able to effectively analyze the data. By administering these vaccine trials in areas where infection rates are high, they will be able to quickly determine efficacy. As far as safety, there is no possible way to determine the potential long term side effects, though there have been small groups of people from phase 1 & 2 who received these vaccines ~6 months ago.

Another important set of details I overlooked about how this "warp speed" initiative is completely different than vaccine development in the past is that once all phase 3 development is typically completed, the data is THEN analyzed, which can take many months, at which time FDA approval can be granted. Then begins the licensing process that can take a year, along with scaling up manufacturing of doses that can take months to years as well. In this case, manufacturing is already being secured and scaled, analysis is being done in real time DURING the trials and the licensing step will basically be skipped, with the first doses ready to be shipped within 24 hours of FDA approval. Essentially, it's not the safety portion of trials that is being rushed, but instead all of the other logistical hurdles that are being removed ahead of time or completed concurrently. IMO, pharma companies have been doing a great job trying to instill confidence by being forthcoming about trial data and vowing not to bow to political pressure. Moderna and Pfizer have already publicly released information about how their phase 3 trials will be completed, something that would have never been made public in the past. I expect others to follow suit.
Maybe you are reading it wrong? The global powers significantly believe that the US did a worse job than China. Also, I thought the percentage for WHO stood out for me. I didn't think it would be that high.

yep, read it wrong. :lol:

was joking anyways. Our response is 0% from me.
yep, read it wrong. :lol:

was joking anyways. Our response is 0% from me.

I'm at 50% because I find it pretty incredible that our anti-science administration has directed so much funding toward vaccine procurement, while simultaneously saying that the virus will magically disappear. Now that's what I call diversification!
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Man, I’m just sick of the half open bs. Like what the virus doesn’t spread when I’m seated at a bar? :lol:

then you got all the idiot people making it worse. Can’t get anyone on the same page.
Another important set of details I overlooked about how this "warp speed" initiative is completely different than vaccine development in the past is that once all phase 3 development is typically completed, the data is THEN analyzed, which can take many months, at which time FDA approval can be granted. Then begins the licensing process that can take a year, along with scaling up manufacturing of doses that can take months to years as well. In this case, manufacturing is already being secured and scaled, analysis is being done in real time DURING the trials and the licensing step will basically be skipped, with the first doses ready to be shipped within 24 hours of FDA approval. Essentially, it's not the safety portion of trials that is being rushed, but instead all of the other logistical hurdles that are being removed ahead of time or completed concurrently. IMO, pharma companies have been doing a great job trying to instill confidence by being forthcoming about trial data and vowing not to bow to political pressure. Moderna and Pfizer have already publicly released information about how their phase 3 trials will be completed, something that would have never been made public in the past. I expect others to follow suit.
So basically it doesn't take as long as it historically has to bring new drugs to market it was just that companies weren't doing it as quickly as they could. Ok... I'm still out on their 'not actually' fast tracked vaccine :lol:
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