Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

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For some reason, a college homie of mine thinks that there will be a mandatory vaccination in the future lol. It was kind of amusing at first (albeit absolutely ridiculous and false), but now it's kind of drifting into the weird "you watching way too much Youtube" space. I know I'm not the only one who's seeing the reaction to all of this in slight disbelief, especially since you want to believe people subscribe to facts instead of conspiracies. Just sucks to witness.

the world needs to hold china responsible
*looks at the various " made in china" products on my desk.

Um Yeah GIFs | Tenor

the world need to hold china responsible
The world?

The world took care of its business.
200k dead for 300 million people here vs 100k dead for 1,200 million people in India.

There seems to be a real effort to downplay the very real self-imposed disaster that has been the US response on your part.

Furthermore, the US is free to sanction China because the virus originated there and they failed to appropriately inform the rest of the world; however, this administration would have a hard time convincing the rest of the world that they are not using the pandemic as a tool for their geopolitical ambitions in China's sphere of influence, while using the international community as a pawn (we all know how that turned out for the Kurds). Furthermore, opening the door to health-related sanctions means that the US is at risk of exposing its multiple agricultural corporations to sanctions for any outbreak originating from the food products they export throughout the world.

So, how about you hold your elected officials accountable for failing to protect you? Sounds much easier to me than expecting accountability from a foreign government.
The world?

The world took care of its business.
200k dead for 300 million people here vs 100k dead for 1,200 million people in India.

There seems to be a real effort to downplay the very real self-imposed disaster that has been the US response on your part.

Furthermore, the US is free to sanction China because the virus originated there and they failed to appropriately inform the rest of the world; however, this administration would have a hard time convincing the rest of the world that they are not using the pandemic as a tool for their geopolitical ambitions in China's sphere of influence, while using the international community as a pawn (we all know how that turned out for the Kurds). Furthermore, opening the door to health-related sanctions means that the US is at risk of exposing its multiple agricultural corporations to sanctions for any outbreak originating from the food products they export throughout the world.

So, how about you hold your elected officials accountable for failing to protect you? Sounds much easier to me than expecting accountability from a foreign government.
THIS. Don't understand the notion of "COME ON HURRY LETS PUNISH CHINA!" While we are still failing to take care of business at home. Typical of this current administration and its followers. LETS POINT THE FINGER! IT SOLVES EVERYTHING TO BLAME SOMETHING ON SOMEONE!
I'm not trying to downplay covid but this was bound to happen - avg of 5 new zoonotic diseases every year & widely known that we wouldn't be ready when a pandemic to hit. This experience will help us when the next one comes similar to how countries have fare better during covid-19 due to experiencing a similar outbreak in the past.

This is dangerous ********, but what's new. Essentially they had earlier said that covid can spread further than 6 feet in a closed room, so it's not enough just to be spaced apart. You need masks too. This is pretty well agreed upon by all the experts I've read.

By removing this recommendation and calling it an error, they're trying to justify things like indoor dining.

If I'm at the CDC, I'm walking out.
THIS. Don't understand the notion of "COME ON HURRY LETS PUNISH CHINA!" While we are still failing to take care of business at home. Typical of this current administration and its followers. LETS POINT THE FINGER! IT SOLVES EVERYTHING TO BLAME SOMETHING ON SOMEONE!

Human nature b - it's easier to blame others than to accept responsibility for your own actions or inactions
Human nature b - it's easier to blame others than to accept responsibilities for your own actions or inactions
No doubt about it. But in the last almost 4 years that type of mentality has been enabled and harnessed in this country by none other than **** stain D.
Everything’s made in China including this virus so what’s your point

this administration dropped the ball
we can all agree with that

a lot of you guys must be Liberal communist
is that why China will never be held accountable by western Countries ?

“oh it’s not chinas fault the world is Suffering”
you should all start your own Political party
don’t blame China let the world figure it out together and give China a pass for keeping this a secret
sanctions are not the answer
There has to be accountability
you think china cares about sanctions they will shut themselfs off from the rest of the world but China has the upper hand
the world relies on China for everything

i blame China worldwide for Lying and state side I blame and I trump for doing nothing

what business has the world taken care of ?
yes a few countries have done better with the coronavirus but in the past few weeks but most of europe has gone backwards and some countries are going back into a lockdown
why because they opened back up and let their citizens do what they want go out and and spend money their Economy is more Important then the health of their citizens

here in the US where all guilty of that since the lockdowns where lifted in different states where all part of the problem but I’m all for another lockdown if it will slow the spread and save lives but some of you dont want to shut down the US Economy so what should we do ?

im serious what’s the answer
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This is dangerous bull****, but what's new. Essentially they had earlier said that covid can spread further than 6 feet in a closed room, so it's not enough just to be spaced apart. You need masks too. This is pretty well agreed upon by all the experts I've read.

By removing this recommendation and calling it an error, they're trying to justify things like indoor dining.

If I'm at the CDC, I'm walking out.

Trump is causing these places to lose all credibility with the American public, and worldwide. If he's re-elected this is the end of science and facts. If he's not, trust in the CDC and other institutions like it will be gone.

Have people forgotten about Sharpiegate? This guy's ego is so fragile that he literally drew a fictitious storm path on an NOAA forecast map, and played dumb like he knew nothing about it. Just to prove he was right when he wasn't, like most things. Then, used his power to put his foot on the necks of the NOAA to agree with Trump's claim and go against the factual assurance made by Alabama's weather service that they were not in the storm's path.
Everything’s made in China including this virus so what’s your point

this administration dropped the ball
we can all agree with that

a lot of you guys must be Liberal communist
is that why China will never be held accountable by western Countries ?

“oh it’s not chinas fault the world is Suffering”
you should all start your own Political party
don’t blame China let the world figure it out together and give China a pass for keeping this a secret
sanctions are not the answer
There has to be accountability

i blame China worldwide for Lying and state side I blame and I trump for doing nothing

what business has the world taken care of ?
yes a few countries have done better with the coronavirus but in the past few weeks but most of europe has gone backwards and some countries are going back into a lockdown
why because they opened back up and let their citizens do what they want go out and and spend money their Economy is more Important then the health of their citizens

here in the US where all guilty of that since the lockdowns where lifted in different states where all part of the problem but I’m all for another lockdown if it will slow the spread and save lives but some of you dont want to shut down the US Economy so what should we do ?

im serious what’s the answer

lol it's just what you are saying isn't practical or realistic or beneficial. did other countries do anything to mexico when people were suffering from the swine flu? did other countries do anything to america when people were suffering due to the subprime mortgage crisis.
Everything’s made in China including this virus so what’s your point

this administration dropped the ball
we can all agree with that

a lot of you guys must be Liberal communist
is that why China will never be held accountable by western Countries ?

“oh it’s not chinas fault the world is Suffering”
you should all start your own Political party
don’t blame China let the world figure it out together and give China a pass for keep this a secret
sanctions are not the answer
There has to be accountability

well I can’t
i blame China worldwide for Lying and state side I blame and I trump for doing nothing

what business has the world taken care of yes a few countries have done better with the coronavirus but in the past few weeks most of europe has gone backwards and some countries are going back into a lockdown
why because they opened back up and let their citizens do what they want go out and and spend money their Economy is more Important then the health of their citizens

here in the US where all guilty of that since the lockdowns where lifted in different states where all part of the problem but I’m all for another lockdown if it will slow the spread and save lives but some of you dont want to shut down the US Economy so what should we do ?

im serious what’s the answer
This is one the most asinine comments I have ever read on NT.

From the shear amount of ignorance of political economy it takes to think calling someone "liberal communist" makes sense

To ignorance of geopolitics that fuels your bigotry

To the demands of accountability but failing to understand that it is not that simple

Just a world salad that falls way short of being any coherent in practice.
This is one the most asinine comments I have ever read on NT.

From the shear amount of ignorance of political economy it takes to think calling someone "liberal communist" makes sense

To ignorance of geopolitics that fuels your bigotry

To the demands of accountability but failing to understand that it is not that simple

Just a world salad that falls way short of being any coherent in practice.

you are a liberal Communist you just dont admit to it
you rather keep the US economy going then shut it down all over again
as I told you once before you no different then trump
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lol it's just what you are saying isn't practical or realistic or beneficial. did other countries do anything to mexico when people were suffering from the swine flu? did other countries do anything to america when people were suffering due to the subprime mortgage crisis.

The world and this disease is impractical so what’s your point
something has to be done and we don’t have the power on here to do anything about it
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