Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

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The stress of having this is draining enough id imagine. My bro had it back in April-ish and while he wasnt bad at all (ive seen his allergies hit him worse) he said the worst part was just knowing he had something that could affect everyone so differently. Super draining on his end, didnt help that he was basically stuck in his room for almost 2 weeks.
I been battling with depression all during this pandemic but when I tested positive it made things worse. I’ve never been that depressed and suicidal before and don’t wish anyone to go through any of this.

Damn bro I’m glad to hear you’re good now. I’m in the same boat as you with having asthma so I’m legit shook about it. Also where I work I gotta deal with the public so that kinda has me a bit more paranoid because foos wanna not wear a mask or not wear it correctly. Did you have wheezing and difficulty breathing due to asthma? did you have to nebulize often or were you just using an emergency inhaler? Definitely glad to hear you’re gucci!
I feel you. My job has a bunch of idiots that expect us to just take their equipment after they’ve been doing God knows. Luckily this gave me the chance to fully work from home for the next month. Fortunately the inhaler was enough for me but that very first day I think I should’ve gone to the hospital because I can’t even put it in words but me dislocating my shoulder was a cake walk compared to the pain I was going through. The muscle aches, the chest constrictions, the congestion, the coughs and headaches along with a fever and chills.
I been battling with depression all during this pandemic but when I tested positive it made things worse. I’ve never been that depressed and suicidal before and don’t wish anyone to go through any of this.

I feel you. My job has a bunch of idiots that expect us to just take their equipment after they’ve been doing God knows. Luckily this gave me the chance to fully work from home for the next month. Fortunately the inhaler was enough for me but that very first day I think I should’ve gone to the hospital because I can’t even put it in words but me dislocating my shoulder was a cake walk compared to the pain I was going through. The muscle aches, the chest constrictions, the congestion, the coughs and headaches along with a fever and chills.

any idea on how you cough it and what state are you in
im sorry to hear you was so depressed
that’s a terrible feeling and I’m sure with the virus a thousand times worse
any idea on how you cough it and what state are you in
im sorry to hear you was so depressed
that’s a terrible feeling and I’m sure with the virus a thousand times worse
No idea. Possibly could’ve been from work or when I went grocery shopping. I’m in the DMV area. It’s definitely been tough trying to cope with being isolated and dealing with the virus.
Here's today's numbers. Something to look out for over the next week -- are cases going to come down, or are they plateauing around 40k per day? If so, deaths will probably plateau too around 750/day.

Bigger question -- we went from a Northeast wave in the spring to a South/West wave in July to now a Midwest wave. What comes next? Is it just going to burn out on its own after another couple months? Or will we see some waves in the fall and winter?

Trump and MAGAs are anti-vaccine because they are idiots who don't understand science and medicine and statistics. Normally, FDA and the medical community understand the risks and that is why we have such careful and strict restrictions on which drugs and vaccines are approved for use.

Now those idiot anti-vaxxers want to fast-track a covid vaccine without the normal proper studies, which will be a self-fulfilling prophecy of their anti-vax delusions if we end up missing some weird side effect before giving the vaccine to 300 million Americans.


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Trump and MAGAs are anti-vaccine because they are idiots who don't understand science and medicine and statistics. Normally, FDA and the medical community understand the risks and that is why we have such careful and strict restrictions on which drugs and vaccines are approved for use.

Now those idiot anti-vaxxers want to fast-track a covid vaccine without the normal proper studies, which will be a self-fulfilling prophecy of their anti-vax delusions if we end up missing some weird side effect before giving the vaccine to 300 million Americans.


So that's what running a country like a business looks like.

I'd argue that they do understand science, medicine, and stats. They've just ruled that a potentially large number of dead Americans is less beneficial to them than maintaining the illusion that things are improving in order to win reelection (and keep the flow of government money into their pockets intact). Just like businesses do every day.
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So I noticed that people are re-sharing an article from the CDC detailing percentages about deaths due to pre-existing conditions and how the country should have never shut down for COVID.

Yeah, okay. It's like these same people forgot that any information released by the CDC is being filtered through the WH Administration.

I'm getting tired of having this battle with people man.
Got the email from Planet Fitness today saying that they are re-opening on the 2nd. Wild part is that they are only requiring masks when moving about the facility but when working out. Let's see how long that lasts :smh:
So I noticed that people are re-sharing an article from the CDC detailing percentages about deaths due to pre-existing conditions and how the country should have never shut down for COVID.

Yeah, okay. It's like these same people forgot that any information released by the CDC is being filtered through the WH Administration.

I'm getting tired of having this battle with people man.

I really do not see how this winter is not bad. Especially with the holidays and people traveling to see each other.
Got the email from Planet Fitness today saying that they are re-opening on the 2nd. Wild part is that they are only requiring masks when moving about the facility but when working out. Let's see how long that lasts :smh:

are you going to go to the guy right away ?

maybe you should wait it out A little bit and see how it goes for other
be safe
LA Fitness has been open here (GA) for months now. Masks are optional. The gym is just one of those places where you have to go in knowing you’re risking Covid. Its not ever going to be “safe” to go even with all the precautions they are taking.
i got a box in the mail today from an NT’er with an assortment of masks. i’m super blown away and thankful for dudes like that. i do all the shopping for my family and work in a large workplace so these are definitely needed. i don’t want him to get swamped with requests so i’ll just say his username rhymes with ache_z :nerd:
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