Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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I dont understand that 94% statistic. They still died, if they never contracted covid they would probably still be alive.
There's nothing to really understand other than that it's a dumb way to downplay its impact and potential danger.

When our hospitals are over capacity, when ventilators are being rationed out, when hospitals struggle to supply the necessary amount of PPE for direct care providers, and when the death rate increases astronomically when the ONLY variable that has changed is the introduction of COVID-19 it makes that little factoid seem pretty ******* stupid and unimportant.
That “study” was dreadful.

I honestly would fly right now, a little vaca in LA dont sound bad. Idk if its just seeing multiple people travel here and there and being ok is influencing it (probably) but it doesnt seem to be a biggie.
I wouldn't get on an airplane or travel out of state right now unless it was absolutely necessary. Just seems unwise in the middle of a pandemic. Plenty of time to go on a vacation in the future.

I also feel safer in NY than I would just about anywhere else in the continental US right now (excluding Vermont). We've been able to keep our numbers low, but the next few weeks will be the true test since gyms and schools opened back up. Hoping for no resurgence, but not holding my breath either.
That “study” was dreadful.

I honestly would fly right now, a little vaca in LA dont sound bad. Idk if its just seeing multiple people travel here and there and being ok is influencing it (probably) but it doesnt seem to be a biggie.

thats a bad idea know i a guy who just came from LA to NY

i don't know him well enough to question why he would travel but i said to myself what a silly thing to do
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but look at the numbers

Vermont only has 1,624 cases and only 59 deaths


but they cant stay safe if things uptick

terrible story all these lives lost people who were living their life this time last year
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thats a bad idea know i a guy who just came from LA to NY

i don't know him well enough to question why he would travel but i said to myself what a silly thing to do

Planes are packed apparently. Ive had numerous friends go to Mexico, Aruba, Miami, LA, etc. Idk, everyone seems fine, maybe im just at a point where I need a break from NY and willing to risk it.
That stat is so stupid. Majority of the damn country has underlying conditions.

Isn't Obesity an underlying condition? People like "I AM HEALTHY" mannnn at 6 foot 185lbs i fall into the over weight category. If i get covid and die they would throw me into the underlying condition category.

Wouldn't be surprised if seasonal allergies counts too :lol:
I got on a flight to see family and take a certification test - plane was around 35 percent capacity and pretty relaxing but I wasn't going to Mexico or Florida.

Flying is always a risk - easier to spread germs but had my own row.

Empty airports and flights is the best for the people that hate crowds.

Idk just sharing the experience haha
Planes are packed apparently. Ive had numerous friends go to Mexico, Aruba, Miami, LA, etc. Idk, everyone seems fine, maybe im just at a point where I need a break from NY and willing to risk it.

i would love to go to the netherlands but its not worth risking my life

where all taking a risk walking down the street or getting into an elevator or bus and a subway
but going on a plane in this time is just foolish

i cant tell you or anyone else on how to live your life but bro its not worth risking death

Its one or the other here. Cant stray away from whichever side or there goes the hero, upstanding citizen title.

I literally been the most careful and cautious and I express my thoughts on traveling and suddenly im a bad guy. :lol: Get off the high horse fellas.
Odd comments

Some of you dudes are just as the people on the far right.

Stay in your bubble judging others and be a hero, while other people continue to live
What does that last statement even mean? I continue to go to work and adhere to my daily routine with minimal sacrifice. How is that not "living"?

What I DON'T do is leave a state that is finally experiencing a downtrend in the middle of a global pandemic to go somewhere that's seeing spikes because "I need to leave NY."

Like dawg just go upstate if you need to get away. It's a quick trip, beautiful this time of the year, and a total change of pace from the city. Is expecting people to wait to start traveling for pleasure that big of an ask right now?

not pointing fingers at anyone but i would read this before even considering getting on a plane

im sure US airlines are not acting like this but again its not worth it
Flight sounded like a mess, its a huge risk to be on a plane but I honestly rather be on a plane than on the LES in NYC on a Saturday night doing outdoor dining or playing 5v5 at BK Bridge Park at 3pm.
Flight sounded like a mess, its a huge risk to be on a plane but I honestly rather be on a plane than on the LES in NYC on a Saturday night doing outdoor dining or playing 5v5 at BK Bridge Park at 3pm.

Can’t argue with what you’re saying probably the best thing is just stay at home

You might go out of your mind staying at home all the time but at least you’ll be alive lol

For those of you who don't have time to watch the video, here's the bottom line: We all know that wearing a mask is tremendously helpful in limiting the spread of viral particles, but evidence is also starting to show that lower viral load leads to less severe and asymptomatic disease. This is likely a big reason we are seeing lower rates of hospitalization and death as more states/counties/cities have mandated masks in public places.
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