Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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There is a difference between a nasopharyngeal swab and a nasal swab. Nasal swab is rubbing around your nose (it goes 2 cm in, roughly how far you dig in when you pick your nose):


Meanwhile, nasopharyngeal swab tickles your brain:

Deaths coming down but not as fast as cases are. Probably a bit blurred because there's a broad distribution of time-to-death from the detection of a case.

This is the week-by-week breakdown (they mislabeled the rightmost plot, it should be "weekly deaths"):


michael irvin said he tested negative twice, but the antibodies test showed that he had covid
seems like he went through a tough time battling it
they did a covid test training using me as the first victim at work. the first nurse (the trainer) did one side and it was not bad but the second nurse doing the other side was not smooth at all. slight burning sensation- like wasabi.
What's this CDC quitely updating the Covid Deaths? That only 6% of the death count is covid deaths
umm that was disinformation being spread by Qanon. CDC did not revise the death count.

They said that 94% of people who died from covid had comorbidities. Which isn't surprising. 60% (or maybe more) of Americans have at least 1 underlying health condition. The number is in the 70-85% range when you get to people over 55 or 65.

So the other way to say this is that 6% of the deaths have happened in people who were completely healthy.

Also, if you look at the data, you'll see that one of the biggest "comorbidities" was pneumonia and other acute respiratory illnesses, which are a direct result of covid-19 (in most cases).

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can you describe the feeling ?

I had one done August 3rd at Penn Medical outside of Philly. Required so I can have a procedure (colonoscopy type). Had I got it done when they rescheduled my original April (when it was originally for, but cancelled due to Covid) date to June, I would have had the large Q-Tip test which goes up really far. By waiting till August, they got the newer tests in. Only goes up 2-3cm into your nose with a very small filament-style q-tip (only a few strands on it).

They do each nostril for 15 seconds, and the nurse counts for you. I did it all from the car. Once the 1st side was done, I needed a minute. But it was pretty easy. Just made my eyes water a little. But from what I hear, much much more comfortable than the original test that goes into your upper sinus cavity (aka the brain scrape).
Thread isn't as popping as it once was. Kinda following the trend of how America is dealing with it.
I definitely feel like ¨no news is good news¨ with this sumbtch pandemic.

damn this video killed my buzz. I LIVED for **** like this...plus, the peace pipe ritual is ancient human tradition.

appreciate the little things, y´all...it could be worse. might be.
I tested positive almost two weeks ago and felt like absolute ****. Bad enough I have asthma but it lets me know that my upper respiratory system is absolute trash because I felt like death way too often. I lost my sense of smell and taste along with my appetite to eat. I think I started to gain my senses back after 12 days and I can still barley taste anything. I was one of those ones that were extra cautious but still got caught. I’m just glad I didn’t have to go to the hospital but that first day I had symptoms I seriously thought I was dying because every symptom was hitting me at the same time.

Sanitize and follow CDC guidelines because this virus is no jokes.
I tested positive almost two weeks ago and felt like absolute ****. Bad enough I have asthma but it lets me know that my upper respiratory system is absolute trash because I felt like death way too often. I lost my sense of smell and taste along with my appetite to eat. I think I started to gain my senses back after 12 days and I can still barley taste anything. I was one of those ones that were extra cautious but still got caught. I’m just glad I didn’t have to go to the hospital but that first day I had symptoms I seriously thought I was dying because every symptom was hitting me at the same time.

Sanitize and follow CDC guidelines because this virus is no jokes.

hope your feeling better and the worst is behind you
I tested positive almost two weeks ago and felt like absolute ****. Bad enough I have asthma but it lets me know that my upper respiratory system is absolute trash because I felt like death way too often. I lost my sense of smell and taste along with my appetite to eat. I think I started to gain my senses back after 12 days and I can still barley taste anything. I was one of those ones that were extra cautious but still got caught. I’m just glad I didn’t have to go to the hospital but that first day I had symptoms I seriously thought I was dying because every symptom was hitting me at the same time.

Sanitize and follow CDC guidelines because this virus is no jokes.
Good to see you’re still breathing and alive. Stay as safe as you can brotha.
Thank you and I’m trying to but this really does take a toll on you physically, mentally and emotionally. I’ve been exhausted since the 13th.

The stress of having this is draining enough id imagine. My bro had it back in April-ish and while he wasnt bad at all (ive seen his allergies hit him worse) he said the worst part was just knowing he had something that could affect everyone so differently. Super draining on his end, didnt help that he was basically stuck in his room for almost 2 weeks.
I tested positive almost two weeks ago and felt like absolute ****. Bad enough I have asthma but it lets me know that my upper respiratory system is absolute trash because I felt like death way too often. I lost my sense of smell and taste along with my appetite to eat. I think I started to gain my senses back after 12 days and I can still barley taste anything. I was one of those ones that were extra cautious but still got caught. I’m just glad I didn’t have to go to the hospital but that first day I had symptoms I seriously thought I was dying because every symptom was hitting me at the same time.

Sanitize and follow CDC guidelines because this virus is no jokes.
Damn bro I’m glad to hear you’re good now. I’m in the same boat as you with having asthma so I’m legit shook about it. Also where I work I gotta deal with the public so that kinda has me a bit more paranoid because foos wanna not wear a mask or not wear it correctly. Did you have wheezing and difficulty breathing due to asthma? did you have to nebulize often or were you just using an emergency inhaler? Definitely glad to hear you’re gucci!
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