Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Swedish folks aren't selfish capitalist morons like Americans are. While it was still dumb to be so lax, their socialist/"greater good" attitudes and smaller population worked out for them.

Yes the US is more self interest. That is true.
But the Nordic model of “Social Democracy” is not “Democratic Socialism”. They flat out tell you they are not. Really wish people stop believing that outrageous Lie. In fact they have some policies even more Capitalistic freedom than the US.

Fascinating read. Outlier though. No way, not even sure would have worked anywhere else.
Centre-Left coalition government that adopted libertarian procedures to combat Virus:
-5,763 fatalities out of 10.1 million people.
-no lockdown, no mask mandate.
-Public gatherings of more than 50 people were prohibited – but barbers, cafes, gyms, restaurants, shops and schools for children under 16 were allowed to stay open.
-urged people to socially distance, work from home where possible, and isolate if at risk or showing symptoms.
-An official inquiry found almost half of Sweden’s Covid-19 deaths by end of June took place in elderly care homes concentrated in 40 of the country’s 290 municipalities though.


I was pretty surprised/impressed to see Sweden's numbers go down, but some points:

1) So did the numbers in other Nordic countries, and they suffered much fewer deaths (3x to 10x less), suggesting this improvement in Sweden and these other countries may be related to their summer weather (warm but not too warm seems to be ideal, as seen for much of the USA as well). Numbers seem to be climbing in all these Scandinavian countries the past couple weeks, although it's pretty low levels and the deaths are near 0 in all. Also, Sweden's daily counts are still 5x Norway's per capita, so I think this herd immunity thing they're claiming is ********.

2) As you point out, Sweden did impose restrictions, just not as many, and there was probably a good amount of self-imposed restrictions too, indicating there's probably some sweet spot between full lockdown and no restrictions at all, which I think nobody serious disagrees with. And, as you guys have said, their society may make them more amenable to naturally socially distancing, whereas in places like Florida you need heavy-handed restrictions for people to listen.

3) They took an economic hit on par with other Nordic countries, indicating the economic setbacks occur whether you keep things open or not. It also seems to be because their economy is heavily dependent on surrounding countries. Perhaps a less interconnected country would've fared better.
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Yes the US is more self interest. That is true.
But the Nordic model of “Social Democracy” is not “Democratic Socialism”. They flat out tell you they are not. Really wish people stop believing that outrageous Lie. In fact they have some policies even more Capitalistic freedom than the US.

Good point. I doubt a true Marxist socialist paradise would ever really work just out of human nature to "want".

My basic point in that post was that Swedish folks aren't greedy selfish *******s like Americans are :lol:

Blows my mind that stories like this and think of those news stories of slaughter/meat processing plants that couldn’t have augmented their safety protocols to prevent spread. Unbelievable.
went to check the mail and saw this notice posted 🦠😖

My apt complex is made up of hospital workers, mostly RN’s and DR’s. At one point in April there must have been like 15+ with it in the building. Didnt really spread within the building at all. I woudnt worry, you’ll be aite.
It’s very funny how these hypebeast FACE MASKS are selling out and fast like jordans. People turning a damn pandemic into a fashion show lol.
You just mad you a broke boi. Save up them stimulus checks b.
Nah just messing with you, but I'm not mad at companies that are capitalizing and keeping food on the table. I definitely wouldn't buy a designer mask though, that's for sure.
It’s very funny how these hypebeast FACE MASKS are selling out and fast like jordans. People turning a damn pandemic into a fashion show lol.

what are you on about, plague fashion is all the rage on Earth...gonna start a pandemic style blog, watch.

Better question for all the lawmakers in charge making a mockery of and sacrificing long term public health in the name of short term financial and political gain when the state of the economy has always been directly connected to the state of public health/safety :smh:

a sad but truthful article on the state of our country with no end of the virus in sight
It's wild to think that 10% of Americans (ballpark figure) have already gotten coronavirus.

It's also crazy to think that it's been nearly 6 months, so at this pace we'd need another 2 years to approach herd immunity.
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