Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

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?.?.? So then I guess it's not really a vaccine then is it right?.? It's more of a treatment?.? Whoever wrote the article doesn't seem like they really understand...
(Websters defintion) Vaccine: a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases, prepared from the causative agent of a disease, its products, or a synthetic substitute, treated to act as an antigen without inducing the disease.
the influenza vaccine is about 60% effective, so it seems to be right on par with that,.
I guess the different between the influenza and covid is the amount of strains. Based on what I know, and its limited (but I am a huge believer in getting my yearly flu shot and have asked my doctor questions in regards to the shot), with the regular flu, there's usually just 2 strains, and based on research, they do their best "guesstimate" on which strain will hit us this flu season?

With Covid, aren't they saying there are 5+ strains, potentially? So in that case, the odds get worst on picking the right strain to combat?
I haven't seen anything yet that the different strains of covid are significant. They are minor mutations that can be used to trace the spread of the virus (and some speculation that it's contagiousness has increased). But maybe that has changed?

The vaccine doesn't have to be 100% effective on individuals to eradicate the disease. Yes, ideally it would be 100% effective, so if you get the vaccine, you are immune. But even if it's 50% effective, if the majority of the population gets the vaccine, then we can eradicate the virus by herd immunity. The simple explanation is that it reduces R0 to less than 1 (an infected person spreads the virus to less than 1 other person, so eventually it dies out).
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if we added up the daily new positive and new hospitalizations plus deaths
the numbers wound not be good nyc is still in trouble

here are the official numbers from august 1th to august 8th

new positive 5,337

new hospitalizations 4,537

new deaths 30 this is in i believe all of nys not the 5 boroughs alone but i could be wrong

the number are lower than march april and may in one week thank goodness and most other states currently
but tell that to the people that are positive where hospitalizations or sadly died from corvd-19 in the last 8 days
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I love the critique that certain vaccines are only X% effective, therefore they're not worth taking.

As opposed to the 0% efficacy of not taking the damn thing.
Hmm. Chatted yesterday with a coworker who came from extended leave due to a complicated bout with covid.

First thing I noticed was he had lost a lot of weight. He was a chubby ish dude last time I saw him. He looked pretty skinny yesterday.

I asked him about it, not knowing he had covid and he told me about why he was out.

Apparently it took three months for him to recover, and it had taken two months for him to even get his sense of smell and taste back.


Glad he's alive though.

And this guy normally works a different shift and a different floor from me so it's not unusual for me to not know he's been out and why for lol
I love the critique that certain vaccines are only X% effective, therefore they're not worth taking.

As opposed to the 0% efficacy of not taking the damn thing.
I think it has more to do with Covid being deadlier so people would like to see more than a 50/50 shot at it being effective.
Of course we'd like a higher chance of efficacy, but that logic makes absolutely no sense.
logic or not, with a disease that has shut our country down, to expect better than 50/50 is not unreasonable. 50/50 does not bode well for us.

I mean, if we want to talk about logic, there was a time you made fun of me for wanting to wear a mask back in February because it didn't make sense to you.

logic or not, with a disease that has shut our country down, to expect better than 50/50 is not unreasonable. 50/50 does not bode well for us.

I mean, if we want to talk about logic, there was a time you made fun of me for wanting to wear a mask back in February because it didn't make sense to you.

So 0% efficacy is somehow superior to 50% efficacy?

So 0% efficacy is somehow superior to 50% efficacy?

come on, nobody is saying that.

All anyone is saying, is if they have an issue, 50/50 kind of is a downer when we're talking covid. At 50/50, the world doesn't just open back up like it was normal times.

With the regular flu, at 50/50, its not as disappointing. You get a shot, and you still get the flu, oh well, I'll be sick for a few days.

But with covid, I'm fine with anyone expecting better.
come on, nobody is saying that.

All anyone is saying, is if they have an issue, 50/50 kind of is a downer when we're talking covid. At 50/50, the world doesn't just open back up like it was normal times.

With the regular flu, at 50/50, its not as disappointing. You get a shot, and you still get the flu, oh well, I'll be sick for a few days.

But with covid, I'm fine with anyone expecting better.
Dawg that's not what I'm saying either. I'm saying nitpicking and *****ing/moaning because something isn't as effective as you want it to be is silly given our current state of affairs.

If we create a vaccine that's safe, but doesn't provide great efficacy it should still be celebrated because no matter what it's STILL it's an improvement from our current state.

It's equal parts laughable and frustrating to hear a bunch of people with no background in medicine, pharmacology, epidemiology, etc. talk about how they "expect better."
Dawg that's not what I'm saying either. I'm saying nitpicking and *****ing/moaning because something isn't as effective as you want it to be is silly given our current state of affairs.

If we create a vaccine that's safe, but doesn't provide great efficacy it should still be celebrated because no matter what it's STILL it's an improvement from our current state.

It's equal parts laughable and frustrating to hear a bunch of people with no background in medicine, pharmacology, epidemiology, etc. talk about how they "expect better."
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