Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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If and when a vaccine is found Trump will probably somehow try to take credit for it.

To be fair, the US government has allocated billion$ toward vaccine research, development and production. If there's one thing they did right, it was placing support behind some of the most promising vaccine candidates in the world, not necessarily those who are just US based. They have theoretically secured many millions of doses in advance from multiple potential vaccines in case one or more does not prove to be safe or effective. How this all unfolds over the next year+ will be interesting, to say the least.
all cali niketalkers please stay safe even casper90403 casper90403

especially my friend Blake P Blake P

Cuomo must've begged Trump for funding behind closed doors and reopening the school districts was part of the deal because I have no idea how he thinks we can get away with this
thats a very good point
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If and when a vaccine is found Trump will probably somehow try to take credit for it.

Oh abso-goddamn-lutely. Son of a ***** prolly say something like “before Me, we didn’t even have a coronavirus vaccine. Obama couldn’t even make a vaccine. If it wasn’t for my vaccine, crooked Hilary would have used the virus to take your guns.”
200 new cases in my county. city parks shutting down. they’re deciding what to do with schools. my son’s school is still supposed to go back at the end of this month. my wife doesn’t want in-person and i want him in school but now....she’s making a real good case for her preference.

200 new cases in my county. city parks shutting down. they’re deciding what to do with schools. my son’s school is still supposed to go back at the end of this month. my wife doesn’t want in-person and i want him in school but now....she’s making a real good case for her preference.


I don't see how closing parks even make a difference tbh, need to implement the ban on gatherings again.

glad this is finally happening tho, who even knows what the military been doing since there's no transparency.

article says more likely to have vaccine that is 50-75% effectiveness for vaccine. Hopefully we develop treatment for it that is effective as well.
bruh.. I attended LIC HS in queens and it had about 2500 students... who would come from all parts of queens and some in manhattan. this is gonna be a mess

I think this is one of the funniest things I’ve seen all year. I first saw it a few months ago on ig and I still go back and watch it every few weeks. :rofl: **** is hilarious. “Stay tuned “. Dude all red and sweaty lookin like the devil. My god, it’s a masterpiece. :lol:
article says more likely to have vaccine that is 50-75% effectiveness for vaccine. Hopefully we develop treatment for it that is effective as well.

?.?.? So then I guess it's not really a vaccine then is it right?.? It's more of a treatment?.? Whoever wrote the article doesn't seem like they really understand...
(Websters defintion) Vaccine: a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases, prepared from the causative agent of a disease, its products, or a synthetic substitute, treated to act as an antigen without inducing the disease.
?.?.? So then I guess it's not really a vaccine then is it right?.? It's more of a treatment?.? Whoever wrote the article doesn't seem like they really understand...
(Websters defintion) Vaccine: a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases, prepared from the causative agent of a disease, its products, or a synthetic substitute, treated to act as an antigen without inducing the disease.

if its 50% effective then there will be a yearly shot and they will likely have to guess what the dominant strain of COVID-19 is that year
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