Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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So Trump cuts unemployment benefits by $200 per week during a pandemic.

Rough for those of you who needed it.

Also payroll tax cut for those making less than $100k. Not sure why we couldn't help the unemployed even more than those who are employed.

I've hated the guy since his Pizza Hut commerical, but at least he did something. Not saying it was the best by any means, just something. My big beef is hazard pay? Why are the people who have to work in this get nothing extra to risk their lives?
true, better than nothing is a way to look at this but he could have done better.

I just don't understand the payroll tax cut. How does that help the unemployed? That just helps the employer and employee, right? I guess it helps those who have dual income household.
true, better than nothing is a way to look at this but he could have done better.

I just don't understand the payroll tax cut. How does that help the unemployed? That just helps the employer and employee, right? I guess it helps those who have dual income household.

The payroll tax cut is a pet project of his own interests, hes been wanting to do it since maybe even before the Coronavirus hit. I'm not real up on it, but I know for a fact before we knew we were going to need another stimulus package he said he wasn't on board with anything unless t hff at was included. I *think* he even threatened to veto.
Trump DEFINITELY wants those votes. l wouldn't be surprised if that was his plan all along... As in, knowing the disease was coming, hit instead of taking appropriate security measures, allow it to hit us then provide extra 600/week. 'Fight' for a while behind the scenes then let the little people think you saved them. Typical psychopath (or maybe sociopath) behavior.
To be fair, the US government has allocated billion$ toward vaccine research, development and production. If there's one thing they did right, it was placing support behind some of the most promising vaccine candidates in the world, not necessarily those who are just US based. They have theoretically secured many millions of doses in advance from multiple potential vaccines in case one or more does not prove to be safe or effective. How this all unfolds over the next year+ will be interesting, to say the least.


went to check the mail and saw this notice posted 🦠😖
Dawg that's not what I'm saying either. I'm saying nitpicking and *****ing/moaning because something isn't as effective as you want it to be is silly given our current state of affairs.

If we create a vaccine that's safe, but doesn't provide great efficacy it should still be celebrated because no matter what it's STILL it's an improvement from our current state.

It's equal parts laughable and frustrating to hear a bunch of people with no background in medicine, pharmacology, epidemiology, etc. talk about how they "expect better."
It is wild to me that people can't understand that even a vaccine that is 50% effective would result in a massive reduction in infections, and lower deaths as a result.

If 1 person infects 2 people, and no one is immune, if you run that model after 4 rounds you have like 30 new infections.

If 50% of the people are immune, you only get 4 new infections.
The payroll tax cut is a pet project of his own interests, hes been wanting to do it since maybe even before the Coronavirus hit. I'm not real up on it, but I know for a fact before we knew we were going to need another stimulus package he said he wasn't on board with anything unless t hff at was included. I *think* he even threatened to veto.
What I'm wondering is, when did the executive branch get the ability to disburse public funds? That has always been one of, if not the most important power of the legislative branch other than crafting and passing laws.
What I'm wondering is, when did the executive branch get the ability to disburse public funds? That has always been one of, if not the most important power of the legislative branch other than crafting and passing laws.
It is a political play.

His people knows it is unconstitutional, but they want the Dems to sue them because at best they win and can stay they extended the benefits (even though they are the ones that refuse to compromise on the stimulus), or the Dems wiln and the UI extension has to end and he can blame the Dems for cutting people off.
Trump DEFINITELY wants those votes. l wouldn't be surprised if that was his plan all along... As in, knowing the disease was coming, hit instead of taking appropriate security measures, allow it to hit us then provide extra 600/week. 'Fight' for a while behind the scenes then let the little people think you saved them. Typical psychopath (or maybe sociopath) behavior.

bro thats always been his plan trumps too easy to read
i will say he didn't know the virus was coming since he didnt real the reports on china back in november and when it hit he said it's going to disappear and a hoax

from trump's personality i believe he doesn't like surprises he got away with alot of crap in the past 4 years and this hit him and screwed up a almost easy win just on the economy alone

the coronavirus from the way he handled it and didn't expect or care what happened to the country & screwed up his wet dream of a win its still hard to say who will win at this point but i believe he's going to lose
i thought he would lose back in 2016 with the grabbing the ***** nonsense and he won

the redneck hillbilly inbred fat bikers are going to get so many more people so sick

i said it before and im sure ill say it again china would never allow something like to to happen
thats the only plus in a communist country during a worldwide pandemic

in a time like this the freedoms this country has just for traveling has need to be take away from stupid selfish americans like these jerks
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Fascinating read. Outlier though. No way, not even sure would have worked anywhere else.
Centre-Left coalition government that adopted libertarian procedures to combat Virus:
-5,763 fatalities out of 10.1 million people.
-no lockdown, no mask mandate.
-Public gatherings of more than 50 people were prohibited – but barbers, cafes, gyms, restaurants, shops and schools for children under 16 were allowed to stay open.
-urged people to socially distance, work from home where possible, and isolate if at risk or showing symptoms.
-An official inquiry found almost half of Sweden’s Covid-19 deaths by end of June took place in elderly care homes concentrated in 40 of the country’s 290 municipalities though.


It is a political play.

His people knows it is unconstitutional, but they want the Dems to sue them because at best they win and can stay they extended the benefits (even though they are the ones that refuse to compromise on the stimulus), or the Dems wiln and the UI extension has to end and he can blame the Dems for cutting people off.

It's wild when you end up hoping for people like Ben Sasse to bring some kind of legal action.
America isn’t capitalist b. It’s corporate socialist.

there are no bail outs in capitalism. Delta, gm and all that would have been dinosaurs by now.

[insert Zo gif] touche. Adam Smith is rolling over in his grave.
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