Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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I'd like for you to follow an offensive lineman's daily routine and come back with this
a daily routine of what? working out? recovery? massages? what else? what does his training have to do with what I said?

"The homeless men have been moved from dorm-style shelters around the city so they can be sheltered one or two to a room to better protect them from COVID-19, officials explain. "

this is what covid 19 and bleeding heart liberals have done to manhattan and people on here think i should vote for a democrat for president ?

thats why im not voting at all

read the whole article and tell me something different
this is at a city level can you imagine if something like this happened at the federal level all around the country
in a way it's already happened in some liberal states by freeing convicts that have NO right to be freed from prisons on the crimes they committed in liberal run states like new york city

i want to see someone tell me i'm wrong
F outta here

in the past few months that covid ravaged manhattan i have see more "bums and junkies" not homeless people but "bums and junkies" living on the streets of manhattan then i have seen since the late 80's and early 90's
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Any Bay Area people here that can let me know what daily life there is looking like? My parents/friends there live in residential areas far from crowded places with ignorant people, so they don’t have a good idea of what’s going on outside of their safe zones.

I’m still in Chicago at the moment, and the lack of masks and social distancing is continuing despite cases hitting record highs since May. Outdoor restaurants and bars are PACKED with tables that are maybe 2 feet max away from each other. What’s most disappointing is seeing minorities taking part in this foolishness too. At least back home, all the minorities I saw wore masks and practiced good hygiene/safety. Out here, they seem to be no different than the usual suspects, so it’s hard to feel safe whenever I have to leave my spot

Any Bay Area people here that can let me know what daily life there is looking like? My parents/friends there live in residential areas far from crowded places with ignorant people, so they don’t have a good idea of what’s going on outside of their safe zones.

I’m still in Chicago at the moment, and the lack of masks and social distancing is continuing despite cases hitting record highs since May. Outdoor restaurants and bars are PACKED with tables that are maybe 2 feet max away from each other. What’s most disappointing is seeing minorities taking part in this foolishness too. At least back home, all the minorities I saw wore masks and practiced good hygiene/safety. Out here, they seem to be no different than the usual suspects, so it’s hard to feel safe whenever I have to leave my spot
Really depends on which part of the Bay Area. SF has done a pretty good job when it comes social distancing. But since Memorial Day, folks are still gathering at Delores Park, Golden Gate Park, and the beaches.

Walnut Creek seems to not follow social distancing. Even with outdoor eating, the restaurants are packed and I've noticed many not wear masks.

Where do your parents live?
Any Bay Area people here that can let me know what daily life there is looking like? My parents/friends there live in residential areas far from crowded places with ignorant people, so they don’t have a good idea of what’s going on outside of their safe zones.

I’m still in Chicago at the moment, and the lack of masks and social distancing is continuing despite cases hitting record highs since May. Outdoor restaurants and bars are PACKED with tables that are maybe 2 feet max away from each other. What’s most disappointing is seeing minorities taking part in this foolishness too. At least back home, all the minorities I saw wore masks and practiced good hygiene/safety. Out here, they seem to be no different than the usual suspects, so it’s hard to feel safe whenever I have to leave my spot

im in nob hill so i do my errands around north beach, chinatown, financial district, and russian hill. i go out a couple times a week for walks, groceries and picking up food to go. Not as slow and dead as it was in april as more people are out doing things.

for the most part, i would estimate 90% of the people i see are wearing masks. the other 5% has it their hand, and some just dont care enough.

Restaurants in north beach starting doing outdoor dining and tables are always booked. Seems quieter when its the typical SF summer day of fog and overcast but when the sun comes out and its nice, its like a giant outdoor party.

half of the joggers i see at least have a mask around their neck and would pull it up when getting too close. few actually run with the masks on but most of them would just run right by you like everything was normal.

haven't taken any public transportation but around my area, there's so many bus lines and from what i can see are never too crowded and all riders have masks. but there was that one incident a few weeks ago where a bus driver refused to depart until two riders wore a mask and ended up getting attacked with a baseball bat.

Every place i had to go inside (trader joes, safeway, restaurants, post office) has line monitors and some even refuse entry if your mask has that valve.
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