Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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Boy, glad I don’t have kids. Parents who will take their kids to school again will get judged, and so will those who don’t. It’s a lose lose situation.

Parents can judge all they want. My son is doing online schooling going into the 1st grade. My number 1 concern and priority is my son’s safety and well being. It’s a winning situation for me.

As for other parents, that’s their own prerogative. I don’t judge. Unless the parent is being stupid and not doing anything to support their child. I’ve heard parents talk sh** about online learning but they aren’t doing anything to help the child learn, etc... All they do is complain about the school work and how they don’t have the time. Smh. My son attends a private school so they’ve got some rich housewives who are upset cuz their children’s education is cutting into their yoga time.
what kind of mask are you using?
From the Nate Silver tweet a couple pages back (reposted below) and from the post by Olympus Olympus , I agree that we need to be ready for the possibility that we don't find an effective vaccine.

But I think it's too early to decide on the best strategy until we get better information. The two main strategies are 1) let it rip and be ready for the fallout or 2) keep the virus at bay for as long as possible. This heavily depends on a) how deadly is the virus (how good are our treatments) and are the long-term health consequences really that common and b) can we control the spread of the virus with minimal interventions (are masks alone good enough to get an R0 < 1).

It appears the fatality rate may be closer to 0.5% than to 1.0%, but that's still 1.5 million dead. We need to see how the next month goes though with Texas, Florida, Arizona, and California before we can confidently say that the fatality rate is significantly lower now than in April. I do think it's possible it may get down into the 0.25-0.5% range, in which case the equation changes and perhaps we shift to strategy #1.

But if we find that places with adherence to wearing masks every time you leave the house (much better than not leaving the house at all) is enough, and we can get widespread rapid testing deployed throughout the country, then maybe the new normal (strategy #2) is tolerable in the long-term for society. Or maybe a hybrid strategy is best.

And, yes, we do need more reliable stats on the frequency of all these things. We post the individual horror stories (careful couple gets their entire family sick and everybody's in the ICU) and I find myself going paranoid if I sneeze or get a headache. We need to evolve our strategy beyond what we started with in February or March, and we need to go beyond anecdotes and start working with hard numbers.

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Ordered some small hand sanitizer bottles from Amazon and they came frozen.
Does anyone know if that affects the disinfecting properties of the product?
Welp we are on weekend lockdown over here again. :emoji_angry:

We've had damn near 200 new cases of covid-19 since we eased restriction on the July 1st.

Total cases skyrocketed from 120 or so to now 316 in less than a month.

The main reason for this is a lot of my fellow Bahamians decided it would be a good a idea to hop on a plane the beginning of this month and travel to............................Florida.

Man I spoke to my Pops earlier and he and his homies got together a month ago to bury a friend who passed (non COVID related.)

One of em fell extremely ill and passed out about a week later. He got tested and they found out he had it. It was about 15-20 ppl there all in their late 50 early 60s and they all got tested and bout 10 of em tested positive for COVID. My pops 59 and is in excellent shape for his age and he tested positive for the antibodies test and he said he hadn’t been sick at all. His lady and a few of my siblings he had been around got tested and they were all negative.

It hit a few of them pretty hard tho. The first one who got sick is a diabetic and he was in the hospital for 2 and a half weeks. They did a plasma transfusion he got sent home a few days later and lost his vision out the blue and had to go right back to the hospital That’s wild. One is a cancer survivor and it hit him pretty hard but he’s good now. He was giving me the rundown on all em...one of his homies would classify as severely obese and he didn’t get sick neither. Crazy thing but no surprise is they all got HBP, my pops and most of them got that under control. But that’s crazy how it effected a group of ppl all in the same age bracket. Luckily nobody passed.
Ordered some small hand sanitizer bottles from Amazon and they came frozen.
Does anyone know if that affects the disinfecting properties of the product?

Catching up for the day:
Check number 4 & 6 for some answers.


Really odd that freeze happened.
What’s the percentage of ethyl alcohol?
Consensus seems to be “No”.
More concern about higher temps and evaporation.

Man I spoke to my Pops earlier and he and his homies got together a month ago to bury a friend who passed (non COVID related.)

One of em fell extremely ill and passed out about a week later. He got tested and they found out he had it. It was about 15-20 ppl there all in their late 50 early 60s and they all got tested and bout 10 of em tested positive for COVID. My pops 59 and is in excellent shape for his age and he tested positive for the antibodies test and he said he hadn’t been sick at all. His lady and a few of my siblings he had been around got tested and they were all negative.

It hit a few of them pretty hard tho. The first one who got sick is a diabetic and he was in the hospital for 2 and a half weeks. They did a plasma transfusion he got sent home a few days later and lost his vision out the blue and had to go right back to the hospital That’s wild. One is a cancer survivor and it hit him pretty hard but he’s good now. He was giving me the rundown on all em...one of his homies would classify as severely obese and he didn’t get sick neither. Crazy thing but no surprise is they all got HBP, my pops and most of them got that under control. But that’s crazy how it effected a group of ppl all in the same age bracket. Luckily nobody passed.

Glad your dad is ok.
I truly appreciate you being the voice of reason here. It all makes perfect sense and you're absolutely right on all accounts. If I didn't have parents (over 65) and grandparents (+/-90) that I care about, I would likely be much less concerned. I see my dad almost every day, even through the pandemic, and it would ruin me to know that my carelessness led to his death.

I hope everyone you mentioned continues to stay safe over there. It definitely changes when you’re close to high risk individuals. My dad is overweight, but otherwise I think he’s okay but I still worry at times. My girlfriend’s father is a diabetic and overweight and her mother has COPD, likely from smoking. I worry about them too. Luckily everyone has been okay.

From the Nate Silver tweet a couple pages back (reposted below) and from the post by Olympus Olympus , I agree that we need to be ready for the possibility that we don't find an effective vaccine.

But I think it's too early to decide on the best strategy until we get better information. The two main strategies are 1) let it rip and be ready for the fallout or 2) keep the virus at bay for as long as possible. This heavily depends on a) how deadly is the virus (how good are our treatments) and are the long-term health consequences really that common and b) can we control the spread of the virus with minimal interventions (are masks alone good enough to get an R0 < 1).

It appears the fatality rate may be closer to 0.5% than to 1.0%, but that's still 1.5 million dead. We need to see how the next month goes though with Texas, Florida, Arizona, and California before we can confidently say that the fatality rate is significantly lower now than in April. I do think it's possible it may get down into the 0.25-0.5% range, in which case the equation changes and perhaps we shift to strategy #1.

But if we find that places with adherence to wearing masks every time you leave the house (much better than not leaving the house at all) is enough, and we can get widespread rapid testing deployed throughout the country, then maybe the new normal (strategy #2) is tolerable in the long-term for society. Or maybe a hybrid strategy is best.

And, yes, we do need more reliable stats on the frequency of all these things. We post the individual horror stories (careful couple gets their entire family sick and everybody's in the ICU) and I find myself going paranoid if I sneeze or get a headache. We need to evolve our strategy beyond what we started with in February or March, and we need to go beyond anecdotes and start working with hard numbers.

Here’s the other twist: regardless of what we find does work best, it’s still up to the gen pop to actually adhere to it. Human behavior has got to be one of the most wildly unpredictable variables in the universe.

I think that article from the Silver tweet mentioned it as well. If we don’t have a vaccine or clear treatment by the early 2021 target we’ve been told about this whole time, this thing might just come apart at the seams. People will only be willing to follow the rules for so long. I mean hell, some people stopped after a few weeks when we had even less data and knew even less about it and had less treatments. Imagine a full year when people look around and see the world hasn’t come to an end like they were told.

The timeline isn’t just for the vaccine. It’s for peoples will and patience as well. At some point, the rent will be due. (If that even makes sense :lol:)
Ordered some small hand sanitizer bottles from Amazon and they came frozen.
Does anyone know if that affects the disinfecting properties of the product?

try and get your money back
i'm almost sure it's not supposed to be frozen
how good it will be i don't know

i'm pretty sure you can find hand sanitizer now in nyc
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STOP buying hand sanditizer.... all the recalls all the pporly made variants under immense time crunch

im GOOD, btw alcohol shouldnt freeze, your jus rubbing clear **** on your hands

hot water and soap!!! real soap! carry around lotion like you do sanitizer
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