Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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I fully support the decision of my state to implement a mandatory mask wearing rule ANYTIME you’re outside your house.

that being said, today is the first day I’ve worn my mask while at the gym. It’s ******* DIFFICULT, and it sucks bigtime.

i hope I’m saving lives because I’m figuratively dying fambs.
I fully support the decision of my state to implement a mandatory mask wearing rule ANYTIME you’re outside your house.

that being said, today is the first day I’ve worn my mask while at the gym. It’s ****ing DIFFICULT, and it sucks bigtime.

i hope I’m saving lives because I’m figuratively dying fambs.
youve got to think of it like elevation training or some ****, and know when eventually the mask comes off you’re gonna be that much better. :lol:
Boy, glad I don’t have kids. Parents who will take their kids to school again will get judged, and so will those who don’t. It’s a lose lose situation.
I’m really thinking about asking the preschool how many kids will be in my sons class. If it’s under 5 I may just send him, I feel like 99% of people are pulling their kids so he may be the only kid there potentially (or one of very few). :lol:
I’m really thinking about asking the preschool how many kids will be in my sons class. If it’s under 5 I may just send him, I feel like 99% of people are pulling their kids so he may be the only kid there potentially (or one of very few). :lol:

IMO, it depends what the point of sending him is for you. If keeping him home will cause more harm than good (economically, mentally, developmentally, etc) then it's probably best to send him. If it's just so mommy can have free time to get her nails done, lunch with friends, etc. (like most of the moms from my kids' private school who are pissed at Newsom, BTW) then it's probably best to keep him home and work on the basics this year.
IMO, it depends what the point of sending him is for you. If keeping him home will cause more harm than good (economically, mentally, developmentally, etc) then it's probably best to send him. If it's just so mommy can have free time to get her nails done, lunch with friends, etc. (like most of the moms from my kids' private school who are pissed at Newsom, BTW) then it's probably best to keep him home and work on the basics this year.
My wife works. We both do.
I fully support the decision of my state to implement a mandatory mask wearing rule ANYTIME you’re outside your house.

that being said, today is the first day I’ve worn my mask while at the gym. It’s ****ing DIFFICULT, and it sucks bigtime.

i hope I’m saving lives because I’m figuratively dying fambs.

Honestly bruh it wasn't a problem for me UNTIL I ****** around and hit some heavy deadlifts. I almost fainted.

Squats ran me the same fade. :lol:
Nah, I can't workout with a mask on. That would be too much for me, lol. I'm glad that I'm able to workout at home. I already wear my mask for almost 8 hours at work and there are times I feel winded with it on (just going up/down the stairs).
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I guess I should get a training mask if I want to get back to my gym again.
Honestly bruh it wasn't a problem for me UNTIL I ****ed around and hit some heavy deadlifts. I almost fainted.

Squats ran me the same fade. :lol:

See that’s where I’m at. On Monday, I read that the mandate was comin through on Friday. So all week I’m cruising through chest day, arms, shoulders thinking that when mask day comes

SIKE!!!!! Today was back day. All sorts of deadlift variations And pulls. I climbed down from the pull-up bar like
My wife works. We both do.

Would either of you be able to work a different shift so that you wouldn't have to find child care or would your only option be for one of you to leave your job? Who has been watching him up until now? Promise I'm not prying, just trying to understand. This is the whole reason my wife stayed home with the kids until they were school age while building her freelance business to be able to work from home.
Nah, I can't workout with a mask on. That would be too much for me, lol. I'm glad that I'm able to workout at home. I already wear my mask for almost 8 hours at work and there are times I feel winded with it on (just going up/down the stairs).

What kind of mask do you wear?

I have to wear a mask when coaching, a lot of shouting and communicating, I find the surgical masks to be much more breathable than cloth.
Would either of you be able to work a different shift so that you wouldn't have to find child care or would your only option be for one of you to leave your job? Who has been watching him up until now? Promise I'm not prying, just trying to understand. This is the whole reason my wife stayed home with the kids until they were school age while building her freelance business to be able to work from home.
He was only going to go two days/week. My wife stays here with him the other days. Since my wife has been back at work he goes to a sitter (a friend that has a son the same age) that only watches my son and hers on those days. I’m probably not going to send him into school (essentially daycare he is so young), but just thought since everyone is pulling their kids then sending him to the preschool may be the same as him going to the sitter. I’m starting a new job next month and will not have as much flexibility as I currently have (at first) so I really was hoping that school wouldn’t be an issue and I could have that certainty of him having somewhere to go those two days. As it is currently if the sitter cancels then I have to take the day off, even though I am the primary income. It has been difficult lately as I have a large workload, and as mentioned I can’t do that right away at new job. I’ve tried to get my wife to stop working but she will not entertain that, she loves her job and is not the type that can stay home with child 5 days/week which is understandable. Anyways, he will probably just continue to go to the sitter until ****s back to somewhat normal.
I believe there’s too much focus on the death rate. The various ways this disease can affect people is what’s truly scary, IMO. I don’t know about you, but I don’t think getting back to “the old normal” will happen within this decade. Anyone thinking the vaccine is the end of the pandemic is dreaming.

Sure, but how prevalent are the side effects we hear about? Seems like the overwhelming majority of cases resolve themselves without adverse side effects. Genuinely curious if there are statistics around this.

We also have to keep this in perspective. We’re so hyper focused on COVID that we forget there’s other diseases that we have lived with up to this point that also do this as well like TB or flu. Just to touch on the flu specifically...

Short summary, but definitely read the article:

1. increased risk for heart attack and stroke that can last weeks or months after symptoms subside.

2. Secondary infections like pneumonia

3. Reduced white blood cell and cholesterol levels for a time after symptoms fade

4. Physical decline, particularly in the elderly, that can cause hospitalization, reduced muscle mass, and reduced quality of life.

5. Loss of strength and endurance from reduced muscle mass

Also from WebMD:

“You might also have muscle inflammation (myositis), problems with your central nervous system, and heartproblems such as heart attacks, inflammation of the organ (myocarditis), and inflammation of the sac around it (pericarditis).”

If you heard that was from COVID we’d all believe it and it would be another reason to be fearful of the virus and fuel more desire for lockdowns. But when you hear that it’s the flu, something that’s so commonplace in our society and we’ve accepted the risk/reward ratio and trade offs that come with living with the virus, it’s actually kind of shocking because we don’t view the flu that way. It’s the same way I felt when I learned a person with the flu was capable of being asymptomatic (50-70% of cases actually). I thought only COVID was capable of that which made it even scarier.

Im not saying all of that to say COVID shouldn’t be of concern. Of course, Texas is already having issues with hospital capacity and having to make difficult triage decisions. However, I just wonder how much hyperbole, misinformation and/or lack of context is coloring our view of the virus and the decision making processes from above. I’m not saying to disrespect the virus, but I also don’t think mass hysteria is helpful either.

Society will have to live with COVID, possibly forever, and, right or wrong, I don’t think this country is going to wait very long. If the CDC is estimating ~25 million to have the virus already, and the pace we’re on, we on the fast track to herd immunity anyway (not herd immunity in the sense that it won’t spread, but moreso most people having some forms of memory T cells/antibodies that can help reduce severity of the virus like we have with the flu).
I fully support the decision of my state to implement a mandatory mask wearing rule ANYTIME you’re outside your house.

that being said, today is the first day I’ve worn my mask while at the gym. It’s ****ing DIFFICULT, and it sucks bigtime.

i hope I’m saving lives because I’m figuratively dying fambs.

what kind of mask are you using?
Sure, but how prevalent are the side effects we hear about? Seems like the overwhelming majority of cases resolve themselves without adverse side effects. Genuinely curious if there are statistics around this.

We also have to keep this in perspective. We’re so hyper focused on COVID that we forget there’s other diseases that we have lived with up to this point that also do this as well like TB or flu. Just to touch on the flu specifically...

Short summary, but definitely read the article:

1. increased risk for heart attack and stroke that can last weeks or months after symptoms subside.

2. Secondary infections like pneumonia

3. Reduced white blood cell and cholesterol levels for a time after symptoms fade

4. Physical decline, particularly in the elderly, that can cause hospitalization, reduced muscle mass, and reduced quality of life.

5. Loss of strength and endurance from reduced muscle mass

Also from WebMD:

“You might also have muscle inflammation (myositis), problems with your central nervous system, and heartproblems such as heart attacks, inflammation of the organ (myocarditis), and inflammation of the sac around it (pericarditis).”

If you heard that was from COVID we’d all believe it and it would be another reason to be fearful of the virus and fuel more desire for lockdowns. But when you hear that it’s the flu, something that’s so commonplace in our society and we’ve accepted the risk/reward ratio and trade offs that come with living with the virus, it’s actually kind of shocking because we don’t view the flu that way. It’s the same way I felt when I learned a person with the flu was capable of being asymptomatic (50-70% of cases actually). I thought only COVID was capable of that which made it even scarier.

Im not saying all of that to say COVID shouldn’t be of concern. Of course, Texas is already having issues with hospital capacity and having to make difficult triage decisions. However, I just wonder how much hyperbole, misinformation and/or lack of context is coloring our view of the virus and the decision making processes from above. I’m not saying to disrespect the virus, but I also don’t think mass hysteria is helpful either.

Society will have to live with COVID, possibly forever, and, right or wrong, I don’t think this country is going to wait very long. If the CDC is estimating ~25 million to have the virus already, and the pace we’re on, we on the fast track to herd immunity anyway (not herd immunity in the sense that it won’t spread, but moreso most people having some forms of memory T cells/antibodies that can help reduce severity of the virus like we have with the flu).

I truly appreciate you being the voice of reason here. It all makes perfect sense and you're absolutely right on all accounts. If I didn't have parents (over 65) and grandparents (+/-90) that I care about, I would likely be much less concerned. I see my dad almost every day, even through the pandemic, and it would ruin me to know that my carelessness led to his death.
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