Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

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For all the people that are back to work, how is your employer handling if an employee is positive for covid ? What about if an employee is sick but unsure of positive for covid? I legit hate how my job has handled the situation. My close group of coworkers are all upset with the way our 2 managers have handled it. They seem to really just not be taking it serious and then some of my other coworkers really don’t seem to grasp how serious it could be for everyone at work.

Edit: Everyone is wearing a mask but I see so many of my coworkers taking it off and leaving it off, halfway on, some take it off for a bit and then throw it back on again. I leave mine on for 8hrs straight and the only time I take it off is once I am in my car. Idk maybe I’m just really paranoid because I’ve got asthma.

We have some pretty strict requirements being mandated by the county. We can only work together in immutable groups of 12 and if one person test positive for COVID, the entire group basically has to self-quarantine for 2 weeks. We also have to get tested weekly.
Thanks for this. Much better than my baseless speculation earlier today.

But to speculate wildly some more.... This could be both good and bad. Unlike covid, there are lots of strains of influenza already circulating, and it seems to be that the flu is worse if you haven't been exposed to a similar strain previously in your life. So shielding us from influenza now could make us more susceptible later. But it's definitely a net positive if the flu season is minimal this year so that it doesn't go around making the pandemic worse. One or two years without a flu isn't going to alter our susceptibility that much.

I wonder if wearing masks in winter could become a normal habit though? Imagine winters without getting the flu and a bunch of colds. Could be nice.

Said before, I’ve been in the habit for decades now to getting a flu shot every Oct. Maybe helps, maybe doesn’t but creates a Health routine to follow. And knock on wood nothing too hardcore has happened.

Because of this Virus, I now do the mask, social distancing when possible and general sanitize clean routine as a matter of habit. Don’t see that changing anytime soon no matter vaccine or when. Probably could do better job with the eating healthy, regular exercise, taking supplements and being out in sun.

Lost in the preventative message is just taking better care physical and mental health. That would counter any fear that things like influenza hitting harder later.

If you really want to go down rabbit hole, here’s a mental exercise: think about how the use of antibacterial and sanitizer. Thought overuse over recent years was bad. Can’t Win.

Stay Safe.

Why some ppl got to be a holes about not wearing masks. If everyone was to wear masks, the virus would be a looooot easier to beat.
In America, people confuse the word 'freedom' with self-centered. If something inconveniences them in the slightest, including common courtesy, they deem their 'freedom' is under attack and become unreasonable.
I'm now of the belief that this virus didn't originate in China.
Russia, the US, Brazil, Sweden, the UK, all have higher numbers than China

Trump's a habitual professional liar and he's made it a point to blame the virus on China
Which leads me to believe what the Chinese said months ago that the virus came from European tourist
i posted this before

look at the black plague
"The plague is thought to have originated in Asia over 2,000 years ago and was likely spread by trading ships, though recent research has indicated the pathogen responsible for the Black Death may have existed in Europe as early as 3000 B.C."

anything is possible that it could have started in europe not china
the problem is the world has it now and it's not going anywhere
i don't think we will never know the true origin of where the coronavirus came
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