Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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I'm now of the belief that this virus didn't originate in China.
Russia, the US, Brazil, Sweden, the UK, all have higher numbers than China

Trump's a habitual professional liar and he's made it a point to blame the virus on China
Which leads me to believe what the Chinese said months ago that the virus came from European tourist
you being serious OG?

Interesting thread to read through.

Question for you guys: what scenario do you think is required to get us back to normal (full crowds at sports games, no masks/social distancing, full capacity everywhere, etc)?

Smallpox is the only virus to have ever been eradicated and even that took a long, long time. COVID-19 is here to stay. It’ll circulate like the flu and the common cold (also a coronavirus). With annual symptomatic flu cases in the US averaging 28 million since 2010 (Per the CDC) it is reasonable that COVID-19 may post similar numbers year to year and is a testament to the fact that this isn’t going away.

A vaccine provides hope, but how much can we expect it to help? Is it going to be similar to a flu vaccine where it just curbs symptoms and averts some cases to reduce the casualties? As COVID-19 spreads and memory T-Cells/antibodies are formed, can this help enough to make COVID-19 another manageable virus like the flu and others?

I guess my overall point here is that COVID-19 is here to stay and it’s clear we cannot live like this forever. A return to normalcy will happen at some point but what do we need to get there?

One last thing for anyone that can provide more clarity. The CDC’s COVID-19 Pandemic Planning Scenarios’ best estimate for IFR is .006 which estimates a true total US cases to be at around 25 million. Using the CDC’s average estimate of symptomatic flu cases per year since 2010 alongside the average deaths, the flu’s IFR is .001. Now, per the NYT nursing homes make up 42% of all COVID-19 deaths yet just 8% of all cases. So if we subtract those deaths from the total to see how it affects the general population, we get 73k deaths (currently) and an IFR just under .003. I don’t know how fair that is to do as I don’t know what the flu nursing home numbers are, however, in the gen pop it’s interesting to compare. I guess my question with this is, if these estimations from the CDC are accurate, do they give us some hope for a quicker recovery than the MSM fear mongers let on? How much worse is COVID-19 with that estimated .003-.006 IFR than other illnesses we live with daily?


I believe there’s too much focus on the death rate. The various ways this disease can affect people is what’s truly scary, IMO. I don’t know about you, but I don’t think getting back to “the old normal” will happen within this decade. Anyone thinking the vaccine is the end of the pandemic is dreaming.
:smh: :smh: :smh::smh::smh::smh::smh::smh::smh::smh::smh::smh::smh::smh:

COVID-19 and Children
The best available evidence indicates that COVID-19 poses relatively low risks to school-aged children. Children appear to be at lower risk for contracting COVID-19 compared to adults.

Trump 100% threatened his job security..........this 180 change is too good to be true from a rational scientific standpoint.

Even the WHO didn't change their minds this quickly on certain stances in terms of public health guidances (the ******* WHO took 5 months to finally admit that masks are a primary necessity controlling the virus after saying IT DOESN'T)
Trump 100% threatened his job security..........this 180 change is too good to be true from a rational scientific standpoint.

Even the WHO didn't change their minds this quickly on certain stances in terms of public health guidances (the ****ing WHO took 5 months to finally admit that masks are a primary necessity controlling the virus after saying IT DOESN'T)

Yup, admin brought the hammer down and this guy and the whole trash pile caved. Dude is a disgrace, his MD is no longer valid.
Wtf? You’ve gotta be ****ting me. I hope that this doesn’t cause people to send their kids back to in school learning and change the districts policies. Why take the unnecessary risk for students and faculty?
Because it's not their kids.

I suppose the GOP warmed up to the idea of death panels.
Works only if you follow mask & social distance guidelines.


Thanks for this. Much better than my baseless speculation earlier today.

But to speculate wildly some more.... This could be both good and bad. Unlike covid, there are lots of strains of influenza already circulating, and it seems to be that the flu is worse if you haven't been exposed to a similar strain previously in your life. So shielding us from influenza now could make us more susceptible later. But it's definitely a net positive if the flu season is minimal this year so that it doesn't go around making the pandemic worse. One or two years without a flu isn't going to alter our susceptibility that much.

I wonder if wearing masks in winter could become a normal habit though? Imagine winters without getting the flu and a bunch of colds. Could be nice.
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