Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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He just wants to put the 1% number up there to sound low. But that’s still nearly 700 people testing positive.
He wanted his last pandemic press conference to end in a good note.
Plus the people already infected who haven’t recovered who are all walking out there going about their lives. Add up the numbers there are still tens of thousands of New Yorkers potentially spreading this thing.

side note: saw some people having an out door birthday party yesterday in queens. Table full of food, people from the whole block passing by and hanging out grabbing food. No masks at all.

The numbers make it sound good but anybody that has any common sense knows this is far from over in New York

this is all smoke and mirrors for one thing commerce

Cuomo did the best he could but lets remember one thing he still a politician
He has blood on his hands just as much is the president Does

Local church is re-opening tomorrow
My dad is super religious
He had heart surgery after having a stroke 2 years ago -- so he's vulnerable

He insists on going back to church tomorrow

put your foot down if you can he’s super high risk and it’s not worth it for him or your family
My job asked me to return next week. I declined. I told them I’ll see you in July. That second wave is gonna be somethin’ else.

my supervisor asked me if i was ready to come back to work for early May. at that time, I told them i would follow the city order which was end of May. reached out a couple weeks back and told them i would be ready in July if they still want me back in the office. there's not much going on at work since they have everything covered and all the restaurants they manage haven't reopened. i'm not sure what their plan is and how they will operate under these new guidelines.
Local church is re-opening tomorrow
My dad is super religious
He had heart surgery after having a stroke 2 years ago -- so he's vulnerable

He insists on going back to church tomorrow
mannnnnn just tell him to wear a mask and be careful if he insists on still going
but you should really try and persuade him to chill. where are you located?

bruhs my best friends wife just tested positive
she was so on point with the social distancing too in the beginning. the type to text everyone tips how to spray your groceries and whatnot
then last weekend she decided to go out to a bar IN HOUSTON (knowing how bad the numbers are) to celebrate her friends birthday.
heres the kicker.... she has 3 kids at home and the youngest (1 year old) had heart surgery when she was born.
i was so disappointed
put your foot down if you can he’s super high risk and it’s not worth it for him or your family

He's beyond stubborn and won't listen.
He's also been infected by goofy FOX News propaganda.
Mom is pissed off, but has a "I'm tired of babying him these past 2 years" mentality.

mannnnnn just tell him to wear a mask and be careful if he insists on still going
but you should really try and persuade him to chill. where are you located?

We're 5 minutes from NYC in NJ.
Sorry I’m sure it’s been discussed but I don’t come in here very much....... can someone answer this basic question, once you get covid and recover, can you get it again?

Seems like google is just mixed answers/unknown which is wild to me

Yes you can reinfect, my wife and I during our first test for both antibodies and Rona tested negative for the virus and positive for the antibody, due to state mandate of nursing homes, my wife continued to get swabbed 2x a week, the next two consecutive tests were negative and then she got a positive, she had real mild symptoms and quarantined, retested 2 weeks later and she was negative again. I’ve tested 3x and been negative but I did test positive for antibodies....seems like I might be in the clear for this ********
Bruh. This a slap in the face I'm sure NY is doing better than Florida right now in terms of numbers 🤣

If anything, visitors from Florida need to quarantine here
How about they stay in Florida

the First cases was a lawyer Who got infected in nyc Supposedly cough in Florida

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