Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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mannnnnn just tell him to wear a mask and be careful if he insists on still going
but you should really try and persuade him to chill. where are you located?

bruhs my best friends wife just tested positive
she was so on point with the social distancing too in the beginning. the type to text everyone tips how to spray your groceries and whatnot
then last weekend she decided to go out to a bar IN HOUSTON (knowing how bad the numbers are) to celebrate her friends birthday.
heres the kicker.... she has 3 kids at home and the youngest (1 year old) had heart surgery when she was born.
i was so disappointed

wow that is such a sad story and lesson for us all that this is far from over

I hope she pulls through for her children
6 Oklahoma Trump rally staffers test positive for Covid. Looks like Alot of ppl at that rally w/no masks. Normally I'd say good, but chances are they'll spread it to others which will hit innocent ppl.
I was in South Carolina this past week and they were advertising on the radio "free covid" tests :lol: and said he would be broadcasting live at the testing center. I'm like why and then I question why anyone would want a test if they dont think they're sick or been exposed. They might as well give out back packs and dunking donuts gift cards so they can get a really good turnout. Human beings are crazy frfr

Come get y'all other boy

Chick i kick it with told me that she was exposed to it and was tested. She said she will have to quarantine even if it's negative😔

DL was on stage and passed out (exhaustion/dehydration). ran some tests and tested positive for covid. was asymptomatic.
crowd had no masks as well in the club

D.L is such a good comedian even when he was losing consciousness his brain went into auto pilot joke mode and was still able to still finish with "they were immigrants" lol. Ppl were confused but some still laughed. 100% veteran. Glad he's ok. It's actually a good thing that it happened cause now he knows and can avoid passing it to family/friends who may not have it.
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