Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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I posted an IG story of an outdoor mall being open here in NY, and my friend from NC goes man thats crazy, so many people yadda yadda. Next day hes at a restaurant opening party thing for select foodies and no one got a mask. I asked him no masks?! He proceeds to tell me it isnt required. So why the **** you saying all that **** to me about my story? :lol:

If NY doesnt have a 2nd wave, which im sure it will to what extent idk, then masks really do help a lot. These states that are going ham right now, I bet you they werent masked up like that. Id say theres MORE people wearing masks in NYC than not, and this is just my observance of when I go get food, grocery, or hang at the park. I aint trying to get jiggy with the folks drinking outside of bars on the LES or whatever. None of them foos masked up.
I get what y’all are saying. I mean statistically now that the curve is down and fewer and fewer people are testing positive as long as those people continue to quarantine or remain hospitalized then there’s no indication that we’ll curve back up.
I think the biggest threat at this point is like y’all said some Karen from out of state coming here and becoming a super spreader by riding the subway or dining at a restaurant. But tourism is dead here right now. I don’t expect tourist season to be a thing this year.

What countries are seeing second waves? Korea and Beijing numbers seem low enough to. It really be a second wave

i think the second wave in nyc will start only if numbers go up
in the US i dont think there will be a second wave just yet we're not out of the first

South Korea and Beijing plus another part of china i read about a few weeks ago had a second wave and maybe a few other places i don't know off the top of my head are experiencing a second wave

also it seems to me china never got out of the first wave
i think the second wave in nyc will start only if numbers go up
in the US i dont think there will be a second wave just yet we're not out of the first

South Korea and Beijing plus another part of china i read about a few weeks ago had a second wave and maybe a few other places i don't know off the top of my head are experiencing a second wave

also it seems to me china never got out of the first wave

Hoping it doesn't occur, but I feel that what's happening in Brazil now (their Autumn is now) is a preview of Fall/Winter here in the US.
Yo, do people understand how airflow works?

Thats why I dont trust being in a paint circle in the park. If i can smell someone blowing out cigarette smoke from 10feet away from me what you think I cant get a whiff of your rona breath if you laugh or talking too loud. :lol: Let alone cough or sneeze.

That being said, its a risk everytime I go to the park, but I sure as hell try my best to distance myself and always mask up.
I’m still not seeing how y’all are so sure of a second wave. Just because Fall and Winter is flu season?

I posted an IG story of an outdoor mall being open here in NY, and my friend from NC goes man thats crazy, so many people yadda yadda. Next day hes at a restaurant opening party thing for select foodies and no one got a mask. I asked him no masks?! He proceeds to tell me it isnt required. So why the **** you saying all that **** to me about my story? :lol:

If NY doesnt have a 2nd wave, which im sure it will to what extent idk, then masks really do help a lot. These states that are going ham right now, I bet you they werent masked up like that. Id say theres MORE people wearing masks in NYC than not, and this is just my observance of when I go get food, grocery, or hang at the park. I aint trying to get jiggy with the folks drinking outside of bars on the LES or whatever. None of them foos masked up.

From what I’ve seen after I started riding my bike last week is 50/50 masks and no masks.

Yo, do people understand how airflow works?
They are following that flawed 6 foot distancing rule. Which becomes completely useless when a park is that densely populated.
This is one the annoying things that’s happening now with so many people out of work and bored. Public spaces are actually more packed than ever. Bunch of people on bike lanes now and running because they found a new “hobby”.

Also another source says New York has had 719 new positives on June 19

He just wants to put the 1% number up there to sound low. But that’s still nearly 700 people testing positive.
He wanted his last pandemic press conference to end in a good note.
Plus the people already infected who haven’t recovered who are all walking out there going about their lives. Add up the numbers there are still tens of thousands of New Yorkers potentially spreading this thing.

side note: saw some people having an out door birthday party yesterday in queens. Table full of food, people from the whole block passing by and hanging out grabbing food. No masks at all.
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