Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Sorry I’m sure it’s been discussed but I don’t come in here very much....... can someone answer this basic question, once you get covid and recover, can you get it again?

Seems like google is just mixed answers/unknown which is wild to me
Sorry I’m sure it’s been discussed but I don’t come in here very much....... can someone answer this basic question, once you get covid and recover, can you get it again?

Seems like google is just mixed answers/unknown which is wild to me

There have been cases where some people were reported as being reinfected.

Honestly, it's a wonder if they were ever rid of the virus in the first place.
There have been cases where some people were reported as being reinfected.

Honestly, it's a wonder if they were ever rid of the virus in the first place.
Yeah I think because fragments of the virus were still active after someone recovered from it a 2nd test may come back positive and isn't really the person contracting it twice.

Sorry I’m sure it’s been discussed but I don’t come in here very much....... can someone answer this basic question, once you get covid and recover, can you get it again?

Seems like google is just mixed answers/unknown which is wild to me

From what I've read its still unclear whether you can get truly infected twice yet. There just isn't enough data to determine how immunity works long term with it.
Well I returned back to work last week...I'm an occupational therapist at a nursing home in NYC. I mentioned a while ago that I took a leave of absence to take care of family...I know that about 70 people of the staff got sick and even more tested positive for antibodies. Even my supervisor tested positive for antibodies but never got badly sick.

So they test the entire staff as well as the residents twice a week. Last week, 11 of the staff tested positive and were sent home and have to return in two weeks and get tested again. However, many of the staff that tested positive were already sick when things started to get bad in NY. So we all assumed it was strange they tested positive again since they have the antibodies and showed no visible symptoms. It's strange because we still don't know how exactly this virus works or if the test are reporting false positives. Like elpablo21 mentioned, it could be fragments of the virus are still active in those staff members.
Well the second wave may or may not be as bad as the first wave....we don’t know the extent of it. But if you look at the situation in China, it’s something we should keep in mind. It’s not like NY is in a bubble right now. There’s still travel occurring across states. You can have travelers coming into NY from those states getting hit hard and the process continues. The city is opening up and more people are going to be more relaxed. There’s less social distancing happening with more people going back to work in these different phases coming up. We don’t know but we have to be mindful and prepared.
Here’s my question. What evidence do we have so far that NY is heading for a second wave?

I think the evidence is in other countries who were hit hard have had second waves it’s only inevitable that it happened in New York

Really New York City should close them selves off if legally possible to any other state and anybody flying in to the State of New York

i believe that’s the only way a second wave will be stopped
a good part of our country is going through it very hard
I think the evidence is in other countries who were hit hard have had second waves it’s only inevitable that it happened in New York

Really New York City should close them selves off if legally possible to any other state and anybody flying in to the State of New York

i believe that’s the only way a second wave will be stopped
a good part of our country is going through it very hard

I really wish this happened but of course it’s not legal lol....
So...all these people that are lining up for 3-4 days in the Oklahoma sun to go into trump rally..

What are they doing about showering? They walking in tomorrow wild musty and spreading corona virus??? 🤢

their camping out for new balance sneakers
Well the second wave may or may not be as bad as the first wave....we don’t know the extent of it. But if you look at the situation in China, it’s something we should keep in mind. It’s not like NY is in a bubble right now. There’s still travel occurring across states. You can have travelers coming into NY from those states getting hit hard and the process continues. The city is opening up and more people are going to be more relaxed. There’s less social distancing happening with more people going back to work in these different phases coming up. We don’t know but we have to be mindful and prepared.
I think the evidence is in other countries who were hit hard have had second waves it’s only inevitable that it happened in New York

Really New York City should close them selves off if legally possible to any other state and anybody flying in to the State of New York

i believe that’s the only way a second wave will be stopped
a good part of our country is going through it very hard

I get what y’all are saying. I mean statistically now that the curve is down and fewer and fewer people are testing positive as long as those people continue to quarantine or remain hospitalized then there’s no indication that we’ll curve back up.
I think the biggest threat at this point is like y’all said some Karen from out of state coming here and becoming a super spreader by riding the subway or dining at a restaurant. But tourism is dead here right now. I don’t expect tourist season to be a thing this year.

What countries are seeing second waves? Korea and Beijing numbers seem low enough to. It really be a second wave
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