Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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She said she would lose out on the unemployment money but would still be able to file and claim the $600 corona bonus. This true?

Yes this is true. In NY you can work part time, as long as gross pay for that week is less than $504 you'd still be eligible for the $600 weekly pandemic pay + a portion of unemployment.
Unemployment question:

My friend is claiming unemployment and also is on call at her old part time job (retail) I asked her why would she work part time and potentially lose out on unemployment and she said as long as she makes less than X amount a week then she can still claim it. Is that true? I thought once you have a job it’s over for that.


She said she would lose out on the unemployment money but would still be able to file and claim the $600 corona bonus. This true?

Might vary by state, but here in jersey it goes by your weekly benefit rate. If you earn more than 20% of your WBR, every dollar over will take a dollar away from your unemployment. For example: your WBR is $200. 20% of $200 is $40. You work and earn $50. That means when you claim the next week, instead of receiving $200 you get $190. However, they add the 20% onto your WBR as a limit. So the most you can make and still receive benefits in this scenario would be $240 (or I guess $239 technically). As long as you are getting a penny from unemployment, you’ll get the $600.


Except that’s the states decision, not his.

Trump is/will be losing a lot of his OG voters because of how badly he’s handled this. Dude looks like even more of a dunce than ever to anyone who doesn’t have a bright red MAGA hat pulled over their eyes.
Also, I think I’m gonna get tested soon. No symptoms or anything, just curious. Gonna reach out to the closest spot tomorrow.

Think it’s mainly because I can’t tell if this chest pain is soreness from the pushups I did two days ago or something else :lol:

Plot twist, you negative prior to you going and then catch it from someone else whos actually positive thats also trying to get tested tomorrow. What a sick twisted fate.
there was definitely some that kept their shops open during the quarantine in my area. shades down, but you could see they were still up and running with people going in and coming out with a fresh cut :lol:

This was my barber before the cops got wind and shut him down. Homie a true hustler though he had just bought a bus and tricked it out for mobile cuts a about a month before things got crazy :lol:
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