Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

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This is really useful.

Poking around, NY clearly has a decline in all metrics and is a good place to start. Other states like Massachusetts and Illinois have a clear decline in their metrics, although not as drastic as NY.

Florida, Texas, Georgia? They are flattened or maybe even increasing now (looking at the aggregate of cases, hospitalizations, and deaths). What's interesting about Florida is they had a peak in early April that came down, probably related to all the people fleeing NYC. If you ignore that, they've probably had an even more substantial increase in local transmission.
Oh wow, this is embarrassing. Looks like the recent study claiming HCQ was ineffective may have been a fraud. Damn.

The saga continues. Yet another reason why we (myself included) should be cautious and take everything with a grain of salt.

Unfortunately, science takes time. Even with the peer review process, things aren't always picked up right away. And people (myself included) are prone to amplify whatever matches their beliefs.
In general I'm seeing that people have given up on taking this seriously. Whereas before you would get stares or even chided for not wearing a mask and/or getting too close to others, not it's the norm. This isn't even the protestors but just Karens on the street.
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