Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Am I the only one that's been noticing mad people out with masks on, but have them down around their chins and necks??

Like bruh...You wearing it just to not get put on blast, like the peeps that only run their hands under the water in the bathroom if there's someone else in there.

I understand you gotta 'protect ya neck'

a knit mask aint gonna do it though.

they surprisingly opened up oregon where i live except for portland. went shopping today for food and people ain't got no masks, intruding on each others space. it's gonna be brutal
we can't even agree to wear masks :lol: :smh:
freeze freeze I went to pick up pastries at a bakery for mother's day and this girl didn't even have her mask covering her nose. I was picking up food yesterday and this lady in line literally lifted her mask up to talk on the phone. :smh:

JetBlue’s Founder Helped Fund A Stanford Study That Said The Coronavirus Wasn’t That Deadly
A Stanford whistleblower complaint alleges that the controversial John Ioannidis study failed to disclose important financial ties and ignored scientists’ concerns that their antibody test was inaccurate.

JetBlue’s Founder Helped Fund A Stanford Study That Said The Coronavirus Wasn’t That Deadly
A Stanford whistleblower complaint alleges that the controversial John Ioannidis study failed to disclose important financial ties and ignored scientists’ concerns that their antibody test was inaccurate.
Stanford also needs to look into the professors involved and fire them if there were any ethical violations.

edit: sorry, looks like this is already with Stanford. They need to investigate both for conflicts of interest and also for dangerously shoddy science.
CORRECTION: New York City lockdown extended until May 28: Cuomo (Changes date after clarification from governor)
Does this include the five boroughs of New York. I thought the stay-at-home order was untill June 13th

Good let them all leave and not come back.
I'll give you guys an example the rent in my apt is $900.00 a month and that's cheap for Manhattan I live in a pre war building.
not sure what my next door neighbor pays in rent but he has a smaller apartment than I do and has been living here just as long as I have

The people on top of me are renting a renovated apartment that are my apt and my neighbors apt into one.
There are a husband-and-wife team of interior designers who are renting this apartment for $7,500 a month..

They left Manhattan at the end of March and I think they might have came back today though I'm hoping they didn't.
they left for Pennsylvania little do they know I have been snooping on them through social media.

The people who own this apartment who they are renting from own an advertising agency. They moved to Brooklyn Heights made a breakthrough through two apartments and bought both Apartments as an investment.
I know for a fact they left brooklyn when the coronavirus was blowing up.

They are all wealthy euro trash.

These are the people who invaded Manhattan Brooklyn and Parts of harlem. These are the people that are leaving Manhattan during the pandemic and these are the people who I hope dont come back to Manhattan and other parts of nyc
Gentrification is a real cancer to inner cities

These People leaving New York City even if temporarily are the ones who made it financially unlivable for most long time New Yorkers to live in the city and some wealthy people who are losing their wealth for whatever reason might be the only bright spots of the Coronavirus.
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Read through the entire buzzfeed article just posted. It's a good read for those who have been following this story.

Essentially, back in March, some prominent scientists started making baseless claims that this virus was overblown, that the fatality rate was actually on par with a normal flu season, and that we shouldn't shut down. Some even went on to predict that something like only a few hundred people would die. Meanwhile, JetBlue's founder is telling everyone we're overreacting and that we shouldn't shut down because, you know, he needs to make money off people flying.

Fast forward to April -- these scientists release a study based on antibody prevalence in California. They claim that the real case number is 50-80x what has been reported, so the fatality rate is conveniently the same as a mild flu season, as they predicted in March. Sadly for these scientists, it quickly became apparent that the entire study was deeply flawed, the statistics were done incorrectly, and no conclusions could be drawn from the data.

Now, it comes out that JetBlue's founder helped fund the study. It also appears that multiple scientists who were involved pointed out the flaws in the study and said they did not want to be authors on the study. Yet, the other people went ahead anyway with the deeply flawed study.

This is both a stain on science but also a good lesson to learn from. Although the paper was originally posted without peer review, an informal public peer review happened on twitter and on blogs immediately. It became clear to anyone who was paying attention that the study was wrong and the authors likely had a conflict of interest beyond the obvious conflict of interest (they had penned op-eds in March claiming that the covid fatality rate was wildly inflated). It's also a good lesson because we saw how right wing nuts immediately championed the results of the paper, much like what happened with hydroxychloroquine and the quacks who supported it.

These people are dangerous and do not represent the bulk of medical research.
first bar / lounge in the city opening today ... no idea how . Guessing cause they serve food . They’re not opening the inside , just the small patio and it’s raining hard as hell so they are using this

Which is essentially making everything inside again lol .

curious to if people go out . All clubs opening next week for the holiday

This shows you people love to shop for crap.

We've all been on those lines of buying garbage we don't need that's the American way

In fact today for the first time in 3 months I took the subway to go buy the Jordan flint 13s for $260 that i dont need after having the shoe in 1998 and 2005 and 2010.
I'm risking my health & the people I care about just for a pair of damn sneakers.

Being impatient worrying about striking out on release date for some shoes.

These people are doing the same thing in Burlington Coat Factory for potted plants.

That's why China is two steps ahead of us they make everything and us stupid Americans are spending money we should stock away during a pandemic.
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I have like 2-3 small bottles of hand sanitizer in the car, so if I enter the cart with my mask on........I make it a rule that I have to hand sanitizer up my hands before I take off the mask AND after I take off the mask in the car. Vice versa when I put the mask back on for whatever reason.

If I'm out of sanitizer in the car, no go............it'll stay on 'til I get home and do the proper soap up.
they surprisingly opened up oregon where i live except for portland. went shopping today for food and people ain't got no masks, intruding on each others space. it's gonna be brutal

so I live in Eugene and it’s funny man. You get to the market of choice, south eugene hippy/ yuppie area and it’s all masks on everybody.

you venture out like 10 or 20 miles to the rural areas and not a single masked person to be found unless it’s a worker. Probably seen 20:1 ratio of MAGA hats to PPE out in cottage grove and Creswell :lol:

I was wondering if Portland was masked up or not
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