Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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This dude right. Even if the govt is competent enough to organize a nationwide trace and isolate program, I can't see our fellow citizens complying properly. In countries that bought in to this either the government forces their citizens to comply by force, like China, or the citizens trust their government enough to buy in, like SK.

In other words, America screwed lol

consider that the American government has not EARNED THAT TRUST...a function of its own conduct.

over many years, in many situations, the federal government of the United States of America has REPEATEDLY proven itself to be morally questionable, if not actively malicious...does a populace lacking faith in the State to effectively address a crisis reflect poorly on the citizenry, or the government itself?

the way I see it, the inevitable herd immunity path reflects the ultimate vote of zero confidence in America.

we´re kinda saying the same thing, of course, just want to point the flamethrower in the right direction.

bad. societal. design.
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