Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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dude´s heel turn is one of the wildest in modern history.

oh, and just for anybody who didn´t know, Elon Musk was basically born in an emerald mine.

ain´t **** special about dude, if I was born an emerald prince I could have a space program and digital bank too.

¨**** Elon Musk¨

--CA legislator Lorena Gonzalez

Bro....mental illness. Hella mental

His kids name has a number in it like algebra.

X Æ A-12 Musk.


Cancel Elon bro.
Masks, yes.

Gloves.......hell naw, that should be optional. There is more evidence that gloves cause more virus spread than it does protection. Not to mention this is in a gym, so the whole "double layer gloves" protection won't really fly here unless you wanna put more pressure on your hands when your lifting weights.

And I'm "excluding" actual weight-lifting gloves.....their video demonstrated all gym members uses LATEX gloves when they work out since LATEX gloves are "full-coverage" UNLIKE most weight-lifting gloves where our finger tips will be exposed.

I'd have to see the claim that gloves are more likely to spread the virus than to prevent the spread, backed by some seriously vetted sources to believe it.

I mean, I'm almost positive I know where the suggestion comes from. The idea of a grocery clerk, handling goods and providing services all day, not discarding or renewing his/her disposable gloves while working an 8 hour shift. Of course in that case, a glove just becomes a vector for filth and contagion but let's think about this logically.

When I put gloves on at the gas station in order to put gas in my tank, and I then dispose of the gloves in the trash before getting back in my car and touching other surfaces like my keys and phone, I'm not more likely to spread or contract the virus, it's the exact opposite.

The same applies in the hypothetical gym situation. Put on gloves at the beginning of the session, dispose of them safely immediately after the session.

For people who aren't essential workers forced to be in close physical proximity to the public, the value in wearing gloves is the simple psychological buffer it provides in preventing people from touching in and around their eyes, nose and mouth with their hands.

People are less likely to wipe the moisture from their eye, or scratch that itch anywhere on their face with gloves on than they are without.

In the gym setting that's huge since we're all touching the same surfaces. Gloves on when you go in, gloves off when you leave, and you've limited potential spread to direct inhalation of aerosols or droplets.

That's the primary risk anyway, but why not significantly reduce the likelihood of surface-to-surface transmission during the 90 minutes people are inside the gym?

Seriously the dumbest Governor:



This dude right. Even if the govt is competent enough to organize a nationwide trace and isolate program, I can't see our fellow citizens complying properly. In countries that bought in to this either the government forces their citizens to comply by force, like China, or the citizens trust their government enough to buy in, like SK.

In other words, America screwed lol

"The city government of Seoul secured a list of 10,905 people who visited the district through data provided by mobile operators and has sent text messages asking them to get tested, said Seoul Mayor Park Won-soon.

The Korea Disaster Management Headquarters said nearly 2,000 people believed to have visited the clubs are currently unreachable, and thousands of police will be deployed to track them down."
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This dude right. Even if the govt is competent enough to organize a nationwide trace and isolate program, I can't see our fellow citizens complying properly. In countries that bought in to this either the government forces their citizens to comply by force, like China, or the citizens trust their government enough to buy in, like SK.

In other words, America screwed lol

States bidding against each other, Republicans not wanting to help Democratic states, we were doomed from Day 1
Yesterday in conversations with my wife’s family, my father in law, 60+ overweight with health issues, told me that they have to open the country up for the sake of the economy even if it means 300,000 people die. He has flown across the country (work) three times in the past month and wonders why we won’t let our kids come to his house or see him closer than 10 ft. in our front yard. Sister in law runs a fast food joint in the mall that has been open this whole time. She asked me (I’m a teacher) what the schools are going to do and then proceeded to tell me that if they “try” to make her kids wear masks when they go back to school, they are not going. She’s mad that we won’t let her in the house to play with my kids. People are dumb man. Hard to trust them with my family when they show such wild gaps in judgement.
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Man f**k Elon and his dumb *** cars. All they do is run people over on autopilot Christine style. Trash ***.
And this South Korea club story is gonna be every major city USA as soon as the night light even gets a slight chance to open back up. Not gonna be a second wave but a second hurricane.
Christine style :rofl:

I'm not sure why people keep talking about a second wave when its pretty clear we're nowhere near finished with this first one.

One thing I've been extremely grateful about during this entire thing is that as a whole, my family including my extended family have all taken this very seriously. I hear friends talk about having arguments especially with older relatives about taking proper precautions and thankfully I haven't had to have those types of discussions with my parents.
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