Has interracial dating declined?

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This. I'm black and my gf is white but it has nothing to do with either of us fetishising one another. I've known her since I was a kid even though we started dating just a few years ago. We were both raised close to one another and come from similar backgrounds.

I'm sure that there are black men who fetishize white woman and view them as a come up and some who date white women because they hate themselves, hate black women, want light skinned babies, etc. and that unfortunate. At the same time its not fair to the black men who date outside their race solely because that's who they love. People shouldn't draw assumptions on either side. Just because I date a white woman doesn't mean I hate myself or my mom or black women.

I’m with you on this, it’s just that there’s enough people who do fetishize interracial dating like that, as they seem to be the most vocal ones. I have no problem with interracial dating at all, as I’ve done it myself, but what I can’t stand is the people that **** on their own race while propping up another. Those types of people are a cancer to society, and don’t truly love the person they’re dating, they just have so much hate for who they’re not with.
Someone on the first page mentioned Umar. People need to understand that people like Umar Johnson,Young Pharaoh,Red Pill and Blue Pill,General Seti,Tariq Nasheed are 100% for there people. You can't be a pro black leader/spokes person and date/marry interracially. I'm not racist,but i also don't date outside of my race. I'm not sure if most people up in here knows this.

But you can't kick black conscious knowledge with someone other than your race by your side. It's doesn't make any sense in the movement. You can be pro black and conscious mentally inside of your mind with your Caucasian wife. But you'll never be inside of the consious culture/movement thats going on. I understand that were raised in America and alot of us have been tricked in to believing were all the same and should love everyone as our own.

But the times are changing in soceity. People forget that the 50,s,60,s70,s wasnt that long ago. We had to be as 1 as a group back then, hate it or love it. Don't get it twisted. I dont care how long you grew up with your so called non black girlfriends/friends. When it's time for them to throw you under the bus,there defenately going to do it. I've seen cats help out people outside of there family more than there own people inside of there family,only to get back stabbed. Genetics makes us totally different from each other also. It's a reason why certain people can kill animals and citizens while running away from them without any remorse.

People would think differently about dating interracially if they knew the 100% truth about genetics of different races. People like what they like. But when you get crossed up and dogged out from outsiders,dont come back running to us. It's like people I've grown up with want to complain about there mates family members talking bad about them or mistreating them. Acting like its been thousands of years since we were being lynched and killed on public display. In today's society dating within your race as a Black person is revolutionary act.

Dating outside of your race as a African American is like throwing in the white towel to the system,almost like giving up the fight our ancestors had to fight and for for. I've heard a few old stories in my family from my elders about what was going down in the slave days. Relatives passing on horrible stories. It's bigger than just seeing something attractive on a women thats not black. Or saying o i just fell in love with her,so i couldn't help it. It's a choice that im not falling for. Let's see how long that non black woman stays with you if you lose your income,or get locked up,or your on your death bed.
You might be obsessed.
How? I just watched a video where a Dominican dude said most Dominicans have Nigerian blood because Nigerian slaves were brought to the DR. I can't watch a video that was posted by another nter and post a comment?
How? I just watched a video where a Dominican dude said most Dominicans have Nigerian blood because Nigerian slaves were brought to the DR. I can't watch a video that was posted by another nter and post a comment?
Was your comment about the video or Ninja?
this is how I look at it

in America there are so many black men in jail its ridiculous...

if I see a black woman dating a white man I dont like it, but eehhhh. What I really hate is when they ONLY want to date white men exclusively. That **** really piss me off

When I see black men marrying white women that get me upset 100% no ifs ands or buts
First off people don't even know history correctly so to throw random assumptions without concrete evidence is assinine.

Black people been here in the Americas there were more slaves enslaved from south America to the US than there were ever recorded.

The term African American is a false genotype to get indigenous black people away from the thought of reperations. Martin Luther King knew, malcolm figured it out...

the only people who are recessive is whites. Whites are the world minority. They are the albinos. we live under the control of white supremacy and we must understand who they are and what it means to the rest of the melanated people of the world.

Too many surface readers.... dig deeper
I was shocked when I learned that cam'ron and juelz technically aren't black. Kevin gates too.
I honestly think Race is God's personal reality show/comedy. Like, I've given them all these resources yet they're caught up on something that they can't even control.

Bruh technically not black? Lmao

What does that even mean?

Cams dad isn’t Black?

Damn Cam lil is his pops part 2
here is how you end all this stupid *** race debate....dude said Cam'ron and Juelz are not black...smh

Take a damn DNA test, I did mine from ancestry.com

my results are

81% African and 19% European

of the African the majority was 25% Cameroon/Congo (same people technically)

European majority was 8% Irish (I cant remember the full breakdown

DNA doesnt lie!
the worst ones are the Dominicans here in NYC...."Im not black, Im latino" I wanna smack them

You a damn African. Latinos are people whose culture derives from Old Latin European countries (Spain, France, Italy, Romania, Portugal) its not a damn race
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