Has interracial dating declined?

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At this point, I am in the let Ninja identify with whatever he wants. At the end of the day that is a personal thing, one that is often complex. If it were another popular poster, I think it would not be that big a deal. I truly believe part of the reason people go in on dude, is because he has habitually and apologetically spewed ignorant nonsense about black people for years.

So at this point posters don't see Ninja's denial of his clear African bloodlines as a deep attachment to his Latino identity but also is the continuation of talking slick about black people. That his flippant and ignorant views on black people might also play a part in him not wanting to be associated with the black community, with anything "black."

Let us remember, Ninja has:

-Said the 1950s was the Golden Era for America despite Jim Crow, and that black Americans during that time should be thankful because there was no other place on earth better than black people during that period. People have presented evidence otherwise, he still repeats this offensive nonsense.

-He downplays slavery by saying the Atlantic Salve trade a "relative cakewalk" because the Islamic Slave trade was worst

-He defends stop-n-frisk in NYC even though it has been pointed out to him that it was ruled to violate black citizens civil and unconstitutional rights. He says black residents should have been thankful because it helped clean up their neighborhoods. Black people should be grateful that their rights were systematically violated.

-He dismisses the attacks on black people's voting rights even after people presented him with court rulings that they are discriminatory. His excuse is that the courts didn't say the conservatives that wrote the laws were acting racist when they wrote it, so you can't call the laws racist.

-He dismisses systemic racism as not real, but instead a trick the Democratic Party is playing on black people for votes.

-He talks slick about black women routinely and has been doing so for years.

-He once got suspended from NT for suggesting black kids were more inclined to criminality.

-Defends Trump against racism by saying Trump being sued for violating the civil rights acts and insulting the Central Park 5 after they got freed means nothing because rappers were shouting him out in songs. Seriously, that's his defense

-In the political thread, he often co-signed post from now proven bigots like Blco and Titanium Tea. Whenever there is a race thread on NT involving black people, trust him to show up and defend the bigot in the situation

-He has said all matter of xenophobic nonsense to posters from other countries. He got suspended for the political thread for this a while back. He will claim otherwise, but the fact remains he said some nonsense to a poster he knew was from Mexico.

Even though I disagree with Meth's discussion not to ban him for his offensive comments, I understand his reasoning for it and respect it. But let us put dude place on NT in proper context. He is not some guys that just gets piled on for no reason; he peddles ignorance and venom too. So the hostility towards him doesn't come out of thin air.

So is Ninja, Paris Dennard?
Read it. Sounds like much of what is being discussed is carryover from other longtime discussions, of which I've not been aware.

blank man been havin a crush on me, everything stated is either flat out lies, or outta context.

now you as a mod got a interesting choice...

-lock this thread cuz its been derailed days ago and its now a naked attempt at provoking me.

-swallow your mod whistle and let me ask certain people here how my sausage apparently taste in their mouth since they can't get my name and genitals out their throats without gagging.

I'd appreciate it thank you.
Mod homie got himself in quite the predicament.

I know the feeling papi. Sometimes I get in trouble at work too.
Imagine getting up in the morning getting ready to go to work and LeBron took a **** in the bathroom right before you take a shower
smh How yall let Ninaj's word hold any weight. He exists in his own world....A chain and da hemi hold more value to him than anything else. I'm sorry I refuse to give anyone with that level of thinking any value. Let his ignorance roam in space
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