
Nah, can't enjoy watching dumb people looking like fools... That's why I can't go to white/Asian clubs... Dumb music and dumb dancing...
There's nothing to "get" papi.

Sit back and enjoy it.
Did your friends not invite you to the version they made?

Sorry man ...
Info on your avy?

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I went HAM one night, and posted Harlem Shake videos that had ties to peoples' alma mater, hometowns, professions, and other things that they could relate to for about 20 people in my business school class here at Yale... 2 days later, I was a "creative director" for our video...

ENJOY Yale School of Management's Harlem Shake:

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Ya can be naive if you want. I know the song is called Harlem Shake. But what do you think the first person to start this trend was thinking when he saw the name of the song was that?

Whoever started the trend definitely used his inspiration from the real Harlem Shaking. I can remember when the Shake was popping, there were kids, mostly white kids (no disrespect intended) that if they were asked to try it or if they wanted to join in they would just randomly move their body. The same way the NEW videos are showing. The kids that wanted to do it but didn't know how went hand and hand with the kids that "wanted to make fun" of the dance and would be like "look I'm Harlem shaking" and proceed to joking and mockingly just shake around wildly.

I don't want to sound like I'm coming to the rescue of a dance that isn't as popular is it once was, but at the end of the day to me it's more then a dance. It was a part of my culture growing up and it did WAY more positively in my community then an rec center could. Kids were out here trynna Harlem Sake and learn new dances instead of running around robbing and shooting people like they are in more recent times.

I used to love being at a summer basketball tournament and during a timeout someone would randomly come on the court and Harlem Shake, a battle may insue and the people running the musc, microphone and tournament would be cool with it happening. It's all love. To me it brings a kind of unity to a community that lacks it severely. Wether it may look foolish to the outside looking in or not.
Here is our schools in the library during midterms haha. Manti teo's girlfriend may be somewhere in this crowd :tongue:
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CSu doing it up from Wed. Night

I feel one more week and this will have run its course.. Cool to see it happen when it's a bit organic and not forced.
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not really a fan of the ones where colleges are doing it. not that hard to get a ton of college kids going crazy. the best ones IMO have been just a room full of people
looking for a reason to call these stupid as hell, and after the first video I was about to respond with just that. THEN, I saw every video after that and became a fan. These are funny.

What makes them funny

1. The initiator is usually masked.
2. When the initiator is starting things off, everyone else acting like they don't know what is going on
3. Folks are just partying.

Good thread.

I haven't checked the whole thread, but this might be the first thing DC has ever liked in the history of the known world.

:wow: :rofl:
Those are people from my neighborhood. AG ("voice of Harlem") and "No Bones" (Joe). The young boy and woman are also from my area.

What AG said about the teens getting into it and keeping them off the street trynna fight and shoot was exactly what I was saying a couple pages back when this thread first started.

I agree all the new stuff is funny and entertaining for some people, but call it something else.
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