
These are great, I just went through this whole thread :lol:

Yall dudes in here talking about the original harlem shake like it's some staple of black history being disrespected :lol: get yall Debbie Downer, No Fun League ***** outta here
ya'll think these will still be poppin off next week?


Probably, but this week is THE week to get the most out of its Viralness IMO. I say do it ASAP. My boys are almost at 300k views from this because they released it on like day 2 of its viral boom. From about 140 subs too. I know you have WAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY more so you'll get lots of hits if you do it now. Just make sure it stands out because the ideas are all going by quickly.
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Nah, can't enjoy watching dumb people looking like fools... That's why I can't go to white/Asian clubs... Dumb music and dumb dancing...

we ******g get it you are racist against whites and asians. nobody gives a **** bro. go live your i get high and can't have ******g fun life and leave the ******g thread alone for us who just want to laugh.

also there are plenty of black people doing it so sit your *** down.
CNN about to report on this.

They had the Swim Team one as the example vid.

This one made me chuckle.
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Not sure how behind I am but I've only just discovered these on YouTube yesterday. At first I thought it was lame but its pretty funny now. Especially after watching the firefighters lol. Where is this all coming from?
I cant understand how this kinda stuff blows up and gets so popular everybody and they momma making videos on this
Wow, how did I just hear about this? I saw all these things about the Harlem Shake but figured it was from the old Diddy stuff. These are hilarious
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