Guys: Why do you "Spit Game"?

But your join date is 10/2011. You're still a toddler, b.
New ******. :smh:

I'm saying. :lol:

Solid stuff in here. Approaching and going out of your way for that stuff is such a waste of time. The ones you want to approach, get approached 20 times a day, they get tired of it and unfortunately you have to pay the consequences for some other idiot's #@@! ups. My advice, focus on yourself and having fun experiences, they'll gravitate to that.
You're corrupted w/ the wrong mindset. Ain't no body pulling woman left or right, unless you have money like Kanye. I ain't see Flloyd's girl yet, but I'm sure he pays to bang them, and just move on.
But your join date is 10/2011. You're still a toddler, b.
New ******. :smh:

I'm saying. :lol:

Solid stuff in here. Approaching and going out of your way for that stuff is such a waste of time. The ones you want to approach, get approached 20 times a day, they get tired of it and unfortunately you have to pay the consequences for some other idiot's #@@! ups. My advice, focus on yourself and having fun experiences, they'll gravitate to that.

It takes a few minutes max to find out if a woman is interested. I'm not condoning chasing women day and night but you're acting like it's a big deal to chat it up with a woman at a bar or a club for a few minutes.

Unless the broad is a complete idiot, at worst you have decent small talk with an attractive woman, not much to lose IMO

There are good women who just aren't used to being aggressive and approaching dudes. While you're waiting for her to come to you, one of the dudes that approaches her is gonna get her and it doesn't even have to be a dude running game, just a normal down to earth dude who finds no problem in talking to a woman he finds attractive
But your join date is 10/2011. You're still a toddler, b.
New ******.
I'm saying.

Solid stuff in here. Approaching and going out of your way for that stuff is such a waste of time. The ones you want to approach, get approached 20 times a day, they get tired of it and unfortunately you have to pay the consequences for some other idiot's #@@! ups. My advice, focus on yourself and having fun experiences, they'll gravitate to that.
It takes a few minutes max to find out if a woman is interested. I'm not condoning chasing women day and night but you're acting like it's a big deal to chat it up with a woman at a bar or a club for a few minutes.

Unless the broad is a complete idiot, at worst you have decent small talk with an attractive woman, not much to lose IMO

There are good women who just aren't used to being aggressive and approaching dudes. While you're waiting for her to come to you, one of the dudes that approaches her is gonna get her and it doesn't even have to be a dude running game, just a normal down to earth dude who finds no problem in talking to a woman he finds attractive
+ the ones you think get approached 24/7 dont nearly get approached that much
Get off your high horse. So you sit around waiting to be approached because you don't have to step outside of the comfort zone and get rejected? That don't make you a real man, that makes you ***** to me. Real men are confident and don't care about the cats before them that was trying to spit their weak game, they come correct and the girls recognize. You're severely limiting your pool of chicks if all you do is wait for the thirsty ones to come holla. Truuuuu

Went in with a bang for the 2nd post. :rofl:
But your join date is 10/2011. You're still a toddler, b.

New ******. :smh:

I'm saying. :lol:

Solid stuff in here. Approaching and going out of your way for that stuff is such a waste of time. The ones you want to approach, get approached 20 times a day, they get tired of it and unfortunately you have to pay the consequences for some other idiot's #@@! ups. My advice, focus on yourself and having fun experiences, they'll gravitate to that.

It takes a few minutes max to find out if a woman is interested. I'm not condoning chasing women day and night but you're acting like it's a big deal to chat it up with a woman at a bar or a club for a few minutes.

Unless the broad is a complete idiot, at worst you have decent small talk with an attractive woman, not much to lose IMO

There are good women who just aren't used to being aggressive and approaching dudes. While you're waiting for her to come to you, one of the dudes that approaches her is gonna get her and it doesn't even have to be a dude running game, just a normal down to earth dude who finds no problem in talking to a woman he finds attractive

+ the ones you think get approached 24/7 dont nearly get approached that much

exactly...mainly because of dudes with "I'll let them come to me" mentality and dudes who are just scared
Get off your high horse. So you sit around waiting to be approached because you don't have to step outside of the comfort zone and get rejected? That don't make you a real man, that makes you ***** to me. Real men are confident and don't care about the cats before them that was trying to spit their weak game, they come correct and the girls recognize. You're severely limiting your pool of chicks if all you do is wait for the thirsty ones to come holla. Truuuuu

Went in with a bang for the 2nd post. :rofl:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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Honest question. I have no game what so ever. I have never approached a girl ever in my life. I have never came at a girl with a pick up line ever in my life. When I'm at a party I'm never in the mix, never really partying but just kinda off to the side, observing, talking, laughing smoking and sipping. Often times I don't even say a word to any females. When I do talk to a girl I have never played any games, I have never thought of whats the right thing to text back and I have never tried to act a certain way to make a female like me. When talking to a girl all I do is talk about my life and her life. All I do is live my life and BE MYSELF. Be natural.
Now that you guys know how I am, you may not believe the rest of my post. I have smashed dozens and dozens of females with little to no effort. All kinds. Pretty, butter face, black, white, hisp, goodie goodie, skkanks, young, older etc. Sure I've been rejected, sure I've been blown off, sure some of these girls took a lot longer than others. I watch dudes running game get rejected all the time at parties and after they leave the females come to me when I'm just minding my own business. Same at the clubs. Same when I'm with a group of friends at the mall or anywhere where there's women. While all the other guys are busy being the stereotypical "dogs" that women view all of us as, I'm just chillin quiet doin me and the females just holla at me.
My tip to you guys: Be yourself and the girls will come to you. Girls don't like being holler'd at, they don't like dudes asking for their numbers and they don't like game and pick up lines. It's like when ball players don't want to sign autographs because they are sick of it people ask them all day everyday. But they sign for the little kids because they know they are true fans. I've given this advice to other guys before and it has worked for them. I pull girls and I don't even try. They pull me. No this is not a bragging post. No there are no lies here. No one here on NT knows me and I do not care if you guys from the internet that I will never see or know believe me or not.
I know I can't be the only one who's like this. Some of ya'll should try it. Just have a great personality and be presentable like you are meeting her parents. It works for me.
Bruh you just described me almost perfectly, lol, Like real talk. I always wondered why guys put up fronts and fake persona's. I just be me, the cool quiet guy. Women love it, And yes I've smashed dozens, just like you said in all catargories. I like to get to know a woman and for her to know me, if Im broke or something, **** I tell em,lol. I like to keep it real, it's MUCH easier for me and the ladies love it. I could go on for a whole page about my social life with women.

But I have no problem talking to women, and yes I've been shot down, but I don't spit game, I just ask how she doing, where she from, is she single, well sometimes I ask that, and then can I get the digits or whateva.
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How can you get rejected if you never make the initial approach fam?....sense, this makes none.

thats what im sayin, somebody lion

but where do you live OP, where i live thats not happenin unless you caked up like G4 gwala gang
Well ... I have a different approach..

And no brag... if I continue on the same pace, I'll have 100 yambs by the time I'm 26 or 27, depending on where I work..

Go say waddup. Go speak... homey uptop went IN on his second post, but he was true.

Walking up and saying "sup" =\= spitting game...

Lines and premeditated stories =
I thought this would be another lame girl problem thread, but boy was I wrong 

Get off your high horse. So you sit around waiting to be approached because you don't have to step outside of the comfort zone and get rejected? That don't make you a real man, that makes you ***** to me. Real men are confident and don't care about the cats before them that was trying to spit their weak game, they come correct and the girls recognize. You're severely limiting your pool of chicks if all you do is wait for the thirsty ones to come holla. Truuuuu

How can you get rejected if you never make the initial approach fam?....sense, this makes none.
thats what im sayin, somebody lion

but where do you live OP, where i live thats not happenin unless you caked up like G4 gwala gang
spit that fire, words that burn like fire from my mouth
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i don't got game

i just got a good memory, i just use the same stuff that has worked for me.

Listen it's like playing a football game, you've got your main men, always on the rotation, and then you've got recruits. As a coach you always play the main men, because they've proved themselves, and once your 2tds up you'll put in the recruits, and later on that recruit will prove to be clutch and be added to the rotation.

That's how it is with game/lines, you've got the stuff that you always use, whether it is stories/lines/witty comments which have worked in the past, and once you get more comfortable you just develop this cool persona with the girl since you know her already and then every ball lobbed at ya is a homer.

Work with the ugly/fat/nerdy girls and then just get your confidence up, and then slowly you'll see what works and what doesn't. Rape/gore/animals/cars/etc she ain't want to hear none of that, rape+gore=instant dryness and creepy, animals/cars=friendzone, you want to keep the topic either about going out/fun places/her and then take it from there, you ain't a friend don't text her like one. You are a man who wants to smash, she knows this, no need to be ashamed, and in some cases she wants it just as bad as you do.

Goodluck bro.

Edit-aww **** i thought this was a virgin in need of advice, ignore the post.
and also not approaching females is NOT being a *****. its really what they want you to do. mind your business when you out, put your tongue in your mouth, cuz when they approach you, it be them FREAKY B's!!!!
first thing I thought.
Unlike you, us average looking guys have to approach women. Yambs don't fall in our laps.
Now in regards to game, who uses game to get chicks?
If walking up, saying "sup. I'm handullz. Let's kick it" is game, then its game.
Don't get it twisted... Every cat that approaches chicks aren't on some" you fine like good wine." Or " you've been running thru my mind all day. your feet hurt? " steez..
fellas get rejected every day, b... But...
Fellas get cooperation everyday, too

If OP can understand this and not worry to much but getting rejected. Than your in the game.

I have no game what-so ever but I know who I am and what I'm about. Plus, I think single women are the dumbest mammals on earth. (No really but that's the mindset I have when talking to females) So, why should I be afraid/scared of them.
If OP can understand this and not worry to much but getting rejected. Than your in the game.
I have no game what-so ever but I know who I am and what I'm about. Plus, I think single women are the dumbest mammals on earth. (No really but that's the mindset I have when talking to females) So, why should I be afraid/scared of them.

Interesting thoughts on the single ladies. Care to expand on that, my dude?

:nerd: :nerd:
What people need to do is stop listening to these clowns who always talking about how they smashing and how if you don't get yambs (stupid word) you're a loser.

This type of thinking perpetuates the cycle of looking desperate, and in return you still don't get laid and it just goes round and round.

smart dudes know as soon as somebody is talking that stupid mess you put that character on ignore and don't give them any air play.
Get off your high horse. So you sit around waiting to be approached because you don't have to step outside of the comfort zone and get rejected? That don't make you a real man, that makes you ***** to me. Real men are confident and don't care about the cats before them that was trying to spit their weak game, they come correct and the girls recognize. You're severely limiting your pool of chicks if all you do is wait for the thirsty ones to come holla. Truuuuu

You mad doggie? I am a real man. I'm a hard worker. I pay my sick mothers rent every month. I take care of my daughter and gladly pay child support because it is my responsibility (and OMFG she just started her 1st day of school I still can't believe it myself). I am very confident. As a matter of fact I'm going out this Thursday and I am very confident that I am going to be leaving with a number by doing everything that you disagree with. Limiting my pool of chicks you say? Seriously, I do not want a pool. I've caught 3 STDs (All cured phew) in the past EVEN WHILE WEARING A CONDOM and I am honestly ashamed of how many females I've slept with. If I told NT how many I've had sex with NO ONE would believe it.

I never talk to more than 1 female at a time. I never cheat. I even try not to check out girls. You have no idea how stupid you look breaking your neck over a female in public making Fk faces n ****. You are the definition of what girls call "dogs" when you do that. I have a lot of respect for women especially since I am a father to one. I'm not on a mission to pull females. If I go a month without P I am perfectly fine. I don't go out to pull chicks, I don't tell myself "man, I'm gonna pull some **** today". I don't look at a girl and think "damn I want her" I just do me and take life as it comes. I choose to be like this not because I am a ***** but because I know females prefer guys like me over guys like you. I'm happy as can be. I'ma keep doing everything I said in my past 2 posts and love it. Next time I creep up from behind and snatch one of these dudes females I'ma remember your post and laugh at how dumb you are.
i have no game either but im funny as ****, make a girl laugh whip out your phone make a contact under her name then pass it to her so she could put her number in. usually always works especially with those nyu white girls from outta town. lawd have mercy
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