Guardians of the Galaxy (Film) - 8/1/14 - Starring Chris Pratt, Dave Bautista, Zoe Saldana, Benic

This is exactly what I'm tahm bout >D

It's like the fans arent interested at all

I wouldn't consider myself a hardcore Star Wars fan with deep EU knowledge but I am surprised I haven't heard about this. I still think the new trilogy is going to be amazing though
You stay asking the dumbest questions or making the wild pointless statements.

Just enjoy the movie (or you know, not and be on your way).

If you were watching the movie or left it wondering what was the purpose of Glenn Close being in it you're not being genuine at all.

:lol: I ask because one of the gripes from ASM2 were characters being forced in the film for the sake of having them in there. Glenn Close was Nova Prime, ok...but what did she add to the plot? How did she move the story along? She was in there to put the "orb" in a safe locker? Nebula? She had like 5 lines in the movie. But forgive me for pointing out the obvious. I'll just pretend the movie is great because of its mid 70's soundtrack...
Those things aren't why ppl think the movie is great.

This is a perfect example of nitpicking at irrelevant things to complain about. It's like you don't know how to watch a movie.

Unlike Guardians, Spidey is a well established character with his own lore and mythos many are familiar with. So if you're gonna pull that kind of crap in a sequel after an okay reboot movie expect for ppl to wonder on certain things that were hyped that didn't get panned out. Basically this is you still salty over ppl not liking the masterpiece ASM2 and crying about it cuz you can't let it go. Damn man, move on. Many didn't think ASM2 was as good as you did. There were a whole lot more things to complain about with the movie that what was the point of ______ character (unless that character was suppose to be important to the movie). It just wasn't that good of a Spidey movie.

Gunn can get away with Nova Prime and Nebula cuz nobody knows who the **** they are. The OG Nova Prime is dead in the comics and I'll assume Nebula is dead in the comics as well. You're talking about minor characters in either medium that might have had one big role once in their existences.
Its just something I noticed not something I care for. Who cares if I am wrong. My life is affected in no way if Star Wars becomes the highest grossing film of all time or if no one cares about it.

I'm just optimistic that Disney can work its magic on the franchise and make it 2 for 7
If you noticed something and what you noticed was wrong shouldn't you at least care? or are you just spewing **** as usual?

There's a big *** SW thread with a whole lot of ppl who are interested and care.
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Rewatched the movie and pretty disappointed with Drax just based off the stuff I read about him. Ronin without the stone was making lightwork of him. Even Korath was able to get a few shots on him.
Man what was the point of Anthony Hopkins? Yeah he was Oden but then what?
:lol: Can't wait for what was the point of Michael Douglass in Ant Man?, what was the point of Jeremy Irons in B vs. S? etc. Just calling out all older actors cuz they weren't main characters driving the story.
:lol: Can't wait for what was the point of Michael Douglass in Ant Man?, what was the point of Jeremy Irons in B vs. S? etc. Just calling out all older actors cuz they weren't main characters driving the story.

Lol you guys are funny. Anthony Hopkins as Odin who is the ruler of Asgard who casts his son out of the kingdom to teach him humility, Jeremy Irons playing Alfred the only family that depressed *** Bruce Wayne has and tends to his needs, Michael Douglas who play Hank Pym the original Ant Man who will give Eric Lang the ant man suit, all these characters that will help move the plot along in the story. You couldn't have a story without them. Glenn close as Nova Prime, you could've left her out the whole film and John C. Riley would've filled in everything her character was suppose to do (and lol at showing John C. Riley's alien family at the end; super random) but like I pointed out I'll stop stating the obvious. The only thing this movie had going for its self were visuals. Rocket cries, drax gets beat up a lot....but the soundtrack is awesome, right? :lol:
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ASM2 was amazing bruh bruh. So awesome.

Maybe it wasn't "amazing" to some of you guys but the movie had heart and the balls to re envision one of the most controversial deaths in comic book history. Lol but isn't this the guardians thread? Let's stop talking about ASM2 and talk about that great 70's soundtrack James Gunn put in Guardians. Oh did you see that celestial too?
:lol: ******* with you man, it was cool. But even with the reboot they're encrouching upon drudgery territory to me. The series needs a serious shock to the system, no Jamie Foxx. But back to Guardians. Maybe ya'll don't feel it because you don't like timey wimey spacey wacey stuff like I do.
:lol: ******* with you man, it was cool. But even with the reboot they're encrouching upon drudgery territory to me. The series needs a serious shock to the system, no Jamie Foxx. But back to Guardians. Maybe ya'll don't feel it because you don't like timey wimey spacey wacey stuff like I do.

It's all G Mark we're shooting the jokes. Everybody knows I have a soft spot for spiderman and ASM2 the film so it sparks fun debates in here. Guardians is actually a really ambitious film it's just a couple things here and there that they could've done differently regardless it's doing numbers in the box office and keeping Marvel films at the top of the trend. I don't know if anyone ever touched on how dope the Milano (Star Lord's Ship) looked. I can't speak on the visuals enough
Rewatched the movie and pretty disappointed with Drax just based off the stuff I read about him. Ronin without the stone was making lightwork of him. Even Korath was able to get a few shots on him.
Sooo you read some stuff then became disappointed?
:lol: Can't wait for what was the point of Michael Douglass in Ant Man?, what was the point of Jeremy Irons in B vs. S? etc. Just calling out all older actors cuz they weren't main characters driving the story.

Lol you guys are funny. Anthony Hopkins as Odin who is the ruler of Asgard who casts his son out of the kingdom to teach him humility, Jeremy Irons playing Alfred the only family that depressed *** Bruce Wayne has and tends to his needs, Michael Douglas who play Hank Pym the original Ant Man who will give Eric Lang the ant man suit, all these characters that will help move the plot along in the story. You couldn't have a story without them. Glenn close as Nova Prime, you could've left her out the whole film and John C. Riley would've filled in everything her character was suppose to do (and lol at showing John C. Riley's alien family at the end; super random) but like I pointed out I'll stop stating the obvious. The only thing this movie had going for its self were visuals. Rocket cries, drax gets beat up a lot....but the soundtrack is awesome, right? :lol:
We get it, you love to nitpick.

What was the point of Uncle Ben in ASM? He didn't even tell him with great power comes great responsibility :smh: What's the point of Sally Field in ASM2? Whole movie could've went by fine without her.

:lol: :smh:

Rewatched the movie and pretty disappointed with Drax just based off the stuff I read about him. Ronin without the stone was making lightwork of him. Even Korath was able to get a few shots on him.

Sooo you read some stuff then became disappointed?
I don't get it. Drax has been more lame than cool if you count the years since he's been created. He had a lame design and was just a strong guy. Only until his recent revamp he looked cool and finally did what he was reborn to do and even throughout all the stories I can't recall any huge feats let alone beating somebody like Ronan. Him and that cosmic hammer do work so it'd only make sense for him to own Drax.

Drax was never really Hulk level or Thor level. Think he stood toe to toe with Professor Hulk once.
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Spidey had like 5 characters that moved the story fwd. You could literally say "What's the point of [actor] he didnt do anything, he was just [important character] for almost everyone in the movie.
ASM was and awsome movie and tmnt 2014 is flawless.

We hear ya loud and clear

:lol: I don't mind opinions but when people post points as if it's factual and act as if they're the authoritarian of film (when their taste in movies SUCK) it's annoying.

These same individuals will say *^{+ like Transformers was better than Dark Knight :lol:.
We get it, you love to nitpick.

What was the point of Uncle Ben in ASM? He didn't even tell him with great power comes great responsibility :smh: What's the point of Sally Field in ASM2? Whole movie could've went by fine without her.

How does Peter fight crime if it wasn't for uncle ben's death? And Sally Field as aunt may? Peter's guardian? She had a touching scene in ASM2, at least I thought. Quit trolling zik, you know I loves ya :lol:

ASM was and awsome movie and tmnt 2014 is flawless.

We hear ya loud and clear

Blaster you finally hearin me! :lol: :wow: (I don't know about TMNT being flawless though, but it was a fun film)

Spidey had like 5 characters that moved the story fwd. You could literally say "What's the point of [actor] he didnt do anything, he was just [important character] for almost everyone in the movie.

Only character I have a gripe with is Felicity jones' character but she was intended to be set up for sequels. Other than that every body kept the cogs spinning

:lol: I don't mind opinions but when people post points as if it's factual and act as if they're the authoritarian of film (when their taste in movies SUCK) it's annoying.

These same individuals will say *^{+ like Transformers was better than Dark Knight :lol:.

Don't you hate that?! I mean it's one thing for a guy to like ASM2 but there's a certain guy in here that's obsessed with that film, I mean give it a rest already. That movie was sub par at best

....did I get it right? :lol:
Saw the movie early this afternoon.

It was a good movie but god damn y'all hype everything.

Great visuals, but I don't get the hype.

IM1>WS>Thor>everything else>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>IM3
We get it, you love to nitpick.

What was the point of Uncle Ben in ASM? He didn't even tell him with great power comes great responsibility :smh: What's the point of Sally Field in ASM2? Whole movie could've went by fine without her.

How does Peter fight crime if it wasn't for uncle ben's death? And Sally Field as aunt may? Peter's guardian? She had a touching scene in ASM2, at least I thought. Quit trolling zik, you know I loves ya :lol:
I barely remember her in the movie at all. Touching scene eh? Must've been inconsequential. Uncle Ben was in the movie for like 5 min. Dies and then what? What was the point?

I think you see where I'm going :lol:
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