Guardians of the Galaxy (Film) - 8/1/14 - Starring Chris Pratt, Dave Bautista, Zoe Saldana, Benic

I don't understand what Jon Favreau was thinking with iron man 2. Everything was so clunky in that movie. The DJ AM scene with Tony and Rhodey fighting :smh:
^^ Terrance Howard got the boot too hard but other than that they brought back everyone for IM2. Favreau didn't do IM3 because of some other obligations or whatever but gave the reigns to Shane Black who had work with RDJ before but none of that mattered cause IM3 was just ridiculously awful. All those iron man armors for nothing :smh:

Fun fact: RDJ was an SNL cast member. I found this out yesterday and was like :wow: . No wonder he bounces off of people so well
Im2 was what it was because it was basically just a "hey avergers is coming out!" Preview. Im3 was just a "hey guys, remember when I was in avengers!?" The movie. :lol:
^Him too but who I am thinking of is a director or a writer. I know there was originally a female director for Thor 2 but she also inexplicably got the boot (prolly so they can say "from the director of Game of Thrones") before they even started. Its part of what caused Natalie Portman to want to quit.

I dont think the female Thor director is who I am thinking of either.

Maybe it wasnt an avengers movie then. I was thinking the guy who did IM1 was different than the guy who did 2 & 3.

Prolly just confusing the entire article
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IM3 started off kinda dope though. I thought the scenes with Tony having flash backs of what happened in avengers was dope and the creepy *** kid that was like "how'd you get out of the wormhole" I was like awwwww **** Tony has finally realized he's become part of a bigger universe :lol: and he's scarred but then everything just fell apart. I remember RDJ kept hyping up that wack *** plane scene where the people hold hands and make a human chain or whatever. I saw that scene in theatres and immediately started surfing NT afterwards. I had just tuned out of the movie :rofl:
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Honestly, Natalie Portman is the only reason I watched Thor 2, :lol:

The first one was that bad to me.
The mandarin and the house party protocol ruined the whole movie for me. When it was revealed that the mandarin is just an actor the movie went from 100 to 0 real quick.
Iron Man 2 was written during the writer's strike in addition to it being an Avengers intro.
Why did they make Rhodes the iron patriot? Who the hell thought it'd be cool to change the back story of a thunderbolts character? Like who wrote this script?????? I'm getting upset just thinking about this film again. I had blocked it from my mind for so long but now I'm being reminded of stupid that film was
The mandarin and the house party protocol ruined the whole movie for me. When it was revealed that the mandarin is just an actor the movie went from 100 to 0 real quick.

When they did that I waited for the "real" one to show up or something....... I got nothing. But beyond tony never using any of the suits. Beyond the stupid story, beyond the wtf bad guy........ We were blesses with super pepper pots. Because when you go to see an ironman movie, what you're really looking for is super pepper pots.


The equivalent of April killing shredder in a ninja turtles movies....... O wait.....
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Then I wonder what movie I was thinking of. Cuz someone got inexplicably fired. I think it was a marvel film. Maybe not

Antman.. But the movie hasn't come out yet, obviously

Marvel was heavily involved with ironman 2 forcing a lot of the shield/avengers stuff on favreau
When they did that I waited for the "real" one to show up or something....... I got nothing. But beyond tony never using any of the suits. Beyond the stupid story, beyond the wtf bad guy........ We were blesses with super pepper pots. Because when you go to see an ironman movie, what you're really looking for is super pepper pots.


The equivalent of April killing shredder in a ninja turtles movies....... O wait.....
Bahahaha I just saw this movie tonight and that part had me like wtf?....
Why did they make Rhodes the iron patriot? Who the hell thought it'd be cool to change the back story of a thunderbolts character? Like who wrote this script?????? I'm getting upset just thinking about this film again. I had blocked it from my mind for so long but now I'm being reminded of stupid that film was

That's because the Osbournes are owned by sony I think. IDK I know nothin about the guy. I thought I read somewhere that he is norman osbourne with captain america sense of values or something

When they did that I waited for the "real" one to show up or something....... I got nothing. But beyond tony never using any of the suits. Beyond the stupid story, beyond the wtf bad guy........ We were blesses with super pepper pots. Because when you go to see an ironman movie, what you're really looking for is super pepper pots.


It was just a waste. I didnt even know what to say when I came out the theatre. I was just like

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IMO Cap 2 is the best marvel movie with GotG being it's only competition. Cap 2 with the edge because it actually had great villains and had lasting implications on the overarching story.
The equivalent of April killing shredder in a ninja turtles movies....... O wait.....

WAIT.... HOLD THE **** ON......... did THAT really happen?!?!
i was never going to watch that movie anyways... and i knew it was gonna be really really bad... but if that actually happened... i'm a lost for words..... :x :smh: :x :smh:

and i hate the fact that i'm actually acknowledging this movie right now :stoneface: :smh:
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