Guardians of the Galaxy (Film) - 8/1/14 - Starring Chris Pratt, Dave Bautista, Zoe Saldana, Benic

sh*t, I do. I haven't seen the film and it may suck badly but I still would prefer not to read any spoilers for it. Main reason I haven't entered the TMNT thread the whole weekend.

Nah, that's BS of an excuse.

Got to have proper movie etiquette, can't just be spoiling films especially if there's a specific thread for it that people avoid and especially if it barely came out this same weekend no matter how bad the film is.
The equivalent of April killing shredder in a ninja turtles movies....... O wait.....

WAIT.... HOLD THE **** ON......... did THAT really happen?!?!
i was never going to watch that movie anyways... and i knew it was gonna be really really bad... but if that actually happened... i'm a lost for words..... :x :smh: :x :smh:

and i hate the fact that i'm actually acknowledging this movie right now :stoneface: :smh:

Reminds me of cat women killing bane with that weak *** vehicle gun smh
Relax I didn't spoil anything :lol: it's like saying peter is involved with beating Ronan in GOTG. Well no ****

More like an exaggeration
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WAIT.... HOLD THE **** ON......... did THAT really happen?!?!
i was never going to watch that movie anyways... and i knew it was gonna be really really bad... but if that actually happened... i'm a lost for words..... :x :smh: :x :smh:

and i hate the fact that i'm actually acknowledging this movie right now :stoneface: :smh:

It happened but not in the way it's being described. It's still a decent watch if for nothing else seeing splinter get down
Damn Venom, I don't know about horrendous but outside of IM1 those origins for Thor and Cap didn't do much for me. Just okay but it's easy to find things I was disappointed in. I steady compare Cap to Batman Begins and how ppl try to act like it was better than it was and it continues given they both had amazing sequels. Hope it stops there cuz I don't want Cap3 to be bull ****.

I thought Thor 2 was a bit of improvement but I agree with ONeg's opinion that if you combine Thor1&2 you probably get a great Thor movie. Shame they're not going the LOTR or even pg GoT route with it. Has so much untapped potential. I mean we still haven't explored Asgard thoroughly let alone the other 7 realms.

IM2 was pretty average but it's so forgettable it's hard for me to hate on it. If anything that is what I expected when I first heard they were making a IM movie. It completely justified my initial thoughts so I didn't feel let down. IM sucks in the comics for the most part. His villains are straight up trash. They just made the damn best out of his origin to fool ppl. I mean really Whiplash? Son got the lamest villains. WHACKEST OF WHACK. Plus I didn't expect ugh from Rourke. They would've been better off teasing Mandarin as the shadowy figure pulling strings since they mentioned the ten rings terrorist group in the origin movie. I've said it before but that would've been the movie to seriously add 2 villains and simply steal some marvel villains Tony doesn't regularly fight.

I too was expecting a twist after dude was revealed to be an actor. I thought a Usual Suspects, the best trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he doesn't exist reveal to happen but alas :smh:

Why did they make Rhodes the iron patriot? Who the hell thought it'd be cool to change the back story of a thunderbolts character? Like who wrote this script?????? I'm getting upset just thinking about this film again. I had blocked it from my mind for so long but now I'm being reminded of stupid that film was
Cuz that's what they were doing in the comics eventually. Makes more sense for the Iron Patriot armor to be a govt owned Stark tech based suit than it does to be a character they don't own the rights too in the movies :rolleyes :lol: C'mon you know why they did that. I mean did you expect Osborn to show up in the IP suit in a Spidey flick?
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Nah, that's BS of an excuse.

Got to have proper movie etiquette, can't just be spoiling films especially if there's a specific thread for it that people avoid and especially if it barely came out this same weekend no matter how bad the film is.

It's a superhero movie bro. The bad guy always loses. I could tell as soon as they introduce the villain he is going to die. No need to be so sensitive. The only one that surprised me was Loki back in the Avengers but it's because he's a god so he can't die I guess.
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People actually give a **** about this TMNT movie enough to complain about spoilers? :smh: :lol:

I swear this whole don't spoil it for me bro uptightness has gone too far.
Then I wonder what movie I was thinking of. Cuz someone got inexplicably fired. I think it was a marvel film. Maybe not

Antman.. But the movie hasn't come out yet, obviously

Marvel was heavily involved with ironman 2 forcing a lot of the shield/avengers stuff on favreau
The SHIELD stuff isn't what made IM2 bad. I hear ppl keep mentioning this as if that was why the movie sucked.
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Nah, that's BS of an excuse.

Got to have proper movie etiquette, can't just be spoiling films especially if there's a specific thread for it that people avoid and especially if it barely came out this same weekend no matter how bad the film is.

It's a superhero movie bro. The bad guy always loses. I could tell as soon as they introduce the villain he is going to die. No need to be so sensitive. The only one that surprised me was Loki back in the Avengers but it's because he's a god so he can't die I guess.

Man it isn't even about being sensitive, there's a separate thread for a reason. I know Shredder is going to lose but to say April beats him i s a big deal, just like if you tell me before seeing IM3 that Potts would beat Killian.

I mean they are blatantly saying April beats Shredder, not that she helped or anything, just that she beats him and not the turtles. I haven't seen the film so I don't know how big of a deal it is that April beats Shredder but that is a rather big plot detail.

It seems like it is only getting a pass because it's an overall crappy movie but if there is a single Marvel thread for example and AoU releases a week earlier in Europe and someone just spoils the hell out of it, the NT nerds would be on an uproar.

I don't even get how some of you guys are defending it someone posting a spoiler, it should go with any movie that barely came out this weekend. Now it's just being uptight to not want to know the ending in a film? If the film sucks, let me find out by myself, I am not spending your money. If I care enough for my $15 that I will cry at night because I wasted it on a crappy film then I'll go inside the specific thread and inquire there.

Again the spoilers being posted outside of it's thread, if this was the TMNT thread the no big deal but people do avoid movie threads exactly to avoid spoilers.
Here's another tmnt spoiler,

Brace yourself.....

the turtles beat the foot clan :lol:

Again, it's about saying who beat the Shredder not whether he will be or not. Aprils been useless in fights in the past and wasn't really a presence in the end of the other films so her actually beating the main villain is a big spoiler. It's like saying a bass guitar beast Shredder in TMNT2. :lol:

Come on man, you know it's true. It'll be like saying MJ defeated Green Goblin or Doc Ock and saved Spidey. I see Spidey beating those viallins but MJ doing it is unexpected.
Again, it's about saying who beat the Shredder not whether he will be or not. Aprils been useless in fights in the past and wasn't really a presence in the end of the other films so her actually beating the main villain is a big spoiler. It's like saying a bass guitar beast Shredder in TMNT2. :lol:

Come on man, you know it's true. It'll be like saying MJ defeated Green Goblin or Doc Ock and saved Spidey. I see Spidey beating those viallins but MJ doing it is unexpected.

And like I said it's wasn't even the truth, more of an exaggeration .

But it's all good. I'll apologize for it.

One more

Sit down for this......

The turtles are

mutants !
You just can't stop, can you.

What's next, you're going to tell us what age group they are in?
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