man... these slow starts have got to stop.

we used to come into a game 5 and step on team's throats....
assuming the dubs advance to the WCF, warriors can't afford to consistently dig themselves a hole in the first quarter. getting down 8-0, 10-0 against the suns aint gonna cut it.

adams in the paint is really changing the dynamic of the warriors' offense. he's just clogging the lane. this is where we need dray to at least take a mid range to draw adams out the paint. but idk if this is really adams or not having steve kerr there.

i want to know why they started bjelica over JK in the 2nd half when OPJ was out.
Solid defensive gameplan for the W's last night. I don't think Steph and Klay are back to finding their stroke. The team's offense was moving smoothly and you have to applaud their defensive rotations to close out shots.

Looking forward to Friday. My hope is they continue to approach Luka the same and that Steph and Klay find more consistency in their jumpers.
Solid defensive gameplan for the W's last night. I don't think Steph and Klay are back to finding their stroke. The team's offense was moving smoothly and you have to applaud their defensive rotations to close out shots.

Looking forward to Friday. My hope is they continue to approach Luka the same and that Steph and Klay find more consistency in their jumpers.

Agreed. Steph shot still seemed off, he forced a few and it seems like he knew it each time. Also Ive come to just accept the fact that Klay gon shoot that mf every time he gets it lol. I aint mad at it tho, he has earned that right but I cant stunt some of them shots I do shake my head at. But the ball movement was beautiful, and Wiggins defense, as well as the teams overall defense, looked amazing. I'll admit I didnt expect a beatdown but I figured GS would pull it off. Really wanting to grab both at home, at worst split in Dallas, and close it in Chase. GS looked very prepared for GM1. Kidd is gonna make some adjustments, Luka is definitely not only scoring 20 the rest of the series lol and Dallas will get that 3 ball dropping, but all in all GS got this.

If GS can pull of this ship this will for sure be my favorite of the run easily.
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Agreed. Steph shot still seemed off, he forced a few and it seems like he knew it each time. Also Ive come to just accept the fact Klay that gon shoot that mf every time he gets it lol. I aint mad at it tho, he has earned that right but I cant stunt some of them shots I do shake my head at. But the ball movement was beautiful and Wiggins defense as well as the teams overall defense looked amazing. I'll admit I didnt expect a beatdown but I figured GS would pull it off. Really wanting to grab both at home, at worst split in Dallas, and close it in Chase. GS looked very prepared for GM1. Kidd is gonna make some adjustments, Luka is definitely not only scoring 20 the rest of the series lol and Dallas will get that 3 ball dropping, but all in all GS got this.

If GS can pull of this ship this will for sure be my favorite of the run easily.

all of this. JKidd was probably using gm1 as a feel out game and essentially ran everything thru Luka. I noticed it was predominantly Iso with mainly Luka and a bit of brunson/dinwid during non-luka minutes. dallas wasn’t running any off ball action, kidd might be keeping it close to vest. the thing that makes me nervous is like you said, dallas’ shooters are gonna hit. i doubt kleber, DFS, brunson and bullock are anywhere near as cold as they were last night. dallas was getting hella open looks on the perimeter and they weren’t droppin.

but then again, steph and klay were missing open shots from deep that they usually stripe. that said, steph and JP gotta keep attacking the rim. dallas has no rim protection. also, wild to see the warriors midrange the mavs to death. thought they forgot about that area of the court entirely
all of this. JKidd was probably using gm1 as a feel out game and essentially ran everything thru Luka. I noticed it was predominantly Iso with mainly Luka and a bit of brunson/dinwid during non-luka minutes. dallas wasn’t running any off ball action, kidd might be keeping it close to vest. the thing that makes me nervous is like you said, dallas’ shooters are gonna hit. i doubt kleber, DFS, brunson and bullock are anywhere near as cold as they were last night. dallas was getting hella open looks on the perimeter and they weren’t droppin.

but then again, steph and klay were missing open shots from deep that they usually stripe. that said, steph and JP gotta keep attacking the rim. dallas has no rim protection. also, wild to see the warriors midrange the mavs to death. thought they forgot about that area of the court entirely
I honestly think Kerr is going to put in coaching work this series to show Kidd a thing or two.

The W's coaches emphasized that the midrange was there for them and to take it. I hope with Game 2 they continue to stick to their gameplay on Luka and continue to be active on the defensive side of the ball.

Would love for them to go 2-0.
to me, during this playoff run so far, steph just looks.... tired.

I'm thinking all those miles on his legs are catching up to him, and it doesn't help that he's 34.....
I honestly think Kerr is going to put in coaching work this series to show Kidd a thing or two.

The W's coaches emphasized that the midrange was there for them and to take it. I hope with Game 2 they continue to stick to their gameplay on Luka and continue to be active on the defensive side of the ball.

Would love for them to go 2-0.

warriors go up 2-0 and im confident series is over barring injury. i’m assuming kidd comes out with his adjustments, but if dubs respond it’s a wrap.

i know mavs overcame 2-0 against the suns but that took cpee3 looking pedestrian in games 5,6 and 7. this team has way more balance offensively where it’s not dependent on steph being on a heater. even when he’s been off, defenses still have to respect his range which opens stuff up for JP, klay and wiggs.

go dubs :pimp:
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