Green Bay Packers Season Thread ---- (1-1(1-0)) Aaron Rouse RELEASED

DRC getting EXPOSED tonight

Yea this is preseason but its 1st team vs 1st team... our #1 WR came outta the game in the 1st Q
Aaron Rodgers in the FIRST HALF

258 yards
3 TD's


Hes just picking on them. I dont care that its pre season. These are the Arizona Cardinals starters and they were just in the Superbowl.
Man this preseason **** is such a **** tease.

^^ You're not kidding... Im foaming at the mouth to get to the regular season right now... Ill be devastated if somehow they cant keep this momentum andplay even 80% of what they are now.

The defense has been SWARMING to the ballcarrier and the QB, causing fumbles and then getting to the ball.

The D has 13 Turnovers in 2.5 games.
Granted some of those came from 2nd and 3rd string.

Rodgers is looking unbelievable... Hes lightning in a bottle. 458 yds and 6 TD's with NO INT's on less than 35 Attempts

We were not hiding the fact we were throwing the ball and he still moved the ball at will... Went after DRC like he was Jason David in the Saints vs Coltsopener a couple years ago

Lets see what these backups can do.

I come in peace...all I am wondering is if Greg Jennings is okay. He's on my fantasy team.

I think hes okay... they wont take any chances though.
Just watched the game...

Rodgers is a freaking beast
ohwell.gif fans I'd be ecstatic to be in your guys'position right now. You have your QB position locked up for the next 10-12 years....congratulations.

He displayed so much poise in the pocket, was able to squeeze passes into double coverage, and possesses amazing accuracy on the deep ball. He aired out twolong ones to Driver (maybe more, two is all I can remember right now)...he connected on only one of them but both were in a perfect spot for the receiver tomake a play. I think his leadership abilities are rapidly progressing as the end of the first half when Collins/Woodson (whichever it was)intercepted the pass and brought it back to Arizona's 20 or so. There was only 7 seconds left....basically only time for one play that would have to be acompletion in the end zone because if it wasn't a TD you'd have to send in Mason "Wide Right" Crosby to attempt a FG. What did Rodgers do? Hewas able to find an open Jermichael Finley on the pay dirt for the TD. There was only time for one play and Rodgers was able to get the most out of that mistepby Warner.....that showed me a lot of leadership.

Great performance by Rodgers...

By the way, just a concussion for Jennings. Should be back in no time.

at Rodgers-Cromartie....dude got absolutely abused last night

Ya'll are going to be tough to beat this year
You can't help but be excited for our squad this year.

Rodgers is the man so far. And our first team offense has not punted ONCE yet!?!

And oh boy....someone gravedig that thread where mad dudes were on DRC's jock.

Rodgers was intentionally going after homeboy. Child's play.

It might be the preseason and all....but the Pack has been showing up and showing out so far.
Rodgers and cwood were playing out of this world against the cards! Defense seemed to give up a lot of long passes down the middle of the field. Other thanthat, I like
Originally Posted by JPZx

Just watched the game...

Rodgers is a freaking beast
ohwell.gif fans I'd be ecstatic to be in your guys' position right now. You have your QB position locked up for the next 10-12 years....congratulations.

He displayed so much poise in the pocket, was able to squeeze passes into double coverage, and possesses amazing accuracy on the deep ball. He aired out two long ones to Driver (maybe more, two is all I can remember right now)...he connected on only one of them but both were in a perfect spot for the receiver to make a play. I think his leadership abilities are rapidly progressing as the end of the first half when Collins/Woodson (whichever it was) intercepted the pass and brought it back to Arizona's 20 or so. There was only 7 seconds left....basically only time for one play that would have to be a completion in the end zone because if it wasn't a TD you'd have to send in Mason "Wide Right" Crosby to attempt a FG. What did Rodgers do? He was able to find an open Jermichael Finley on the pay dirt for the TD. There was only time for one play and Rodgers was able to get the most out of that mistep by Warner.....that showed me a lot of leadership.

Great performance by Rodgers...

By the way, just a concussion for Jennings. Should be back in no time.

at Rodgers-Cromartie....dude got absolutely abused last night

Ya'll are going to be tough to beat this year
Believe it or not... that was ANTHONY SMITH that snatched that ball away at the end of the half

People sayin he cant cover...
... well... he still cant really
but that was nice.

DRC stood there in disbelief after he let Finley muscle him for that TD.

Ol closet Green Bay sweater wearing #@(*$ JPZ....
I heard Anthony Smith could start over Bigby. Any truth to this
Friendof mine told me this, he said hes an animal. He just has this mentality.

Another thing, you wanna know why i love Rodgers?

When he throws the deep ball, im always confident hes gonna connect. Like if its not there he wont throw it. So when he does throw it, im thinking o boy thisis gonna be good.
Favre on the other hand, everytime he chucked the ball deep. My thoughts were please no pick please no pick. I was always waiting for the worst to happen.

This boy Rodgers is gonna be great

I also love the fact he seriously looks like Jesus esp. when hes rocking the beard
I guess its a tight enough position battle that it has people talking...

but until Smith proves he can play a whole game without making big mistakes i think Bigby stays... But i love him being able to plug into the defense and giveBigby a blow.

All i want from Capers is to use our players correctly... god knows we have the athletes and talent on D to get it done... implementation and execution.
yall feelin real good about yourselves huh ... what yall have 6 wins last year? the lions went 4-0 last preseason right? just checkin ...
F outta here... I see you havent been struttin around about your garbage cowboys for once

Anyways... Lions got Preseason W's... where have I ONCE said anything about our W's... i could not care less about winning these games. But the simplefact is our FIRST TEAM OFFENSE has absolutely CRUSHED all 3 of the FIRST TEAM DEFENSES that they have faced thus far.

I'd tell you to go watch the games but i really dont care to hear what you have to say
. Last i checked, 2008 records dont count towards the 2009season... If you deny that this team has improved and is in great position to make noise right now then you are an absolute idiot.
Originally Posted by Emmanuel Goldstein

yall feelin real good about yourselves huh ... what yall have 6 wins last year? the lions went 4-0 last preseason right? just checkin ...

Whats your reason for you being salty? I see your a cowboys fan, well i guess theres my answer.

Get outa here
Nah Emmanuel Goldstien = Lilstarz = marleysprotege = quickest dude on this forum to take shots at Green Bay
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Nah Emmanuel Goldstien = Lilstarz = marleysprotege = quickest dude on this forum to take shots at Green Bay
Thats him?

Cot dam fer real get outa here. Im not gonna lie ask JPZx i may have been a little obnoxious cause im pumped for this year. ( Which is mainly to do with theVikings Rivalry)

But Lilstarz/marleysprotege could very well have been the most annoying person on S&T.
Ik ppl dont like JRain but i feel this dude took it to a whole nother level
He gives himself away with the "... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..." all the time

!+%* doesnt even make sense. Used to annoy the crap out of me
... well, still does actually.
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Nah Emmanuel Goldstien = Lilstarz = marleysprotege = quickest dude on this forum to take shots at Green Bay

i dont know who they are ...


as for the packers, i never hated yall until you kicked favre outta town ... bunch of bamas and now you got a dude named erin as your starting QB
... i would trade an 0-16 cowboys season (cuz we arent winning the super bowlanyway) for favre to light yall the +%@# up in both those division games and the packers to miss the playoffs ... you run the greatest statistical QB legendout of town for erin ... then you got dudes talkin about the packers are ready to make noise ...
I was mad they kicked Favre out. I thought it was a year too early, but now its looking like it was a good decision.
They put in Rodgers at the perfect time.

For all i know, the Packers knew he had a messed up shoulder and thats why they booted him.

All thats said and done. Rodgers is here, Rodgers is ready, and your straight up a ritard word to allen from the hangover if you dont think hes making noiseright now.

Rodgers > Romo and its not even close.
You dont know who they are

There was only 1 person on NT before you to refer to Rodgers as "erin" and also only 1 person i saw that used "... ... ..." 50 times perpost.
Stop playing stupid, although im sure its not difficult.

You saw what Brett did last year, and youll see what hell do this year... and that is being an inferior QB to Aaron Rodgers.

Favre ran his own damn self outta town with all of his nonsense. Hes gone... im over it, you should be too...
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