Also... is it lame for study groups in grad school, when you're not actually working in groups?
Don't want to come off as immature, but study groups came in the clutch for me in undergraduate ...
I kinda want to be pro active and crank one up on the first day.

[COLOR=#red]You'll get a feel for things soon enough. It depends on the subject matter and the type of people in your class. If you have a class full of introverts fugghedaboutit. But all in all it's not immature, it's actually a great thing...shows you are serious about your craft home-skillet. My first go round in grad school we had mini study groups right after class to reinforce the material and to help each other out on our database design.[/COLOR]
Also... is it lame for study groups in grad school, when you're not actually working in groups?
Don't want to come off as immature, but study groups came in the clutch for me in undergraduate ...
I kinda want to be pro active and crank one up on the first day.

Not lame at all.

In my cohort, for example, we often collaborated on work together in the grad office-- explaining or clarifying key concepts, bouncing around ideas, and more generally, supporting each other.
Also... is it lame for study groups in grad school, when you're not actually working in groups?
Don't want to come off as immature, but study groups came in the clutch for me in undergraduate ...
I kinda want to be pro active and crank one up on the first day.

Oh man, I am still in undergrad but I used to work for a prestigious private college in Houston. Yes, groups are fine in grad school but they tend to be very intimate though. Students would tell me how they spent the night over each other houses cause it was too late and they were too tired to drive home. They would say they spent most of their time with their group mates. Most of these chicks were dimes+. So the guys had fun. They would work hard and play hard together.
Oh man, I am still in undergrad but I used to work for a prestigious private college in Houston. Yes, groups are fine in grad school but they tend to be very intimate though. Students would tell me how they spent the night over each other houses cause it was too late and they were too tired to drive home. They would say they spent most of their time with their group mates. Most of these chicks were dimes+. So the guys had fun. They would work hard and play hard together.

what school in houston though?

PM if you dont want to say it out loud...
sup yall ... here's an official thread for for education after your Bachelor's degree.
its for anyone who has questions or answers, or can provide some stories on how it helped your career...
ask stuff about school, clothes to wear, commute, yambs jobs during school, entrance exams,...
me personally? got a BBA-Marketing, and start on my Masters iin Science Finance in September.
took my GMAT (it was :x )
i'm getting the MS so i can attain my MBA in the future... many schools wont let you get two MBAs, so i figured why not get the MS first... work a few years, stack bread, and shoot for a big name school...
working at AT&T part time, but its about 32 hours a week, at about 40K a year... i'm hoping i can find a BAWSE intern in the D since AT&T has its world headquarters here.
no schollys, no tuition reimbursement... i'm straight LOANED up the first two semesters... but i'm starting to fill out schollys NOW for next fall...

snap u in Dallas? So am I! I'm a teacher, currently taking my master's courses online through University of Houston; this is my last year in the program.

and it's all for the what? FREE!
im studying now to take the GRE in november and again in february and will apply to ga state for grad school next fall hopefully i can get in thinkin i wanna major in sports administration and take all my coaching exams lvl I, II, in order to get my certification for coaching and then start coaching on the college level and maybe get a few pro runners under my belt. anyone take the GRE or get into grad school without taking it and maybe transferred somewhere else? just wondering cause i gotta do something to get these damb loan advisors off my back :smh: :smh: and i only ha one year worth of loans too
snap u in Dallas? So am I! I'm a teacher, currently taking my master's courses online through University of Houston; this is my last year in the program.
and it's all for the what? FREE!
yep... North Dallas... I feel WAY more comfortable in South Dallas though...

I'm looked at funny out here... Plus, I got a thing for hood yambs :evil:

But you getting it for the free.99? Iaineemmad.jpg
yep... North Dallas... I feel WAY more comfortable in South Dallas though...
I'm looked at funny out here... Plus, I got a thing for hood yambs :evil:
But you getting it for the free.99? Iaineemmad.jpg

smh :lol: :lol:

Do you. I've never been attracted to hood dudes so I RARELY move in South Dallas. Plus it's like a different type of hood down here--- it be that hood x country mix :smh:
1 Week down... It feels like undergrad work load... Just you have to read the material as opposed to undergrad where you could skip reading 9 times out of 10
^For mine it is because discussion of the text is a large part of every class..
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guess that's the beauty of online classes--- if I know I didn't read I can just sit back and chill. She doesn't call on you etc. Blackboard is GAWD
yup about 2 weeks in for myself. Got a quiz next week and an exam the following.

I also start my clinic placement in 2 weeks and have to prep starting next week.

It's gonna hit fast.
Sorry to post this again guys but I never got a response the first two times...

anybody have a disciplinary probation on their undergrad record or know how it would affect my application to MBA school.... I got pulled over by campus police with tree in my car and they reported me to the school ( this was after San Diego State's big drug bust so they were cracking down hard) im lucky I didnt get suspended

I have a 3.1 gpa in International Business (5 year program with a 3 month internship abroad in Costa Rica ), fluent in Spanish, good work experience and planning to take GMAT soon..
I'm thinking of taking up chinese as a language. How hard is it to learn it? ANyone have any experience? Is it worth the effort?
1, Take the GRE. The only premier programs that I can think of that don't take it are Booth (weekend program takes it), Berkeley (I think their weekend program takes it too), and UCLA. 7 of the top 10 programs take it. And the test is easier. I studied for 3 weeks, maybe 30 hours total.

2, If you are an undergrad and want an MBA, do not be deterred by people saying you need experience. Do you know how exclusive it is to go to a top-10 program right out? The programs are so small, that the advisers give you extra care and use their connections. My brother just graduated from USC and started with me at Yale this past month, he is a Silver Scholar, 1 year of school, 1 year of work, then back to school.

3, Take the GRE.

4, If anyone is in IB/PE/VC... Holla at me, I do not want to do fall recruiting haha.
thread bumperooski...

had my first test tonight...

glad i didnt chicken out about that whole study group thing...

it came in the CLUUUUTCH for this past test... we all got on skype and just killed it...

i would have been completely messed up w/ out them...

trying to finish up w/ a 3.9+ on boys...

:pimp: :pimp:
I know there are some MEs on NT. What is a good masters degree to get if I already have a BSME? I want to get a masters but don't think I really want to get an ME graduate degree but I since I have only had one job since graduating, I don't know what specific study to get it in.
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