It's not much easier out of grad school, unfortunately. The job market is barren.
Yes the job market is barren...DEPENDING on your field of expertise. What many people look past as a benefit of going to school is the ability to get an internship. Internships are invaluable whether they are paid or not because they serve as work experience and they are many times used as a "working interview" (where they have a chance to observe your know-how, ability to learn new concepts, and your work ethic without the commitment of hiring you).

I had an internship with the Environmental Protection Agency...which led to a job with a defense contractor...which led to me going to Iraq do...which led me to becoming an Intelligence Officer with the feds. All of that came as a result of being in school.

Cliffnotes: (SInce most people can only read 140 characters at a time these days :lol: ) When the job market is "turrible" school is better because you can ride out the bad economy while making yourself more qualified at the same time via internships. BTW make sure you keep a 3.5 or higher GPA. You can do it, just stay off of Facebook, Twitter, NT, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, RedTube, Call of Duty and focus.[/COLOR]
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Yes the job market is barren...DEPENDING on your field of expertise. What many people look past as a benefit of going to school is the ability to get an internship. Internships are invaluable whether they are paid or not because they serve as work experience and they are many times used as a "working interview" (where they have a chance to observe your know-how, ability to learn new concepts, and your work ethic without the commitment of hiring you).
I had an internship with the Environmental Protection Agency...which led to a job with a defense contractor...which led to me going to Iraq do...which led me to becoming an Intelligence Officer with the feds. All of that came as a result of being in school.
Cliffnotes: (SInce most people can only read 140 characters at a time these days :lol: ) When the job market is "turrible" school is better because you can ride out the bad economy while making yourself more qualified at the same time via internships. BTW make sure you keep a 3.5 or higher GPA. You can do it, just stay off of Facebook, Twitter, NT, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, RedTube, Call of Duty and focus.[/COLOR]

Great advice.

If I could do it over I would have tried to get summer internships instead of working while I was in undergrad.
different stokes for different folks.
I just know its DAMB hard to get a great job right outta undergrad.. especially in a business field.
Not impossible ... but hard...
I feel that getting the MS will GREATLY aid me in finding a nice job

It's not much easier out of grad school, unfortunately. The job market is barren.

True hopefully we all get our first jobs soon
It's not much easier out of grad school, unfortunately. The job market is barren.
Yes the job market is barren...DEPENDING on your field of expertise. What many people look past as a benefit of going to school is the ability to get an internship. Internships are invaluable whether they are paid or not because they serve as work experience and they are many times used as a "working interview" (where they have a chance to observe your know-how, ability to learn new concepts, and your work ethic without the commitment of hiring you).

I had an internship with the Environmental Protection Agency...which led to a job with a defense contractor...which led to me going to Iraq do...which led me to becoming an Intelligence Officer with the feds. All of that came as a result of being in school.

Cliffnotes: (SInce most people can only read 140 characters at a time these days
) When the job market is "turrible" school is better because you can ride out the bad economy while making yourself more qualified at the same time via internships. BTW make sure you keep a 3.5 or higher GPA. You can do it, just stay off of Facebook, Twitter, NT, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, RedTube, Call of Duty and focus.
Just curious....what do you do?

Can you give specifics? I've always kinda found that you've been all over the place. 
Just curious....what do you do?

Can you give specifics? I've always kinda found that you've been all over the place. 
You know I typed at least three long responses but I don't want to take away from this thread since it's about school. I've already started writing a book about my zany experiences and will make a thread about it soon. As for now I'm just a regular guy about to start grad school in the Spring '13 semester. But to answer your question I did work for our nation both domestically and abroad.

About you B-school and Finance guys...give me Calculus before messing with those SWOTT analysis :lol: I had to help my lady out with that stuff and it drove me insane!!!
In a program that gives me bachelor of science in nursing and masters of science in nursing (clinical nurse specialist, nurse educator focus). Taking the NCLEX (Registered nurse test next summer). 2 years deep, 2 and a half years to go with option of stopping at BSN. Watching my debt pile up
Is it worth studying for? I am legit with the content. I have been looking over the study guides and it seems like I will be fine.
Is it worth studying for? I am legit with the content. I have been looking over the study guides and it seems like I will be fine.

What I did was read through what I thought I'd have most trouble with...

Formulas for math.. I didn't fully remember.. Just go through and look and see if you can do the problem off memory from the past.. If not learn how to do it in every way possible that the book shows.. Write it down and use it as part of a study guide.

And understanding the format for the reading section questions.. It's extremely tough to study because there is hundreds of different types of rules. And gets extremely confusing. What I did was just know the types of questions they will ask.. I didn't study the rules too much because I'd fry my brain. I'm a good writer so I used common sense for a lot of the answers and that worked fine.

It's always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to standardized tests that you are paying for...

It's not the toughest test, it was frankly not that hard. But I'd suggest at least looking at what you need to know.

Also take a couple practice tests on the math side. It will do world's of help on test day.

As for writing. Not anything to study. Just read the directions and question carefully.. Take a minute or two to develop what you will say, and just start writing. Don't waste time on an outline.
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Does anybody have experience with dealing with a disciplinary probation on your undergrad record - i got pulled over with tree by campus police (had to do counseling at school and got a year disciplinary probation)

How it will affect my application? like do I have no chance of getting into the likes of USC, UCLA, UC DAVIS mba programs with a high 600/700 on the GMAT?
I graduated from undergrad in 2010; I'm applying for a Masters in Engineering Management and a few MBA programs this year, if my GRE score (when I take it in October) is decent enough.

I do feel I have a good outside chance at getting in; I had a decent undergrad GPA (not the best, but within striking range), and have had great work experience at a small company (which allows me to write better essays, and I should be able to get good recommendations). Assuming I enter next year, I'll have accumulated ~2.5 years of work experience. Even though I'd still be on the younger side for an MBA student, I just felt it was very good timing to give it a shot. If I don't get into the schools I want come this application cycle I do have a few back-up plans over how I want to plan my career out. I'm sure all of you feel the same way- we all need to plan ahead over how we want our careers to go- especially in your 20's you always need to be looking at moving around if you want to get to where you want to go.

My rationale for getting my MBA/MEM (still finalizing which schools to apply to) include moving toward logistics and operations within engineering (I feel my strengths are greater there compared to technical work in engineering), and also higher earning power. From my perspective there's no reason to go unless I know for sure the degree will command attention from the very best companies.
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It's not much easier out of grad school, unfortunately. The job market is barren.
you right...

but you cant deny you're more marketable with a Masters behind you.

I'm hoping that i can get into a finance analyst/advisor position while working on my MS-FIN... so i can come out w/ around 2 years exp and enough money to knock these loans down...

That would be... like... DREAM SITUATION... eff an internship... :lol:
Graduated with B.S. in Radio, TV, Film in 2007. Just started back this week for a M.A. in Emerging Media and Communication. Not sure what I got myself into.
:lol: why you say that, my dude?
also, you're at TCU?

Did undergrad at TCU. Doing grad at UT-Dallas.

I just feel really overwhelmed and in over my head. Have hella reading and writing to do. We will see though. Its only the first week.
Did undergrad at TCU. Doing grad at UT-Dallas.
I just feel really overwhelmed and in over my head. Have hella reading and writing to do. We will see though. Its only the first week.
oh word? i was about to go there for my Finance program... i even got a spot over in apartment city (around North dallas Toll and George Bush, midway, frankford, allat...)

ended up heading to UNT though...

shoot me a PM... i'm always up for surrounding myself and meeting with progressive young folks...

:pimp: :pimp:
Also... is it lame for study groups in grad school, when you're not actually working in groups?

Don't want to come off as immature, but study groups came in the clutch for me in undergraduate ...

I kinda want to be pro active and crank one up on the first day.
New account thanks to the switch...

Bachelors in Criminal Justice from ODU in Norfolk, VA.  Just earned (July 2012) an MS in Strategic Intelligence from the National Intelligence University in DC (Free for gubment workers like myself).  Thesis was on Hispanic Transnational Gangs (MS, 18th St).  A few things stand out from my experience:

Longest year of my life.  2 years of work crammed into 10ish months.

F*** the GRE.

I have Turabian memorized.  (good or bad depending on how you look at it)

I don't know how you guys pull off solid grades in some of these technical disciplines.  Much respect, tho.  I wouldn't make it a week in some of the fields you guys are in.

Moving in to my apartment on Tuesday, orientation on Wednesday start school the following Monday.

I'm still in shock that it's actually happening. Been paying my dues for awhile and ready to kill it.
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