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Originally Posted by BangDak

no on amare and JJ. and i rather have wade then lebron. yes, i said it. dont get me wrong, if lebron comes, ill be all for it, but i rather have wade. i just dont see him leaving mia though

and next years pick is unprotected



its pretty much LeBron or bust next season
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

You right about that.

But when it comes down to it and Bron has to pick leaving his hometown to go to a worse team for less money...I'm not so sure that he's going to jump ship.

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Knicks will have less cap space in 2010
Jul 8th, 2009
by Dan L.

The new cap numbers have been released and they've gone down. ESPN is reporting that the league is warning teams that the cap might decrease further next year.

Commissioner David Stern actually warned during the NBA Finals of a [basketball related income] shortfall of "maybe as much as 10 percent" from last season to next season, but Tuesday's projections were sufficiently dire for teams such as the New York Knicks that have been planning for months to make a significant free-agent splash next summer.

When Knicks president Donnie Walsh took the job in April 2008 - before the global economic downturn that, as with most businesses, has hit the NBA so hard - some teams around the league were projecting a 2010-11 cap ceiling in the $63 million range per team. So in the best-case scenario outlined by the league office Tuesday night, New York would have roughly $10 million less in spending money next summer than it originally planned for, although the memo did include a disclaimer stressing that these were "early" projections that could "change based on economic conditions and as more information on leaguewide business performance becomes available."

This was anticipated, but now it seems like a real possibility, unless the economy really turns around and teams make a ton of money this year (the cap is based on league revenue). Donnie already had his work cut out for him, but now Donnie really has his work cut out for him.

True. Plus LeBron's given no indication he'd ever leave Cleveland. Honestly I don't think he's ever even considered New York.
Honestly I don't think he's ever even considered New York.
That one just had me

Cavs fans

and get Seassions

and imo a lineup of


with the 2 rooks coming off the bench is a solid core to build around imo. I would love to take that lineup and retain Nate and/or Lee i think if we had bothfor another season + Sessions playoffs could be a real possibility. But even if we dont retain both of them that lineup gives us a solid core of players forthe future and would show alot of good improvemnt from our young players. I mean ive been pushing for Sessions for aminute and i am very high on him so call mebiased but i think in our system with this lineup he could develop in to one of the top young PGs in the entire East. Will and Gallo ould take huge stepsforward (esp Gallo who i am making my bold prediction if he starts of 15-20 ppg and 40+% on 3s
). Al would be a relieable scorer/vet and i think Darko would be a legit center and take a big step up as well.

I just hope that IF Nate and Lee have to go we get some +*#! in return like getting rid of fatty/Jeffries or getting some draft picks or at best a player likeLO (which i HIGHLY doubt) but Lakers have said to be intersted in Nate and maybe we could package something for both him and Lee, idk. Im just saying hopefullywe can get something outta losing Nate and Lee, at the very least some draft picks or cap relief.

I agree that if anyone thinks that is a playoff team i just dont see that. But i liked the Thunder reference somebody threw out earlier. This team wouldstruggle in the beginning because of its inexperieence but would start being very exciting when they click and they would be very fun to watch inD'Antoni's sytem. I really think that is a good core of piecrs and if a guy like Lebron was thrown in there they would become an EASY championshipconternder...

and one with the majority of their core players under 25

EDIT: and on a side note ima be pissed if this whole Sessions thing falls through... cause as shown by this trade made today we coulda had Bassy VERY easily...and imo he is an upgrade over Duhon and hes from NY

but if we get Sess all is forgiven from me
Ramon Sessions' agent, Jimmy Wells, said Monday that an offer to his client may be near.

"We're getting close with three teams," Wells said. He confirmed that two of the suitors are the Clippers and Knicks.

It is possible that the Clippers' trade to acquire Sebastian Telfair will cause them to drop out of the running for Sessions.

Wells said he did not know whether Milwaukee would match an offer sheet that the restricted free-agent Sessions signs.

"I don't know what the Bucks are thinking," Wells said.
i just saw on espnews that we met with andre miller today but we DID NOT make an offer.

looking like sessions right now
Can someone tell me how we WONT have enough money for LeBron and another star next summer? I've been hearing some issues about recently.
Simply put, the economy at it's weakened state has forced a predicted shrink in next season's salary cap. I saw in here some supposed numbers where heonly way Lebron himself, never mind another complimentary player, could sign with us, he'd have to take significantly less money at the start of hiscontract.

I'm sure someone will come in to either correct my statements or expand on them.
Damn all this sessions talk makes me really want sessions in orange and blue now. I mean he put up 15 assists with the bucks in their wack #%$"system". He'll be putting 20+ assists with us every other night
. I have a pretty good feeling we're gonna get him though(unless something goes terribly wrong). Bucks wont match our offer since they got jennings and they're broke anyway. I know ya'll are against me onthis one, but i'm telling you with our exact roster now + sessions we ARE a playoff team.
Jul 21, 2009 7:40 AM EST
The Knicks are preparing to sign Ramon Sessions to an offer sheet using the team's mid-level exception.

Sessions is a restricted free-agent and the Bucks would have seven days to match the offer, something the Knicks now think the Bucks may not do if the team is ready to hand its point guard duties to lottery pick Brandon Jennings. Earlier the Knicks were reluctant to get involved believing the Bucks would match their offer.

Agent Chubby Wells said he hopes his client signs a four-year offer sheet today or tomorrow. "They've gotten real serious," he said of the Knicks.
I'm liking the sound of this

Passing up on Jennings FTW... cause now that gives us the oppurtunity to sign a PG better than anyone that would be available at 8

I dont wanna jinx it though... but i really hope this all goes through
I know it's been a slow and disappointing off-season for us and 2010 is not shaping up to look good at all (aside from signing LeBron), who may not come ifwe don't get some help beforehand. But Donnie Walsh works mysteriously. He seriously does trades when you least expect it. I still have faith in him,I'm just a bit impatient right now.

Sessions would be a good start. Lee either needs to sign for the $7-8 million or stay with the QO cuz nobody else is going to sign this guy. If Nate goes toGreece, sayonara. Steve Nash
A first rate source just told me that Lebron told him he is going to leave Cleveland for NYC. Shaq or D-Wade may join.

From music journalist, Toure. Clearly, it can and probably be/is complete BS, but he would run in the same circles that would allow him to be privy to suchthings.
Originally Posted by Al3xis

A first rate source just told me that Lebron told him he is going to leave Cleveland for NYC. Shaq or D-Wade may join.

From music journalist, Toure. Clearly, it can and probably be/is complete BS, but he would run in the same circles that would allow him to be privy to such things.
A first rate source eh?

Melo's my dude but idk. He should come back to his REAL home (
) but I doubt he leaves Denver, didn't he sign an extension?
ok, re-reading that Lebron thing again

so both Lebron and Shaq would leave Cleveland at the same time?
..Doesn't Shaq have another year left on his contract anyway? correct me If I'm wrong
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