Go to the official '09-'10 New York Knicks season thread, this thread will be locked soon

now that i think of it, i really do think we have a shot at the last seed of the playoffs.
last year, we went on a losing streak when we needed to win the most. most of the games we lost, were only by a few points due to crucial mistakes in the finalminutes.
we proved that we're a good team, beating boston, losing to the magic a few times just because of crucial mistakes in the final minute, and lakers? i havebad memory, sorry.
all this team needs is some defense, more experience and chemistry together, and i think we'll def. be able to make that last spot.
Originally Posted by BangDak

last year, we went on a losing streak when we needed to win the most. most of the games we lost, were only by a few points due to crucial mistakes in the final minutes.

Its been that way for the last half a decade.

That happens when you don't have a good team.

Without a legit star that can carry a team over the hump and provide tested leadership....we go nowhere.
I mean, the Knicks do have a shot at the playoffs but so does the rest of the conference.

Barring injuries, locks: Boston, Orlando, Cleveland, Atlanta, Miami, Detroit.

So the Knicks will be battling for the final 2 spots with: Toronto, Philadelphia, Washington, Charlotte, Indiana, Milwaukee, Chicago. Hell, New Jersey mightcontend for a spot

The Knicks only get a spot if they can retain Lee and Robinson for another year, while adding Sessions or Miller.
^never given good PT?
Hawks/Pistons are not a playoff lock, imo.
teams that i think would get that last spot: Washington, Chicago,Toronto. Wildcard:tongue:hiladelphia, Charlotte, Pistons, Atl


New York
New Jersey

Nothing has changed as of yet in the EC IMO. Are y'all forgetting we were the second worst team in the EC last year? What has changed so far?

If we get Sessions we might move into the 9/10 slot.
1. Boston
2. Cleveland
3. Orlando
4. Chicago
5. Miami
6. Atlanta
7. Toronto
8. ???????????

I think its a toss up between New York and Detroit
^imo, it'll be the wizards, IF healthy.
we wont be far behind though. i wished the wizards to be healthy last year, and now i take it back
I think we'll ahve a year like theTunder had this year, were we start out getting smacked but come on strong at the end of the year. We def. not going tothe playoffs but I think we could grab the 9th spot.
[h2]Knicks should look at Odom[/h2] [h3]July 17, 2009[/h3]

I still can't see the Lakers allowing Lamar Odom to walk less than six weeks after he helped the franchise win its first title in the post-Shaq era. Adding Ron Artest is risky. Losing Odom would be disastrous.

But if Odom is looking elsewhere - Miami and Portland are two suitors - the Knicks should seriously investigate the possibility of acquiring one of the league's most versatile players. Odom is a better fit than Carlos Boozer, who is more of a traditional, back-to-the-basket half court player.

He might not be as effective in Mike D'Antoni's system. Odom, on the other hand, would flourish, especially with the ball in his hands. People close to Odom say that Odom coming back to his hometown is not ideal, but Lamar has matured over the years. Just look at how he's handled himself in Los Angeles.

Would the Lakers be interested in a deal for Odom that would include David Lee? I'm not sure about that. But it's worth investigating. Odom is better than Jason Kidd and Grant Hill. Plus, he's the kind of player that might be able to attract LeBron James or Dwyane Wade next summer.


Franco Clarke, a Brooklyn-born film maker and lifelong Knicks fan, has a new film entered in the 11th annual Roxbury Film Festival, in Boston. "This Can't Be Life" will be shown August 1st at the Wentworth Theater.

Click here for the film's trailer.

lakers are not repeating without LO, book that +%$*.
rubio-wade-chandler-LO-hill? gallo-curry-jefferies (hughes, al, lee, nate if resigned) off the bench would be

i wouldnt mind that lineup at all.
Originally Posted by Proshares

now they're saying the Knicks might stand pat for 2011 or 2012.

I love it.
With the way that things are going this offseason...we don't have much of a choice.

If we don't make a major move this summer...LO, Boozer, Rubio, T- Mac for Curry etc. we won't have enough cap space or star power to get the cream ofthe crop next summer.

Whats going on Donnie?...
if we don't get a star this summer we would have to wait till whenever

why blow money on sub-par talent and knock ourselves out of the lottery. I don't want us set back another decade
^we dont have our pick next year.
worse thing you want to do is give a young contending team another solid star/role player.
Originally Posted by BangDak

^we dont have our pick next year.
worse thing you want to do is give a young contending team another solid star/role player.
I know we don't have one next year. i'm talking about the long haul. Like if we need to sit and wait for 2012 for a star.
Originally Posted by true 3 blue

No we are not a playoff team with sessions.

YOU'RE bugging.
I am glad others agree....Sessions is good but not THAT GOOD. And he is not worth doing a sign and trade for where would have to bring back a badcontract....its not worth it at all. Let's just stick to the salary cap fan....we have not been good for this long I really don't see why any Knicksfan can't be patient for one more year. We can't go for a quick fix everytime!!
Originally Posted by Proshares

now they're saying the Knicks might stand pat for 2011 or 2012.

I love it.

I still think the Knicks have a shot to land a combo of Joe Johnson and Amare in 2010. However if 2010 doesnt work out I have no problem with letting theyoung talent develop and trying to bring in CP3 who I believe is a FA the following year.
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