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Originally Posted by viiheaven

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

If we get Carlos Boozer and let him walk after his contract expires I'll be very mad. He's the type of player you keep and let him compliment a superstar.
Sike! The dude is a bum. Tell me the last time he played a full-season
Him & Amar'e man, I don't understand how these dudes get so much hype for being having done nothing.

go knicks
They should be making to look moves now considering Lebron/Wade etc are not even guaranteed to come here.
I also have a feeling Jordan Hill turns into the next Chris Wilcox or Drew Gooden
...however, his saving grace is that he appears to have a motor and work ethic unlike those two.
Thabeet is disappointing me. We drafted him because of the fact that he is a supposed force on the boards, and a shot blocking machine. I am disappointed inhim thus far, because he has not, in any way, shown that he is either of those things. I'm sure he'll get much better though.
Gotta love summer league games...People who predict whos garbage in a matter of a game...These games dont mean anything at all
henry, well said..

i like what i saw from douglas, hill, and almond.. douglas had 11 assists and 0 TURNOVER. he could have more than 15 assists if joe crawford and ron howardmade their shots..

jordan hill did play well, but he needs to be aggressive on defense at inside..

almond really can shoot.. i love his shooting.. i hope knicks get this guy..

ron howard is a joke.. he really messed up the game for us.. he thinks he's dwyane wade..

for some reasons, i like carter #44.. he can play.. he played solid..
just some thoughts on the game....

-looked very raw, but i see the potential
-needs to work on his perimeter game
-i dont like the way he moved on the court at all (maybe duhon will get him better looks
-he should go to that fade away shot in the post more often

-steal at #29
-premature to say he can be a pass first PG, but he definitely played that role today
but any other day he'll hit those shots

-very nice shooting
-almond needs to pass more
-tiskthsvili had a very nice touch, hustled, and played decent defense
-both will make the roster IMO
I liked what i saw today from both Hill and Douglas, especially Douglas but Hill impressed me as well.

T Douglas ran the floor like a champ and i love his attitude. Both players are nice defenders with great motors also which i love. It seems like douglas canplay the point WAY better than advertised and we should not even think of trying to make him a 2. Especially with D'Antoni as a coach he can be developedinto an NBA PG EASY.

I also like Almond and from what i hear he will make the team, he looked a bit out of it for most of the 2nd half though but that has to be in part to Howardand Carter jacking up shots they had NO business in taking.

at that ridiculous floater by Howard that lost us the game when we were up 3with less than a minute to go. After he forced that up Williams promptly came down and converted an and1 to tie the game up. That play definitley lost us thegame, we had the thing in control. But i guess dude was just trying to bump up his stats to get more looks from the scouts and get a training camp invite. Atthe end of the day it just made him look like a fool though.

Williams killed us also. I cant believe he was playing out in Puerto Rico last year. I know his career definitley took a turn for the worse but i at leastthought he was still on an NBA roster.

at these dudes saying hill will be no better than a Wilcox in the 1sthalf of his 1st summer league game. Summr league is @+$@#!% worthless and even if you ARE gonna mke an assumption like that during summer league, PLEASE notthe 1st half of his 1st game (I mean do any of yall remember the heat D Rose was taking after his 1st summer league game last year? He had like 2 points andlike 7 TOs, and he turned out awful riiiight
). On behalf of Team NYK...


and a quick i told you so...

at Curry. @+$@#!% bum he will never give effort, what a @+$@#!% clown. Forgetting his damn sneakers?! In front of the main boss. If you want tochange peoples minds that is FAR from an ideal way to start
I was at class during the game so i didn't see anything. gr8 can you please explain what the hell you're talking about with curry. That just sounds sowrong.
^look a few pages back, should be the last page.
theres an article saying he came to practice without sneakers
yup al3xis posted it on 111, guess I missed it.

I'm getting the pitchforks and fire ready.
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