Go to the official '09-'10 New York Knicks season thread, this thread will be locked soon

^because there was an article stating he wanted to join al here in ny to win a championship
Originally Posted by BangDak

^gs fans would like to say otherwise.
beans game is pretty much one dimensional, although he fits into that system well because he doesnt need the ball in his hands to succeed.
if they think beans is the future, they wouldnt be considering packing him+a bunch of others to the suns for amare at the beg. of this summer.

so you think that they are going to trade one of their better players away, for a fat piece of crap center who HAS to have the ball in his hands constantly tobe successful, when they already have a player who fits in perfectly and would also play the same position as fat boy. The difference between trading Beidrinsfor Amare is they can both play the same position, why trade a G/F for a fat center when, as you stated, already have a center that fits into their system?

Besides, if you are going to go out and waste money on a long term contract on a stephen jackson type player, why not just give that money to D.Lee?
Originally Posted by fac3 tak30v312

Like I said you're not going to ask him to do anything but score a couple points, grab a couple boards off the bench .... or as a decent starter not solid .... good or great ... decent ... which so far is all he's been doing all his career ... I'm not saying to hope he all in a sudden becomes the dominant offensive force that people were hoping for him to become .... but for a 20 min stretch on a defensive minded team that needs an offensive inside presence he could provide that ............ and in all honestly he didn't stop caring until he came to the Knicks
Curry is absolutely wothless. He is not capable of doing any of that. He got overated offensively in a system that only featured him and he hasfallen off and gotten fatter since than. He has never played any D or hustled and that has only been wosened. Before i get into more arguments lemme just askyou. Arent we in need of a center? We played David %+##!%@ Lee at center all season... Dont you think if Curry was capable of performing on a winning team,than we would use him??? There is a reason his %%@ is riding pine.

Lemme just put it this way, only one Curry will be playing in GS this year and as much as i hate to say it it aint cheeseburger Eddie. They aint that dumb.There is 0 chance of them giving us SJax for Eddy.

Besides, if you are going to go out and waste money on a long term contract on a stephen jackson type player, why not just give that money to D.Lee?
Agreed. There aint no way we are getting SJax here. Cause we know we wont throw the $ at him after we already refused to give that $ to Lee, Nate,and Sessions all player as good or around as good but much younger, and the only other way would be for them to take a guy like Curry but theres 0 chance ofthat either.
^see you keep referring to last season, as the basis of your blinding hatred without actually reading through any of what I've written .... and the onlything you're using to back that up is a season where he played almost 40 mins, and saw an increase in stats whereas when he has play 25-30mins his statsand production has been steady season in after season ...... like I said i'm not going to attempt to defend him just state some of the facts
In D'antonio's system .. no not a center like Curry .... his system is geared toward a thin, athletic center that would rebound and block shots ... inthe mold of T. Chandler, S. Dalembert or M. Camby .. Curry's riding the pine .. simply because he came in out of shape and unmotivated to get into bettershape ... the whole Marbury situation didn't help .... when you also add in that neither the organization nor it's fans care for him to be there
If you look at what was happening in Phoenix .. there whole team defense was orientated around causing turnovers and forcing opponents to drive inside, whichthrives on having an athletic shotblocker, if you watched Denver in the playoffs last year and what they had Chris Anderson do, that's whatD'Antonio's system is geared towards.... but Amare was never good enough of a help defensive player ...... and you later saw what happened when theybrought in Shaq to somewhat ail that weakness
Either way the Knicks frontcourt was on the chopping block as soon as D'antonio's name was spoken at the press conference
Originally Posted by fac3 tak30v312

^see you keep referring to last season, as the basis of your blinding hatred without actually reading through any of what I've written .... and the only thing you're using to back that up is a season where he played almost 40 mins, and saw an increase in stats whereas when he has play 25-30mins his stats and production has been steady season in after season ...... like I said i'm not going to attempt to defend him just state some of the facts
In D'antonio's system .. no not a center like Curry .... his system is geared toward a thin, athletic center that would rebound and block shots ... in the mold of T. Chandler, S. Dalembert or M. Camby .. Curry's riding the pine .. simply because he came in out of shape and unmotivated to get into better shape ... the whole Marbury situation didn't help .... when you also add in that neither the organization nor it's fans care for him to be there
If you look at what was happening in Phoenix .. there whole team defense was orientated around causing turnovers and forcing opponents to drive inside, which thrives on having an athletic shotblocker, if you watched Denver in the playoffs last year and what they had Chris Anderson do, that's what D'Antonio's system is geared towards.... but Amare was never good enough of a help defensive player ...... and you later saw what happened when they brought in Shaq to somewhat ail that weakness
Either way the Knicks frontcourt was on the chopping block as soon as D'antonio's name was spoken at the press conference
I mean i reallly did not want to get into an argument here. Considering i rant about Curry on the daily here and you are clearly not wothy arguingwith as you are obviously a person who just goes to check his boxscore and sees Curry's 19 ppg a few years ago and assume he must be at least decent. I getthat we are geared toward an athletic center but Curry will not fit in anywhere. He is just absolute worthless garbage. Dont say im not reading what you wrotecause i am, it is all just ******ed. Curry rides pine because he is lazy and he sucks not because he doesnt fit the system although that is indeed a reason.Curry scored big here when we had the worst coach in the history of the NBa at at the helm who ran a system where we would just dump the ball to EC and standaround. He would not even be able to put up decent numbers anymore in a real NBA system that requires ANY kind of ball movement. All he would do is have hisfat !!! clog up the entire paint.

Other than that, he never hustles, never blocks a shot, cant grad rebounds to save his life, cant run the floor, cant pass out of a double, he cant do anythingright. He very well may be the most worthless piece of *$%% in the NBA, and its sad because he had the potential to be good. If anything we should just packagehim with a guy like David Lee using the fact that he only has 2 years left and that he averaged 19 a few years ago as a trading chip, but hes so bad that wehavent even able to do anything like that yet. There is no $+%#!*! way that Golden State or any other teams wants this guy for a guy like SJax and a young studlike A Randolph. *%%$@! What has this thread come to with dumb !!! *$%% being thrown out there like that. Curry is soft, and he is sucks. He has no use to anNBa bench. He Could NEVER EVER eb a contributing factor on a winning team because winning teams do not allow little guards to get uncontested layups in thepaint. Please do not come at me any more defending Curry, becvause you really really cant. You ar eoutmatched. The man is a bum straight $+%#!*! up. we havenot even been able to dump him in a salary dump even if teams get a stud like David Lee. Teams know.

The ONLY way i can se a team going after him like i have said is a team looking for a center DESPERATELY and a team that poss wants to make a play in 2011.Kind of like what we did to Darko. We need a center, and although hes a bum we are taking a chance on him and if he fails his contact ends in 2010. Thats why isay the Rockets for EC cause Yao just went down, so they may take a chance on Curry and if not he is gone by 2011 where most of their salary comes off thebooks and than they can make a bid for a FA. But Curry is a $+%#!*! bum. He is worthless and no team in the right mind would want to take a chance on himunless they are looking for salary relief for 2011. That is the only possible way and we are $+%#!*! lucky that that piece of gfarbages contract doesnt run onfurther.
^show me one sentence JUST ONE AND ONLY ONE ...... where I talked about that season ...... stop trying to lump everything other ppl has said into one to putyourself above everyone else .... i've actually watched Curry play his entire career ...... step your reading comprehension up then come back and thenrespond to me ...... and I'll state it one more time ..... For any plans of getting a second star player the Knicks need for Curry to bounce back thisseason
Next time you want to respond to anything I've said HIGHLIGHT QUOTE WHATEVER that exact statement .. then say something .... and to show you whati'm talking about here's an example
Originally Posted by fac3 tak30v312

^see you keep referring to last season, as the basis of your blinding hatred without actually reading through any of what I've written .... and the only thing you're using to back that up is a season where he played almost 40 mins, and saw an increase in stats whereas when he has play 25-30mins his stats and production has been steady season in after season
Originally Posted by THE GR8

Considering i rant about Curry on the daily here and you are clearly not wothy arguing with as you are obviously a person who just goes to check his boxscore and sees Curry's 19 ppg a few years ago and assume he must be at least decent

Originally Posted by fac3 tak30v312

Curry's riding the pine .. simply because he came in out of shape and unmotivated to get into better shape ...
Originally Posted by THE GR8

Dont say im not reading what you wrote cause i am, it is all just ******ed. Curry rides pine because he is lazy and he sucks not because he doesnt fit the system although that is indeed a reason.
Originally Posted by THE GR8

The ONLY way i can se a team going after him like i have said is a team looking for a center DESPERATELY and a team that poss wants to make a play in 2011. Kind of like what we did to Darko. We need a center, and although hes a bum we are taking a chance on him and if he fails his contact ends in 2010. Thats why i say the Rockets for EC cause Yao just went down, so they may take a chance on Curry and if not he is gone by 2011 where most of their salary comes off the books and than they can make a bid for a FA.
This is the same sentiment both I and other's have stated, the only difference is I went further and hoped that Curry as well as the Knicksorganization give him a chance to restart him career .... thus increasing his value
Anyways I understand your frustration with Curry's career as a Knick so far, since I have also felt this way in the past with his lackadaisical attitude ..however I also understand for Walsh to carry out his plans to the fullest Curry needs to bounce back and restart his career
Hopefully you watch Darko's play closely this season and the reserve the anger and hatred you're prone to, while letting some rational wash over youconcerning his abilities on the court and mental in capabilities that has hindered him through his career so far
Originally Posted by fac3 tak30v312

^show me one sentence JUST ONE AND ONLY ONE ...... where I talked about that season ...... stop trying to lump everything other ppl has said into one to put yourself above everyone else .... i've actually watched Curry play his entire career ...... step your reading comprehension up then come back and then respond to me ...... and I'll state it one more time ..... For any plans of getting a second star player the Knicks need for Curry to bounce back this season
Next time you want to respond to anything I've said HIGHLIGHT QUOTE WHATEVER that exact statement .. then say something .... and to show you what i'm talking about here's an example
Originally Posted by fac3 tak30v312

^see you keep referring to last season, as the basis of your blinding hatred without actually reading through any of what I've written .... and the only thing you're using to back that up is a season where he played almost 40 mins, and saw an increase in stats whereas when he has play 25-30mins his stats and production has been steady season in after season
Originally Posted by THE GR8

Considering i rant about Curry on the daily here and you are clearly not wothy arguing with as you are obviously a person who just goes to check his boxscore and sees Curry's 19 ppg a few years ago and assume he must be at least decent
Originally Posted by fac3 tak30v312

Curry's riding the pine .. simply because he came in out of shape and unmotivated to get into better shape ...
Originally Posted by THE GR8

Dont say im not reading what you wrote cause i am, it is all just ******ed. Curry rides pine because he is lazy and he sucks not because he doesnt fit the system although that is indeed a reason.
Originally Posted by THE GR8

The ONLY way i can se a team going after him like i have said is a team looking for a center DESPERATELY and a team that poss wants to make a play in 2011. Kind of like what we did to Darko. We need a center, and although hes a bum we are taking a chance on him and if he fails his contact ends in 2010. Thats why i say the Rockets for EC cause Yao just went down, so they may take a chance on Curry and if not he is gone by 2011 where most of their salary comes off the books and than they can make a bid for a FA.
This is the same sentiment both I and other's have stated, the only difference is I went further and hoped that Curry as well as the Knicks organization give him a chance to restart him career .... thus increasing his value
Anyways I understand your frustration with Curry's career as a Knick so far, since I have also felt this way in the past with his lackadaisical attitude .. however I also understand for Walsh to carry out his plans to the fullest Curry needs to bounce back and restart his career
Hopefully you watch Darko's play closely this season and the reserve the anger and hatred you're prone to, while letting some rational wash over you concerning his abilities on the court and mental in capabilities that has hindered him through his career so far

I agree 100% that the Knicks needa get rid of Curry i say that all the time. All im saying is that he is absolute garbage. The only way i think wecan trade him is in a salary dump ir a package with a guy like Lee. all ive been saying is that no team like the Warriors is gonna take Curry in return for aplayer of value like SJax... the $!%$ you trying to say, cause it SEEMS like youve been defending him which i disagree with because the dude is absolutelyworthless
-knicks making another push for rubio
-rubio press conference at 5pm today finalizing barcelona deal
Originally Posted by Ballinsam23

-knicks making another push for rubio
-rubio press conference at 5pm today finalizing barcelona deal

what are the knicks doing to get him?
Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

Originally Posted by Ballinsam23

-knicks making another push for rubio
-rubio press conference at 5pm today finalizing barcelona deal

what are the knicks doing to get him?
sign and trade nate + lee+ future first rounder

Originally Posted by Ballinsam23

Btw, knicks have 2 hours to make a deal with rubio. it was reported that walsh is trying to deal nate, lee, and a future first round pick for him
eh I dunno lol future first rd pick also...??!
i saw that rumor in the off-season thread, but where did you get the 2hours from...?
if it was jefferies+nate+lee for rubio, i wouldnt mind that deal actually.
IMO it's basically trading a first-round pick for Rubio. As an onlooker, I don't consider Nate and Lee parts of the team anymore, especially Lee.It's worth it. If it's 2011 or beyond, the pick won't be that high if they have Lebron. Rumor's probably a pipe dream though. What reallymatters is when he signs a contract, not when he has a press conference.
[h1]Knicks president Donnie Walsh thinks David Lee, Nate Robinson will re-sign[/h1]
BY Frank Isola

Wednesday, September 2nd 2009, 4:00 AM


Nate Robinson should be returning to Knicks, as could David Lee, if you listen to Donnie Walsh.

Knicks president Donnie Walsh is confident that both David Lee and Nate Robinson will re-sign with the club before training camp opens later this month.

"Things are moving along," Walsh said Tuesday. "Nothing is imminent, but the talks have been good."

Lee and Robinson are restricted free agents, and Walsh has said repeatedly that he wants to retain both players. Lee had hoped to get a long-term contract worth between $10 million and $12 million annually, either with the Knicks or another team.

Instead, he'll likely have to settle for a one-year contract with the Knicks worth approximately $7 million. Robinson's one-year contract could be worth as much as $5 million. Those deals would allow both players to become unrestricted free agents on July 1.

Despite Lee's disappointment in failing to sign a long-term contract, he has been working out at the team's training facility on and off for the past two months. It's a sign that Lee knows he will be back. Robinson is also working out regularly at the facility.

Lee's name has been mentioned in several sign-and-trade scenarios, but Walsh seems reluctant to move the young forward. Walsh denied a report that the Knicks would consider trading Lee to Minnesota for unsigned rookie Ricky Rubio.

"We haven't spoken to them about Rubio since the day after the draft," Walsh said.

Rubio, who has expressed interest in playing for the Knicks, informed the T-Wolves that he intends to play for FC Barcelona for at least the next two seasons.
[h2]Knicks say they're notinterested in Rubio[/h2]
The Knicks claim there is no truth to the report that they are involved in any deal for Ricky Rubio, who for some reason would rather spend his winter inBarcelona than in Minnesota.

The report was that the Wolves would get David Lee in a sign-and-trade and the Knicks would receive Rubio plus a player or players with expiring contracts.It makes some sense since Lee is looking for a long term deal and the Knicks seem to admire Rubio.

But it sounds as if Rubio will spend at least one more season in Spain. The longer he stays the worse it gets for first year Minnesota GM David Kahn, whoalso happens to be Donnie Walsh's protégé. Kahn's first significant move was to trade Mike Miller and Randy Foye to Washington for the fifth overallpick which turned into Rubio. And after all that, the Wolves couldn't sign their man.

Minnesota then hires Kurt Rambis to be their head coach and name two assistants - Bill Laimbeer and Reggie Theus - who both want to be head coaches. Goodluck, Kurt.
And you thought the Knicks had a bad summer.
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