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Originally Posted by BangDak

because nellie doesnt know jack ++!+ waht hes doing.

a two year old could realize that that trade is terrible for the warriors. Jeffries sucks balls and Curry hasnt played an NBA game in like a year. Thatsquite possibly the worst trade proposal I have ever heard.
a 2 year also knows that they're getting ripped off on giving marco for devan useless george.
your point?
Originally Posted by BangDak

first of all, i was talking about dallas.
jackson's d is overrated, and does jack up too many shots, but you're really tripping if you wouldnt do a curry+jefferies for him+AR.
AR is a perfect point foward who has so much potential, and is STILL growing. i believe hes listing at 7/7'2 right now?
AND Jackson is def. an upgrade over hughes+any other bum not named chandler/gallo.

This will NEVER happen
BangDak, please leave this thread. randolph and jackson for jefferies and curry?!!

do you live in a dream world? this is why knick fans get a bad rep. trade proposals like this.
guys are quick to yell at me saying this will neve happen, blah blah blah.
no %%#$, i know that. g8 said that we'll never take on sjax, and with an offer like that, are you goign to refuse even with his 4/5 year contract? NO.
Haven't commented in a bit, safe to say nothing new has happened this off-season?

Patiently waiting..
If portland doesn't throw in Rudy id take blake and outlaw and a 2010 1st rounder for dlee sign and trade. Blake and outlaw both have 1 year deals andcould fit in our team right away and the 1st rounder would be needed since utah got ours.
portlands first rounder wouldnt be anywhere high but it is better then nothing.
steve would be a good fit in mikes system, but travis is just overrated imo.
i rather take rudy+1st rounder over both of them though.
Originally Posted by THE GR8

Originally Posted by Ballinsam23

Originally Posted by THE GR8

Originally Posted by DubA169

listen if curry starts beasting then there will be callers. It's hard to come by a center. One of the problems is that all the contending teams have one.
Curry doesnt beast nor will he ever. I have MAYBE seen him play a good all around game twice in his NBA career. He is garbage and we need to rid ourselves of him at all costs
Thats the problem in here, its really not. People get so blinded by that one season he averaged 19 ppg, that they forget he was our entire offense. Hense why we didnt win. We didnt run plays we just dumped it intop Curry and watched. Isiah was a 1000x worse coach than a GM. He would always get over obsessed with utilizing one player whether it was Marbury than Curry and than Crawford, that we wouldnt run plays. Curry could NEVER put up even close to numbers like that on a winning team let alone a team that has an actual system.

But beyond that people were so blinded that season by his fluke PPG average that they would just forget how inept he was EVERYWHERE else. For a center he was just a turnover machine, whenever the double teams came he got exposed, hed either force up a terrible shot, barrel into a guy for a charge, or just turn it over. Beyond that he has never EVER played defense. Nor as he ever hustled for a boad or boxed out. So while he is putting up fluke scoring #s on one side, it does not even CLOSE to make up for his other liabilities, let alone the fact that the scoring wouldnt even be there in a real system. This is why i have said i have maybe seen him play one or 2 good all around game. The only game i can remember of recent memory was that Milwaukee game when he went off and i remembered he had a few nice defensive plays as well.

But Curry has never beasted, he put up #s in a fluke system which blindfolded people from his rediculously terrible tunover, rebound, and block numbers. So we should stop say "I hope Curry beasts like he used to" cause i said it than and ill say it again now, he wont, he cant, he never has. Is it any suprise that he has fallen off completely opnce Zeke is gone and we actually play a game in an organized system with ball movement????

I don't think anyone is expecting him to come in and "beast" ....... just hoping he could come back and put up 12-14 pts with about 5 or 6 boardor a very hopefull 8 rebounds ...... with numbers like that he becomes a good back up center or a decent starter on a playoff team .. which then makes hiscontract which is coming off the books next year more palatable ..... not to mention if he puts up decent numbers this season ..... then come his contract yearhe should improve on that and bust his but for a new contract
Like I said before the Knicks need Curry to put up decent numbers, for any chance of them getting a second "star" player ... which most likely isgoing to play out as a sign and trade
Originally Posted by BangDak

guys are quick to yell at me saying this will neve happen, blah blah blah.
no %%#$, i know that. g8 said that we'll never take on sjax, and with an offer like that, are you goign to refuse even with his 4/5 year contract? NO.
I said SJax would neve come to the Knicks is because the only way that we would be able to get him is to give up expiring players.

Clearly GS would not trade SJAx (a player whose cotract is as bad as Currys but his skillevel is 100x better) and Anthony Randolph who is a real nice up andcoming player who they probably do not want to trade right now. Foir 2 buns with bad contracts?

Like i said S Jax is not coming to NY becauuse there is no way we are gonna take on another big contract especially for a guy who is not elite and is 31 yuearsold and there would be no other way to get him. And Donnie is not gonna go take on more contracts just like that, nor should he.

At saying SJax and AR thats like me saying the Knicks will never get Kobe and you coming out and saying we could trade him for Curry. Say what you want aboutNellie but no GM could still be in the league and be THAT dumb

I don't think anyone is expecting him to come in and "beast" ....... just hoping he could come back and put up 12-14 pts with about 5 or 6 board or a very hopefull 8 rebounds ...... with numbers like that he becomes a good back up center or a decent starter on a playoff team .. which then makes his contract which is coming off the books next year more palatable ..... not to mention if he puts up decent numbers this season ..... then come his contract year he should improve on that and bust his but for a new contract
uh no
you're telling me, that you wouldnt do a trade for curry for sjax straight up?
i can care less that sjax has a longer contract. dude will contribute way more then curry, whether its jacking up shots, or his overrated d.
and yes, nellie is THAT dumb. ask any gsw fan.
Originally Posted by BangDak

you're telling me, that you wouldnt do a trade for curry for sjax straight up?
i can care less that sjax has a longer contract. dude will contribute way more then curry, whether its jacking up shots, or his overrated d.
and yes, nellie is THAT dumb. ask any gsw fan.
no one in the world would be THAT dumb.

No one in the world would take Curry for SJax... thats more than a reach
Originally Posted by BangDak

you're telling me, that you wouldnt do a trade for curry for sjax straight up?
i can care less that sjax has a longer contract. dude will contribute way more then curry, whether its jacking up shots, or his overrated d.
and yes, nellie is THAT dumb. ask any gsw fan.
why in the hell would they do that. They already have a good young center, why trade for a fat worthless one?
^gs fans would like to say otherwise.
beans game is pretty much one dimensional, although he fits into that system well because he doesnt need the ball in his hands to succeed.
if they think beans is the future, they wouldnt be considering packing him+a bunch of others to the suns for amare at the beg. of this summer.
Originally Posted by THE GR8

Originally Posted by BangDak

guys are quick to yell at me saying this will neve happen, blah blah blah.
no %%#$, i know that. g8 said that we'll never take on sjax, and with an offer like that, are you goign to refuse even with his 4/5 year contract? NO.
I said SJax would neve come to the Knicks is because the only way that we would be able to get him is to give up expiring players.

Clearly GS would not trade SJAx (a player whose cotract is as bad as Currys but his skillevel is 100x better) and Anthony Randolph who is a real nice up and coming player who they probably do not want to trade right now. Foir 2 buns with bad contracts?

Like i said S Jax is not coming to NY becauuse there is no way we are gonna take on another big contract especially for a guy who is not elite and is 31 yuears old and there would be no other way to get him. And Donnie is not gonna go take on more contracts just like that, nor should he.

At saying SJax and AR thats like me saying the Knicks will never get Kobe and you coming out and saying we could trade him for Curry. Say what you want about Nellie but no GM could still be in the league and be THAT dumb

I don't think anyone is expecting him to come in and "beast" ....... just hoping he could come back and put up 12-14 pts with about 5 or 6 board or a very hopefull 8 rebounds ...... with numbers like that he becomes a good back up center or a decent starter on a playoff team .. which then makes his contract which is coming off the books next year more palatable ..... not to mention if he puts up decent numbers this season ..... then come his contract year he should improve on that and bust his but for a new contract
uh no

those two smiley faces does absolutely nothing to discredit that statement or the entire paragraph ...... if you're not going to actually reply then Idon't see the point in quoting the statement
Also on the whole SJax thing getting past the finances, roster wise it makes no sense especially with their Lebron plans
one last point as far as Curry is concerned ... outside of last season debacle ... he has been a proficient 13-14 pt offensive weapon ...... outside of theseason where the Knicks force fed him and Randolph the ball .. I don't see any team looking to employ his services looking for anything outside of that..... anyways I'm not here to champion the Curry bandwagon .. but it is in the Knicks best interest that he bounces back this season
honestly, i dont even know why im arguing about this because i want no parts of curry, NOR jackson.
Originally Posted by BangDak

^gs fans would like to say otherwise.
beans game is pretty much one dimensional, although he fits into that system well because he doesnt need the ball in his hands to succeed.
if they think beans is the future, they wouldnt be considering packing him+a bunch of others to the suns for amare at the beg. of this summer.
and what they would think Curry is the future??

those two smiley faces does absolutely nothing to discredit that statement or the entire paragraph ...... if you're not going to actually reply then I don't see the point in quoting the statement
what is this your 1st post in the Knicks thrwad? I dont even want to get into the ridiculousness of calling Curry a solid starter for a winningteam. How can you win when you have his fat @%% clogging up the paint and playing NO defense whatsoever and getting out rebounded by little %+$*$+% guards?

Im just not even gonna get into how wrong that is on so many levels. How about you look at my Curry rant a few pages down or my numerous other ones. $@%$ itill save you the time, Curry is a bum, he always has been, he always will be.
I know i might be goign on a Limb right now, but those proteges are ok..

i mean they look alot better than stuff that Reebok and addias are putting out thier...
Originally Posted by THE GR8

Originally Posted by BangDak

^gs fans would like to say otherwise.
beans game is pretty much one dimensional, although he fits into that system well because he doesnt need the ball in his hands to succeed.
if they think beans is the future, they wouldnt be considering packing him+a bunch of others to the suns for amare at the beg. of this summer.
and what they would think Curry is the future??

those two smiley faces does absolutely nothing to discredit that statement or the entire paragraph ...... if you're not going to actually reply then I don't see the point in quoting the statement
what is this your 1st post in the Knicks thrwad? I dont even want to get into the ridiculousness of calling Curry a solid starter for a winning team. How can you win when you have his fat @%% clogging up the paint and playing NO defense whatsoever and getting out rebounded by little %+$*$+% guards?

Im just not even gonna get into how wrong that is on so many levels. How about you look at my Curry rant a few pages down or my numerous other ones. $@%$ it ill save you the time, Curry is a bum, he always has been, he always will be.

Like I said you're not going to ask him to do anything but score a couple points, grab a couple boards off the bench .... or as a decentstarter not solid .... good or great ... decent ... which so far is all he's been doing all his career ... I'm not saying to hope he all in a suddenbecomes the dominant offensive force that people were hoping for him to become .... but for a 20 min stretch on a defensive minded team that needs an offensiveinside presence he could provide that ............ and in all honestly he didn't stop caring until he came to the Knicks
Also yeah I probably should've have broken things down a bit more .... but here it is ........ The Knicks needs to get rid of both Jeffries and Curry ....out of the two Curry has the better skillset, one that could be usefull enough to have him on your roster (not the KNICKS) for a season and a half .... withthat season being a contract year ...... meaning whatever was given for that half season ...... you should see at least a 50% boost in effort come thecontract year
Anyways I was going to go on more about sign and trades and what not ...... but at this point .... like some else said outside of the Rockets ....... Idon't see any other teams with expiring contracts that are going to be amiable trade partners .... unless they get involved in a multi team trade ......
I'm also done with this whole Curry discussion ..... as a Knicks fan instead of hating on the guy .... right now for the Knicks plans going forward .. amajor part on it rest on him once again becoming a serviceable player, with some discernable skills ... 'cause I don't see what you can sell a team onJeffries outside of hustle
Originally Posted by BangDak

^gs fans would like to say otherwise.
beans game is pretty much one dimensional, although he fits into that system well because he doesnt need the ball in his hands to succeed.
if they think beans is the future, they wouldnt be considering packing him+a bunch of others to the suns for amare at the beg. of this summer.
They are not that dumb. The Marco for George trade was stupid because they could've gotten A LOT more for him, but Marco was just going towaste away in Golden State.
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