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Heres the 5th reason to be optimistic

[h1]LeBron Says LoyaltyIs To Akron, '10 Could Take Him 'Somewhere Else'[/h1]Answering another question about the summer of 2010, LeBron James said his loyalty is toAkron, Ohio, apparently drawing a distinction between his hometown and Cleveland. James said that he's looking forward to free-agency and acknowledged thathe could end up playing in a different city.
"My loyalty is to Akron," said James. "I'm looking forward to this upcoming season, but I'm looking forward to the summer of 2010,too, to see what may happen. No matter what happens that summer, you know, I'm still here. I've got a nice big house here that I'm always comingback to. You know, I love this city and I'll always give back to this city no matter what my profession, if it takes me somewhere else."

Via Plain Dealer (ESPN interview)
[h2]'Lil him in trouble with big boss[/h2] [h3]August 24, 2009[/h3]

I wonder what James Dolan thought about Nate Robinson's traffic stop last week in New York. I'm sure the Chairman of Madison Square Garden really appreciated the fact that 'Lil Him joked about the incident on Twitter.

We all know that once Dolan felt that Latrell Sprewell had embarrassed the organization management was told to trade Sprewell. The same with Stephon Marbury. From what I'm hearing, Robinson is also on the endangered list with Dolan's blessing of course.

One league executive claims that if Robinson, a restricted free agent, were to receive any offer from another team the Knicks would not match it. That may be true although I believe that Donnie Walsh would still try to get something for Robinson the same way he wanted to get something for Stephon Marbury before Mike D'Antoni buried Marbury on the bench on opening night.

I don't think D'Antoni is a big fan of Robinson as well, which could create an interesting situation should Robinson defy the odds and still be with the Knicks by the end of October. Would D'Antoni bench Robinson to show the player (and Walsh) that he has no use for the player? Or would he learn from the Marbury fiasco and try to enhance Robinson's trade value by playing him?

Either way it doesn't look good for Robinson, especially now that he's on Dolan's radar.
Do reporters really think people will actually believe crap like that??

That's nothing but one report giving his own "opinion" of what may, may not or "should" happen.

Either way, backed up traffic tickets and having a suspended license is not a big deal unless Nate is a taxi driver on the low. If MSG and the newspapersthey're in cahoots with (own) want to spin this situation to justify not keeping Nate while not pissing of his loyal Knick fanbase, then that's on theorganization. Getting rid of someone who is you're most popular attraction over traffic violations and twitter makes absolutely no sense to me or WillFerrell.
Originally Posted by The Game is a Foot

Do reporters really think people will actually believe crap like that??

That's nothing but one report giving his own "opinion" of what may, may not or "should" happen.

Either way, backed up traffic tickets and having a suspended license is not a big deal unless Nate is a taxi driver on the low. If MSG and the newspapers they're in cahoots with (own) want to spin this situation to justify not keeping Nate while not pissing of his loyal Knick fanbase, then that's on the organization. Getting rid of someone who is you're most popular attraction over traffic violations and twitter makes absolutely no sense to me or Will Ferrell.
agreed that $$%+ sounds absolutely @!@%!#+ ******ed. Especially because Nate is not a bad dude, he approaches stuff with a great attitude andreally loves being a Knick. Although i got much love for Spree, he is one of my alltime favorite Knicks, Nate is not the kind of guy who would ever choke acoach or some $$%+. He has good intentions, he just likes to have fun and is a bit immature. He still dominated on the court last year, and he always gives100%, and he loves playing in NY. I swear its like we only want soft players nowadays.
[h3]By MARC BERMAN[/h3]Free agent Nate Robinson and Knicks presidentDonnie Walsh will meet tomorrow to discuss Robinson's status with theteam in the wake of his arrest by the NYPD last week for driving without a valid license.

It is expected one of his agents, either Aaron or Eric Goodwin, will be present and perhaps a resolution can be reached on his status. The Knicks have aone-year qualifying offer on the table for $2.9 million and they can not pull it back. It is believed that Robinson does not have other options.
Robinsonwrote on his Twitter account about the prospective meeting, and a Knicks source confirmed it will take place. "Keep our fingers [crossed]," Robinsonwrote. "Hope it goes well."
Alan Hahn writes that the Knicks do not have a standing offer to Ramon Sessions and that the team would only make a long-term commitment to the restricted free-agent if Donnie Walsh is able to move the contract of either Jared Jeffries or Eddy Curry.

Hahn therefore concludes that the Knicks' chances of landing Sessions this summer are remote.

another 180 degree turn in the most flip floppy story all summer

did i not call this

EDIT: $20 we the frontrunners again, give it eh 3 days
Originally Posted by Ballinsam23

thats because we've worked out a deal with the twolves and rubio
My dude already knows
. Kahn coming back from his trip fromSpain and reporting right to Donnie.
Do you guys really think we have a chance in getting Rubio?? We'll see.

With all this 2010 talk. IDK how we'll be able to make a big push if we cant move the contracts of Eddy Curry or Jared Jefferies.
Originally Posted by DubA169

how in the world will nobody else take nate? Is he really THAT hated?
He's still way too immature to be a sparkplug on a championship team
IF Curry's coming back in shape I don't see the rush in shipping him off ... in fact I think he becomes a better trading chip in coveting that secondstar player .. since most likely with the way things are going with the cap for the Knicks to get a second "star" quality player they're going toneed the pieces for a sign and trade
Originally Posted by Ballinsam23

lol nvm on my rubio prediction

oh man

[table][tr][td] [h2] [/h2] [/td] [td] [table][tr][td]Thoughts on Sessions[/td] [/tr][tr][td]By Tommy Dee - Aug 26, 2009 5:54 pm[/td] [/tr][/table][/td] [/tr][/table]
I can understand the fan's frustrations about the fact that the team has failed
to make a huge splash this summer. I like action as much asthe next guy. But it's clear thathttp://sny.stats.com/nba/playerstats.asp?id=4333&team=Ramon Sessions isn't a get at all costs type of player.

With no apparent sit downs planned, the Knicks may move on as Donnie Walsh isn't prepared to dig too far deep into the 2010 budget for Sessions. Weshould have seen this coming, I mean if he's not doing it for David Lee or Nate Robinson, why would he do it for another player who isn't a provenwinner and who also has limitations?

But my question is why wouldn't Sessions agree to a significant payraise for this year and less for next? Why wouldn't he want a guaranteed startingspot with the Knicks, without blocking a path for a major free agent next year? I mean the guy was in the D League two years ago. To be fair, I guess I couldsay the same for Lee.

Whatever the case for Sessions, it appears clear that there are no trades on the horizon as it was reported that was a roadblock hindering a Sessionsaddition. Moreover, if Washington does still have a crush on Jared Jeffries, which we've heard so much about, without Sessions in the fold wouldn't itmake sense for Walsh to pull the trigger on a Jeffries for Mike James deal?

Maybe that could go down during the year, which is an important point to remember. Walsh did make deals in November last year, completely out of nowhere. SoSessions may be out of the picture for now, but there's still plenty of time to make changes, the changes fans are craving.
[h3]By MARC BERMAN[/h3]The agent for David Lee would not rule out the possibility of his client being an unsigned contract holdout when Knicks training campopens Sept. 28.

In the NBA, it is almost unheard-of for players of Lee's stature to be camp holdouts.

"I certainly hope not, but you have to have an agreement," agent Mark Bartelstein told The Post yesterday. "I never thought we'd be thisfar without a deal. It comes down to making a deal. You have to ask [team president] Donnie [Walsh]."

"All we've agreed is if we can't do a sign-and-trade, we will work out a reasonable one-year deal," Bartelstein said.

Walsh did not return phone calls. Bartelstein said Lee will not accept the $2.5 million qualifying offer and dismissed rumblings Lee has been offered aone-year deal between $5 million and $6 million.

Bartelstein said there has yet been a firm offer but added Walsh is not pushing for Lee to sign the one-year qualifier. It would be a great embarrassmentfor the Knicks if they open camp with Lee unsigned.

"We haven't discussed those [one-year] numbers," Bartelstein said. "Is this disappointing? Every player would love to get a long-termdeal, but they've made it clear they have plan in place for next season's [free agency]. They're entitled to have that plan."

Lee still is working out at the Knicks' facility, but if a deal isn't signed by Sept. 28, there is no way he will attend training camp in Saratoga.Bartelstein wouldn't let Lee compete for the U.S. Olympic team during its mini-camp in late July without a contract.

Meanwhile, unsigned Nate Robinson met with Walsh for less than an hour at their Westchester campus and discussed his status with the club. Robinson may haveto accept the Knicks' one-year, $2.9 million qualifying offer.
Let him sit out, I'm getting sick of him and his bull +###.

And nothing is definite on Rubio staying overseas as yet.
I can understand lee's frustration if the knicks really offered him a 2.5 mil deal for one year.
Originally Posted by Proshares

Let him sit out, I'm getting sick of him and his bull +###.

And nothing is definite on Rubio staying overseas as yet.

Are u kiddin the Knicks are screwin both Nate and Lee here the only bs is from Walsh.

Nate and Lee couldnt have done more for tha franchise since theyve been there Nate has been a spark off tha bench and improved every year even giving up hissummers to play for the summer team how much more commitment do the Knicks need from a player.

As for Lee hes become a diamond in tha rough a solid workhorse player rebounding great ,put backs and solid d and the Knicks reward his hard work by doin thiscrap its stupid,guys like David Lee dont come around often u need a player like him in a contending team hes a Haslem,Wallace blue collar guy who does alot oflil things to help.

This plan for 2010 is like putting ya life savings on tha lottery its crazy.

Do u really think players who can sign for the Knicks in 2010 wouldnt be put off by tha fact of how badly they reward there players for hard work anddedication to there team to me all this summer has done is made it obviouse the Knicks would screw everybody just to have mad cap space for 2010.

I cant wait untill nobody big signs for them next summer and all u die hard Knicks fans are callin for Donnie Walsh's head for running the franchise evenfurther into tha ground If u think things couldnt get any worse than recent times wait till next year because it quite possibly could.

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