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Originally Posted by MayhemMonkey000

Originally Posted by THE GR8

Originally Posted by MayhemMonkey000

Originally Posted by The Game is a Foot

This just popped into my head (pause)... If the Knicks don't get Sessions, would you trade Duhon for Skip?

He also only has one year on his deal. Plus he always wants to start and there is no way he's starting over Devin Harris. He's definitely and upgrade over Duhon and would probably be decent in the Knicks offense (a pass first guy with playground instincts AND plays defense).

If they could make it Duhon + Jeffries for Skip, Yi & Trenton Hassell (another expiring) it would free up a little more money for next year.
Yeah, that trade would never happen... The Nets aren't going to give us Yi. Maybe if it was Duhon+Jeffries for Skip and Hassell then yeah, but even then I still don't like it.
Are you serious? Getting a NY kid who is an expiring contract and was good enough to start for the Magic throughout the majority of the playoffs and do well + get rid of Jeffries for another expiring?? What the ++%@ would be the downside to that? Even if you were EXTREMELY high on Duhon its clear that the next season is all about cap space and even if you were THAT high on duhon the best you can possibly think he is is a little better than Skip (i like Skip better than Duhon straight up), but i mean please explain why in the world you wouldnt like that deal? And ++%@ Yi. i hate that soft #$! @!@!% i like the trade better without him, we dont need more soft #$! scrubs
I was just a little iffy about it because I don't like Rafer. He takes too many bad shots for being in this offense. I also don't see the Nets wanting to take on Jefferies contract or give us Yi. I'm all for saving money but it would be nice to field at least a team that could put up a fight like last year's instead of taking IMO a lesser team.
Im just saying even if you are iffy on Rafer, are you THAT high on duhon where you think he is so much better where wouldn't take that dealand run if it was out there?

anyway Gallo will break out this season... watch

Originally Posted by Scottsauce88

If they could make it Duhon + Jeffries for Skip, Yi & Trenton Hassell (another expiring) it would free up a little more money for next year.
so not only are you stealing Yi away, you think that the knicks are going to get rid of Jeffries in the process? Wow
Im sorry but that is the absolute worst trade proposal I have ever heard.

Sue me for wanting Yi...
I like him way more than Darko. I would do astraight up Rafer for Duhon swap, which is reasonable trade for both parties, but the Nets taking Jared isn't too out of the question either.
Originally Posted by The Game is a Foot

Originally Posted by Scottsauce88

If they could make it Duhon + Jeffries for Skip, Yi & Trenton Hassell (another expiring) it would free up a little more money for next year.
so not only are you stealing Yi away, you think that the knicks are going to get rid of Jeffries in the process? Wow
Im sorry but that is the absolute worst trade proposal I have ever heard.

Sue me for wanting Yi...
I like him way more than Darko. I would do a straight up Rafer for Duhon swap, which is reasonable trade for both parties, but the Nets taking Jared isn't too out of the question either.

i think he was defending the Nets side, saying they would never do that trade even if you did want Yi Which i have absolutely 0 interest inanyway)

and yes the Nets taking Jared is VERY out of the question because they are in a hopeless attempt to scoop a FA next summer, so they would not want to take onJeffries. And even if they did,there aint nooo way those %+*%#+* Swamprats would help us clear up cap space. But i also a gree with you, id take Rafer overduhon easy.
Originally Posted by The Game is a Foot

Originally Posted by Scottsauce88

If they could make it Duhon + Jeffries for Skip, Yi & Trenton Hassell (another expiring) it would free up a little more money for next year.
so not only are you stealing Yi away, you think that the knicks are going to get rid of Jeffries in the process? Wow
Im sorry but that is the absolute worst trade proposal I have ever heard.

Sue me for wanting Yi...
I like him way more than Darko. I would do a straight up Rafer for Duhon swap, which is reasonable trade for both parties, but the Nets taking Jared isn't too out of the question either.

im not saying it is ridiculous to want Yi, im saying it is ridiculous to think that NJ will gift him away to you and take back a crappy contract that willhinder their potential to get anyone good in 2010. Dont they have the most cap space come 2010? If so, why the hell would they gift away a player withpotential for a back up PG and a terrible contract?
the nets are in the hunt for a big time free agent in 2010 just as much as we are, so there is 0% chance they take jeffries. If we do somehow get rid ofjeffries and curry i'd love to give lee an extension and have him part of our long term plans
Update on gallo
From Hahn:

Source sez Gallo (in Italy now) looks fantastic. Pain-free; fitness level very high. I expect him to be the centerpiece of offense: Pt.-fwd.
22 minutes ago from web

Point forward
, rooster was playing at 60% last year and if he isfinally healthy he will do damage. When he handles the ball you can tell he can do some point forward and I wouldn't mind that if we end up with Duhonstarting for us next year.
stern keepin it real
... but on a serious note the knicksNEED to do there thing this year... yes they won 32-33 wins this year.... BUT isiah did the same thing as coach his first year as far as wins and loses... hecoulda, shoulda, woulda made the playoffs his first year if his players werent injured.... and dont lie but curry was doing his thing that year
... and the knicks need to do there thing this year... i say that cuz 2010summer is a big year... the knicks have a lot of money to spend but at the same time they have to promise that free agent they are signing that they are incompetition.... the worse case secanario i can see the knicks somehow someway sign lebron in 2010 to a max contract and then not move jared or eddy so in 2011they are free agents and sign carmelo to a max contract or anyone alse in 2011...but if they trade either of the two or both somehow donny walse can do amiracle then they can sign 2 max free agents in 2010
his first year if his players werent injured.... and dont lie but curry was doing his thing that year

no, no he didnt. But the Isiah regime did have everybody in NY blindfolded to think he did
The rooster will have a breakout yr... Mess around and take all of chandlers minutes if he don't step up... Curry mght do damage cuz he needs paper... Heruns through contracts like usain bolt.. Ramon would be a good look.. Offer Nate and lee 1yr deals... Al harrington and Hughes gonna make things happen....Scratch that Hughes better not take more than 3 shots per game...
Originally Posted by you go boy

the worse case secanario i can see the knicks somehow someway sign lebron in 2010 to a max contract and then not move jared or eddy so in 2011 they are free agents and sign carmelo to a max contract or anyone alse in 2011...but if they trade either of the two or both somehow donny walse can do a miracle then they can sign 2 max free agents in 2010
that's FAR from the worst case scenario .
Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by you go boy

the worse case secanario i can see the knicks somehow someway sign lebron in 2010 to a max contract and then not move jared or eddy so in 2011 they are free agents and sign carmelo to a max contract or anyone alse in 2011...but if they trade either of the two or both somehow donny walse can do a miracle then they can sign 2 max free agents in 2010
that's FAR from the worst case scenario .
didnt even read that. Hoow the #%$! is that the worst case scenario. If that isthe worst case scenario than watch out because 2010-2020 will be like the 90s for the Bulls

The Clippers have been linked to Ramon Sessions for a majority of the summer.

On Friday, the team released Mark Madsen, a move that many believe could lead to more talks between the Clippers and the restricted free agent point guard.
and the ongoing soap opera continues. Clippers out, than Clipers may be still in, than Clippers now the favorites. god damn i could pick every%@#@%@! story lin that ahppens, this has just been one ongoing circle. Knicks needa man the #%$! up and make an offer.

Although I haven't been posting that much (in here at least) I check this thread everyday to nothing. Ugh.
Wilson's Summer Blockbuster Reviews

The Knicks resident movie expert Wilson Chandler checks in with part one of his Summer Blockbuster reviews.

The Hangover - "I thought this was pretty good. With all the buzz it had been getting, I thought it would be better, but it was still very funny. I'd put it up there with Step Brothers. It had me laughing hard over a bunch of parts in it. My favorite was with the guy in the trunk. If you saw it you know what I mean."

Star Trek - "Very good movie. It had a great story line and special effects. It was one of the most fun movies I saw all summer."

Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen - "This was pretty good too. It had a lot of cool action scenes that I enjoyed. It wasn't close to as good as the original, which is the best, but it was alright for a follow up."

Wolverine - "I loved it. One of the best movies of the summer. I am a long time X-Men fan and I thought they did a good job with it."

G.I. Joe -"This is one that I liked a lot even though a lot of critics say it isn't very good. Everyone keeps saying it is terrible, but I really liked it. Maybe it is because I played with the action figures growing up, but I enjoyed it a lot. It had a lot of good action sequences."

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - "This was awesome. I really thought it was very good, but I am a big, big Harry Potter fan. I don't read the books so I look forward to when the movies come out. I had been trying to see it for a while, but all my friends wanted to see something else. But I just saw it and it was really good. I can't wait for the next one."
Via Tommy Craggs of New York Magazine
"…By general consensus, this year's edition of the Knicks will be less a basketball squad than a placeholder for whatever team president Donnie Walsh can haul in over next year's free-agent-rich
(LeBron James, Dwyane Wade) off-season. But there are still a few reasons not to give up all hope.

Danilo Gallinari
When the Knicks' oft-injured top 2008 draft pick did play last year, he asserted himself as a deadly shooter-44 percent on threes-and according to http://82games.com/
82games.com, the woeful Knicks actually outscored their opponents when Gallinari was on the floor. Kevin Pelton of Basketball Prospectus, who uses historical comparisons to project a player's performance, pegs Gallinari as a league-average player this year. Since he's just 21, that means eventual star potential: a J.R. Smith with fewer tattoos, a Dirk Nowitzki with more tattoos.… He's a good player with one tattoo, is what we're saying.

2. The Trade Chips
Team president Donnie Walsh has assembled a roster including seven players whose contracts expire this year. Such contracts are a valuable commodity in the bizarro realm of NBA economics, which will give him movable players to trade for potentially LeBron-complementing pieces mid-season.

3. Mike D'Antoni
D'Antoni is the rare coach who has demonstrated an actual ability to improve teams. In 2003, he inherited Phoenix's collection of castoffs, underachievers, and dudes named Zarko, suffered through a 29-53 season, then put up a 62-20 record the next year. This had a lot to do with personnel-particularly the arrival of Steve Nash-but D'Antoni has a particular skill for freeing up personnel to do what they do best. His exuberant brand of basketball is a Jeffersonian wonderland where the system is merely a framework in which players improvise. He follows the dictum set down by James Naismith himself: Basketball cannot be coached; it can only be played.

4. The Arizona Thing
The Knicks' first-round pick was Jordan Hill, an unpolished six-foot-ten power forward. No one, not even the Knicks, seemed thrilled. But as 82games.com proprietor Roland Beech points out, Arizona players often outplay their projections; Wildcats Gilbert Arenas (a second-round pick), Damon Stoudamire (one of the lowest picks to ever win Rookie of the Year honors)
, Richard Jefferson, Andre Iguodala, and Jason Terry all slid in the draft and then became stars. They all played under longtime Arizona coach Lute Olson, who was known for underachieving with great talent-and who brought Jordan Hill to the desert.

Pretty good assessment, although the trade chips may have less impact this season because of the economy. But we'll see. I like the positive spin on the Arizona players, versus those calling Hill another Channing Frye. In the end, Hill will have to learn quick if he is going to get major minutes this season, but his upside is very high.
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