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That article about the LeBron Nike contract clause really doesn't make any sense considering he's up for a new contract. If they offered him a bonus atfirst why wouldn't they again? It seems like he's planned it so that he can get another clause.
James just off marketing alone woule be exposed to so many more oppurtunities in New York. His jersey sales would be throught he rroof, his shoes would bebought more, its abvout 1000 time bigger market than Cleveland hence the reason we can make more money.
Ive been backing up Donnie since day 1, but i think hes being a little too cautious here. Cause Sessions could help us alot and its not like Sessions no maxcontract. If we signed Sessions than there would still be a lot of %%$# that would have to happen for us not to be able to offer a max deal. Fact is if wesigned Sessions only the worst of the worst would make us not be able to offer a max contract, and fact is im willing to take those chances for a guy likeSessions. Cause if we dont get him, we dont have a PG but can offer a max deal. And if we do get him, we have a PG, and will more than likely still be able tooffer a max contract. Even if the salary cap did drop all the way i still have faith in Donnie that he would not let us not offer a max deal. Look at the %%$#he pulled this past year. My boy traded away +%+*@%+ Z Bo AND Jerome James... once again I would not call it impossible for him to trade Curry esp since heonly has 2 years left (which may work for some teams), is losing weight, AND there is a scarcity of centers right now.

And proshares i see what you are coming from but yeah, even some teams that sess can be an upgrade may not wanna sign him because of the price when they stillhave quality players of that position. But we have no other options really. its not like we are Indiana, like if we dont sign him aiight we still have TJ formaybe we dont needa hit him with the MLE cause thats $ we dont wanna spend and TJ can hold it down, we dont have anyone like that and Sess would make us ALOTbetter. How many teams have PGs that fit a system that well, that are that talented, and that young? I feel he would kinda be like wat Devin Harris is inJersey right now (although they have different games) but i couldnt think off too many young floor generals that id rather have run our system right now overSessions. And i wasnt backing up nellie btw i wrote that i think Nellie is a god damn fool. no I do not think that Curry nor Ellis are PGs. but Nellie for somereason is commited to making Ellis their PG of the future the same way he thought Jamal could run the point last season and SJax before that. That is why theywont go after Sess. And thats why i wasnt too high on us taking Curry and was kinda relieved when he was gone. Because he is not a PG IMO and at 6'2 180who the @%@* is he gonna guard at the 2 in the NBA?
Originally Posted by Proshares

I highly doubt the PA would let it slip to $50mm or below. IMO a strike could be in the cards.
That's the most logical scenario I see happening. There have already been talks about it.
to me, he feels he can deal curry and offer another max deal next summer.

and is why he hasn't got sessions
Originally Posted by NYelectric

That article about the LeBron Nike contract clause really doesn't make any sense considering he's up for a new contract. If they offered him a bonus at first why wouldn't they again? It seems like he's planned it so that he can get another clause.

I completely agree, I just get sick of hearing people say that Bron is going to NY because of a Nike clause when there is no such thing. Maybe, when he signsa new contract there might be, but as of right now there isnt. I also think that since the Cavs have gotten some Chinese investors Bron is going to startblowing up overseas too.

I highly doubt the PA would let it slip to $50mm or below. IMO a strike could be in the cards.
there could be. I really hope not since basketball is the only sport I actually enjoy watching. The cap already shrank (if thats a word?) thisyear, I dont see how it wont again though seeing as there arent a lot of teams making money.
Ya wildin, you already know Lebron told Donnie behind closed doors that hes coming to NY along with one of his olympic teammates
. Donnie knows he can dealJeffries and Curry and isn't trying to add even a penny over the cap. Donnie
Jefferies will be easier to deal. I'm convinced that if we re-sign Lee for cheap and he plays all well as he did last season and Curry plays somewhatdecent ball and is in shape (a lot of AND'S, I know) he could package them both together and clear up more room.
Originally Posted by Proshares

Jefferies will be easier to deal. I'm convinced that if we re-sign Lee for cheap and he plays all well as he did last season and Curry plays somewhat decent ball and is in shape (a lot of AND'S, I know) he could package them both together and clear up more room.
yeah but where the hell are you going to find a team willing to part with a 20 million dollar expiring contract. You guys make it seem like its acakewalk. Oh we will just re-sign Lee and find a 20 million dollar expiring and a team that is willing enough to give up cap flexibility for a fat piece ofcrap and a player that you knicks fans have called nothing more than a good player on a bad team.

Ya wildin, you already know Lebron told Donnie behind closed doors that hes coming to NY along with one of his olympic teammates
I seem to recall a thing like that happening with Minnesota a few years back. You should probably hope that no one has made such a promise.
^tmac has a 21 mil expiring

g8, i dont mean to argue with you, but are you saying TJ could hold it down?
$#$@ all this Sessions talk, heres an article from realgm about why Bron will be a Knick...


never even thought about this scenarion if we kept both Jeffries and Curry... exactly why i was implying that Curry is tradeable because 2011 expirings may bevaluable to some teams looking to make a splash next summer, but what about us possibly? (if we can keep Curry's contract because the cap doesnt drop asmuch but thats a different storyline.) Eitther way i think Curry is more than tradeable but in this scenario it works for us if we can keep him another yearAND sign Bron...

7. 2011. Much is made of the fact that Eddy Curry and Jared Jeffries remain on the Knick books. Yet both contracts expire just one year later, freeing up $18 million of cap room that puts the Knicks in position to offer another max contract in 2011 when New York-born Carmelo Anthony is set to hit the free-agent market.
anyway its a good read for Knicks fans

yeah but where the hell are you going to find a team willing to part with a 20 million dollar expiring contract. You guys make it seem like its a cakewalk. Oh we will just re-sign Lee and find a 20 million dollar expiring and a team that is willing enough to give up cap flexibility for a fat piece of crap and a player that you knicks fans have called nothing more than a good player on a bad team.
He did get rid of Z Bo for expirings didnt he???
(FTR Z Bowill be making $18 mil or some #%%+ past next season


g8, i dont mean to argue with you, but are you saying TJ could hold it down?
see this is what i mean when i say some of yall only get half of what im saying. i,m saying that the Pacers have the luxory of saying, lets notspend our MLE on a PG when we already have TJ Ford on the roster and just got Watson to back him up. I was saying maybe Sess is a better option than some PGsbut they wouldnt spend their MLE on him because they already have decent players there (maybe not AS good options) but maybe that MLe is better spent on aforward or some @#+% or even pocketed until next summer.

Meanwhile we ont have that luxory. It is August and we do not have a starting PG... itll be Duhon again. Ive been saying that @#+% from the start... just watch
yeah but where the hell are you going to find a team willing to part with a 20 million dollar expiring contract. You guys make it seem like its a cakewalk. Oh we will just re-sign Lee and find a 20 million dollar expiring and a team that is willing enough to give up cap flexibility for a fat piece of crap and a player that you knicks fans have called nothing more than a good player on a bad team.
That's why I said it's a lot of AND'S in mystatement. It's definitely not a cake walk, it'll take a lot of contribution to the team by Lee and Curry to show a team that they can both produce ataverage to above average levels and a TON of negotiating skills by Donnie. Unlikely, but not far-fetched. Like I said before, I still have faith that Donniewill get it done.
He did get rid of Z Bo for expirings didnt he???
(FTR Z Bo will be making $18 mil or some %%+$ past next season
Curry also hasnt played in a year and has heart problems from being a sweaty fat $*%#
(im not laughing at you, im laughing at how worthless curry is)

Like I said before, I still have faith that Donnie will get it done.

yeah dont get me wrong, im not saying it cant be done either, Im just saying there probably arent a lot of teams looking to part with 20 million worth offinancial flexibility during what maybe the greatest free agent class of all-time.
7. 2011. Much is made of the fact that Eddy Curry and Jared Jeffries remain on the Knick books. Yet both contracts expire just one year later, freeing up $18 million of cap room that puts the Knicks in position to offer another max contract in 2011 when New York-born Carmelo Anthony is set to hit the free-agent market.
yeah but you best bet if the Knicks get Lebron they will use every bit of their remaining cap to fill the voids, plus go over the cap with theirMLE and LLE.
Originally Posted by BangDak

ill take duhon over tj and those bums any day of the week, realtalk.

news for you TJ actually played in 74 games last season, and he dropped 15 a game along with over 5 assists. With his quickness he would KILL in our system.Any GM who can seriously say he would take Duhon over TJ Ford (or pretty much any other starting PG in the NBA) is just foolish.

No knock against Duhon as i said over and over again. I like him and all but dude is a ROLE PLAYER
I swear the more I think about it the more I would take the Iverson deal. At this point the roster we have now is *@$%!*@ horrible.
Originally Posted by MayhemMonkey000

I swear the more I think about it the more I would take the Iverson deal. At this point the roster we have now is *@$%!*@ horrible.
its better than last years
Originally Posted by Ballinsam23

Originally Posted by MayhemMonkey000

I swear the more I think about it the more I would take the Iverson deal. At this point the roster we have now is *@$%!*@ horrible.
its better than last years
Are you just guessing that everyone coming back is better? I'm sorry but I need to see their growth before I comment on it.You're telling me this roster right now is better then last minus Nate or Lee with only the addition of Darko? All you're doing right now is hopingthat the young guns like Gallo and Chandler have gotten better, but you never know what might happen. We're a top tier lottery team right now, sorry forbeing releastic. You have teams in the east like Indy, Toronto, and Washington that have tried to get better. I think the only teams that have taken a stepback are the Bobcats and the Bucks. Maybe the Nets but I can see that young core surprising a lot of people. At this point we need to get Iverson before I saywe're better then last. I can not see how you think the team we have now is better then last year's.
Got damn A.I. in this offense would average 35 a game
...........just the comeback I'd like for him.

Do it A.I.
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