Game of Thrones prequel series: House of the Dragon



He ain't even trying to hide it lmao
Was dying laughing at that dumb *** plan :lol:. And when old yo scolded them for it, I was weak lmao

But this series probably isn’t for me. It feels TOO MUCH LIKE A SOAP OPERA. I can’t be the only one who sees this :lol:

Was dying laughing at that dumb *** plan :lol:. And when old yo scolded them for it, I was weak lmao

But this series probably isn’t for me. It feels TOO MUCH LIKE A SOAP OPERA. I can’t be the only one who sees this :lol:

I'm not going to agree or disagree yet, but I think the conversation needs to start with this question: What is a soap opera? In your definition, what makes a soap opera?
I'm not going to agree or disagree yet, but I think the conversation needs to start with this question: What is a soap opera? In your definition, what makes a soap opera?

A look and feel. Character reveals. The super obvious romances, glances, winks and nods. Pretty obvious twist and turns.

The pacing, sound and even how the characters LOOK. Everybody off the rip, has this artificial attractiveness to them…that you didn’t see in the early seasons of GOT. It feels like I’m watching PASSIONS (a fire show btw :pimp: :lol:)

Lastly, I can’t believe they really pulled off the “I don’t know who to kill because they’re identical” move :rofl:

I was like…they not going to do THAT….are they? And sho nuff… they did lmao. It really feels like HBO snuck a soap opera in, under the the visual production, banner/acclaim and clout of Game of Thrones/HBO.

I think there is fundamentally different things between fantasy-drama/epic and a soap opera .
This is way better than the last season of GoT so I’m good with it. Anything to get that ****show stain out of our mouths :smh:
I do like the twin fight didn’t end with a “do we kill him or don’t we” or during it they started going he’s Arykk hit him no he’s Arykk kill him” that would’ve been super cheesy.

Him taking himself out cause of the shame of the situation, having to kill his brother and cause even if he lived he could never be fully trusted again cause there is no way to tell who actually won was sad and cool as hell.
Was dying laughing at that dumb *** plan :lol:. And when old yo scolded them for it, I was weak lmao

But this series probably isn’t for me. It feels TOO MUCH LIKE A SOAP OPERA. I can’t be the only one who sees this :lol:

My biggest critique of season one was that it turned into a snooze fest too often.

There is time, but not enough action with this show tbh

Perfect example was blood and cheese in comparison to the red wedding. I didn't read the books but from just watching the show I had no idea blood and cheese was a big deal. Heck I didn't even realize what had happened on screen at first. They just don't have the nack for Story telling tha the first show runners had...
A look and feel. Character reveals. The super obvious romances, glances, winks and nods. Pretty obvious twist and turns.

The pacing, sound and even how the characters LOOK. Everybody off the rip, has this artificial attractiveness to them
I can buy that.
To that end, I definitely agree.
This entire time, I've felt like something was very different than GoT, and I think that's it.
Follow up: If you saw Better Call Saul, did you feel the same about the beginning seasons compared to BrBa?
I can buy that.
To that end, I definitely agree.
This entire time, I've felt like something was very different than GoT, and I think that's it.
Follow up: If you saw Better Call Saul, did you feel the same about the beginning seasons compared to BrBa?

Saul just got boring to me. I liked the first / seasons, but it took even longer than breaking bad to get to the meat of it (and I’m usually okay with that…but the storyline wasn’t compelling enough for me, to keep me in). Less about Jimmy & Shorty relationship (he HAS to have a love interest)….and more interested on the mechanics, background and inner workings. I think a Gus spin off, with Saul also centered would’ve fit me more.

But it held a lot of the same elements.

But to your point….FAN SERVICE (or the writers/producers think fans want) is what changes the tenor of these shows.
Was dying laughing at that dumb *** plan :lol:. And when old yo scolded them for it, I was weak lmao

But this series probably isn’t for me. It feels TOO MUCH LIKE A SOAP OPERA. I can’t be the only one who sees this :lol:

Feels like this new narrative that internet folks are trying to wrap around it didn't exist for season 1. Staying away from all that and keeping objective, I still think it's great. It has an established end in a few seaons, there'll be some lull in there somewhere.
They shot this in a wide aspect ratio, but not quite 21:9. It's in 2.0:1 but it looks good on my ultrawide with minimal black bars.
Feels like this new narrative that internet folks are trying to wrap around it didn't exist for season 1. Staying away from all that and keeping objective, I still think it's great. It has an established end in a few seaons, there'll be some lull in there somewhere.

Not even a narrative. I was saying this in season 1 :lol:. Just felt it along more strongly in season 2. Literally watched the first teo episodes, and typed in “House of dragons-soap opera” to see if I wasn’t crazy.

Asked my girl in real time, and she agreed :lol:
I still don't know which team to root for, both are becoming unlikeable. At least with GOT we had some "good guys" to root for like Snow, Tarly, Podrick, Brienne etc.

Only noble guys were the twins they were just offed>D
Not even a narrative. I was saying this in season 1 :lol:. Just felt it along more strongly in season 2. Literally watched the first teo episodes, and typed in “House of dragons-soap opera” to see if I wasn’t crazy.

Asked my girl in real time, and she agreed :lol:
Either way, i'm not anti-soap opera, especially if well done plus the other elements. Happens more often than people realize, ie Mad Men or more recently X-Men 97.
Not even a narrative. I was saying this in season 1 :lol:. Just felt it along more strongly in season 2. Literally watched the first teo episodes, and typed in “House of dragons-soap opera” to see if I wasn’t crazy.

Asked my girl in real time, and she agreed :lol:
Thats the story line. This entire universe will be exactly that.
I mean, GoT definitely had some soap opera elements to it in the later seasons.
Sam & Gilly.
Tyrion &... forgot her name.
Brother & sister knocking boots from the jump.
If you don't think GoT had at least kind of a soap opera element to it...
"You know nothing, Jon Snow."
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