Quick question anybody knownof those haunted mansion pops got released today? Ima be around the area and trying to see if i should stop by.
Are people really paying $100 for the gold GameStop pops? They seem pretty abundant. Dudes on eBay asking way too much IMO.
I can kinda see why people would lay 100. There are people out there buying 5-6 of em with no gold. So most already paying over 100 for ones they dont want.
The haunted mansion pops are in downtown disney and theyare $20each they have a good amount of them. Sales person said they will receive them normally.
Went to a GameStop they didn't have the boxes behind the counter it was by the register on the side, peeked through all of them to get these
Was there anymore gold Batmans or gold batgirls you could oop me? 
No these were the only Two Golds I saw which surprisly where ones I was missing. I think they'll put more on the floor. This GameStop is the one in Pallasides Mall in New York. There's two GameStops in the mall, the one I did this was the smaller of the two.
I tried calling around GameStop to see if anyone had a gold batman. Long shot but I was hopping one of the employees would sell it to me even if.     $10-20 above retail, no luck . The one GameStop I did stop in I could tell that the boxes had been opened so I just walked out assuming that anything gold would be missing
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