I have a gold Batman but I want a gold Superman as well [emoji]128557[/emoji] Gonna try my luck again tomorrow and see if I can run into some employees that don't care, haha.
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Is that in store or online.. I can't find that sale.

It was in store as well. The only reason i didnt get what iwanted is because instore there were only 2 of the turtles. And the 30% coupon can onky be used on one item not the whole purchase
I told myself if the deal is still going on today (sat) ima just run and get them.
Use the 30% for a book i want

If you have time. Nice little read about Chases
Keynote: Moral of the story All Chases are Variants, not all Variants are Chases
I feel like recently, there's been a lot of debate over what counts as a chase piece, and what counts as a variant. I am not trying to argue with Funko on which pieces they choose to advertise as chases, however, just try to examine the history of Pop chases. First off, I need to establish I believe that a chase is any variant in which is made to a specific ratio to the regular production piece, and in this post will be referring to any pieces made in such a way as a chase, whether or not Funko advertised them as a chase.

If we look at the original Pop chases, for every 36 made, 1 was a variant included in the shipment. The ratio of 1:36 applied to all of the original DC, Uglydolls, Rocks, and Horror chases. Everyone can agree that these pieces were chase variants because of the sticker, but contrary to the chase sticker, they are not 'limited edition'. These chases will continue to be produced until the figure itself goes out of production. For example, Batman chase figures are still being produced right now. Limited edition is defined as " limited to a specific number of copies." However, most chases are not limited to a specific number, however, a specific ratio (most commonly 1:36, although we have seen 1:3 and 1:6 as well). Therefore, as long as a figure with a chase variant is still in production, the chases are also still being produced with no limit. (Again, I am not trying to debate Funko's advertisement of chases, just trying to set some rules on how chases work so we as a community can define the term "chase" better).

The basic rule of chases I have proposed (which I'll call the ratio rule) is that for every certain number of figures made, a chase is produced. Therefore, The Hot Topic Exclusive Bloody Poncho Daryl would be a chase figure by this definition, despite not having a chase sticker or being advertised as one. The Poncho Daryl figure was shipped with a bloody variant in cases of 6 (with every 1:6 being bloody). If we choose to continue defining chases by the ratio rule, the Bloody Poncho Daryl is a chase.

Hot Topic now leads us to a problem in the ratio rule. I am talking about The GITD Day of the Dead Jack and Sally. The regular DOTD Jack and Sally were (and still are) available at any retailer, not just Hot Topic. However, during the Halloween season of 2013, Hot Topic received both the Jack and Sally in cases of 6, with 1 out of the six being a GITD variant. Although it seems these would constitute as chases due to the ratio rule, there is a problem. Unlike Poncho Daryl, which had both the bloody and non-bloody variants exclusive to Hot Topic, the regular DOTD Jack and Sally were not. Therefore, the ratio of 1:6 does not apply for Jack and Sally, as it was only for a specific store during a specific time period. In actuality, the ratio would be 1:6:x, where x would be the amount of DOTD Jack and Sally made during the time where Hot Topic was selling them for Hot Topic. Technically though, they are still variant due to a ratio, just a more complex ratio than the simple 1:6 or 1:36 we have covered so far. These could be considered "Limited Edition Chases", as they were only made during a limited time and had a finite amount made. The same applies to the GITD Zero from 2014 (who was advertised as a chase), who has a similar ratio of 1:3:x, where during the time Hot Topic sold them, every one out of three Zeros received by Hot Topic were a variant.

To recap so far, we have two kinds of chases:
A normal chase, with a basic ratio such as 1:36 (DC, Rocks, Uglydolls, Horror, Hanna Barbera) or 1:6 (Smaug, Tobias, Vampire Spike)

A limited edition chase, with a more complex ratio such as 1:6:x, with x being the number of figures made during a specific timeframe and/or for a specific company. For example: for every six Day of the Dead Jacks made during the time period of Halloween season 2014 AND were made for Hot Topic, there was 1 GITD piece.

This brings us to the current topic of chases. Recently, there have been debates on the classification of "chase" for Morbius/Zombie Morbius, First Order Tie-Fighter Pilot #89/#90, the Hot Topic Mystery Pops, and the Gamestop Black Friday Gold Pops. I will try to briefly give my thoughts on each one.

In my opinion, the whole great chase debate started with the Morbius and Zombie Morbius figure. The argument seems to be that Zombie Morbius cannot be a chase figure for Morbius because it is a different number. However, Spike's chase, Vampire Spike, was a different number (Spike being #124 and Vampire Spike being #125). The truth to the Morbius chase debate is, unless Funko/Marvel Collector's Corp comes out with a ratio of Morbius to Zombie Morbius, we cannot tell either way. I tend to believe that they are just two different figures, as the odds of getting either one seems to be equal, and although 1:1 is technically a ratio, that would be saying that the Masked and Unmasked Winter Solider pops are cases with a 1:1 ratio.

The First Order Tie-Fighter is a bit different of a scenario. Although I'm honestly not sure if it has been confirmed, the general ratio going around is the ratio is 1:5 (with #90 obviously being the chase). I think that #90 is a chase without a doubt, as it was even advertised as one of the Pops in the box having a chase variant, and going by the rule of ratios, it is one (unless the 1:5 number is wrong, and it's 1:1).

Now to the Black Friday exclusives. Let's look at the Hot Topic exclusives first, as these are the more complicated issue. We have four figures, Flash, Joker, Superman, and Harley. However, these come in a blind box, making it slightly more confusing for everyone. Funko and Hot Topic have both gone on record saying there is a 12% chance of getting Harley, or a 1:8 ratio. The back of the box also advertises a chase (Harley). However, the fact that each of the figures are completely different characters have been throwing people off. To make things simple, the ratio rule applies to Harley, making her a chase. Even though there are four figures instead of two, the fact that the other three were produced equally with a 1/3 chance means that Harley was produced at a lower ratio than the others. If it is still confusing, think of Mystery Minis or any other blind box. Every blind box has "commons", most commonly for Mystery Minis the figures that have a 1/12 chance of getting. Blind boxes also have chases, which are the same as pops, any figure with a harder ratio to pull than the common figure. Think of Superman, Flash, and Jokers as commons in a Mystery Mini set, while Harley being the chase. The fact they are different does not change the fact Harley is a chase.

Finally we get to the Gamestop Black Friday exclusives, specifically the Gold Figures. From what I've heard (and I could have heard wrong), each of the five figures will have a 1:8 ratio for Gold variants. The gold variants will be chases, however unlike the Hot Topic set, do not think of these in the sense of a blind box. Think of each of the five figures as a separate figure. Although you do not know which one you're purchasing, they are all being produced separately. The best way to think of this is to pretend they are five different sets of mystery minis. Each set has one common and one chase. You do not know which set you are buying, however you know what the sets are. The Hot Topic exclusives on the other hand are all one set that you're buying, just one set of four instead of five sets of two.

I would like to reiterate one last time that this is all my viewpoint of chases. Bloody Daryl and the GITD Jack and Sally were never advertised as chases, nor has Funko ever mentioned anything about my "rule of ratios". The most important thing I want to get across is that it does not matter whether a piece is a chase or not, what matter is if you like the piece and if you want it in your collection. Do not buy something just because you feel it's rare or advertised as a chase, buy it because you like it. Just because a piece is a chase doesn't mean it's rare.
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Bit the bullet and bought a Gold Power Armor for 82 on the bay. Here are the rest of my pick ups from yesterday. All of the Batman pops are up for trade if anyone is interested.
Let my wife pick my two Gamestop boxes, got a Batgirl and BN Superman. Just need a Batman and I'm good. Congrats to those that found gold! I don't care for them personally but still a decent collection piece.
I'm going to go look today for gold. for yall i'll see if ic an find any. i guess all of them but claptrap is needed.

How's everyone Secret Santa going.
I haven't heard from 2-3 people since we started it. Everyone give me a check in there are 16 people. (just copy and paste and add your name)
just to let me know if you've sent or plan on sending.

12 days til deadline

1. Tdogg2k
2. BigPat
3. Hennessey
4. AlleyzonJay

Who i've heard from so far.
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Tdogg I'll take either gold batman or gold batgirl if you find them

i plan on shipping out before the deadline just need to grab some small things 

1. Tdogg2k
2. BigPat
3. Hennessey
4. AlleyzonJay

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Flash sale over at HT online only. 40% off TH40TRZ.

There is a 50% off code floating around. Ill report it when I get it. But if it doesnt show up 40 is still baller
Just making some last minute sections on my secret Santa package. Will probably ship within a week. I still haven't PayPal the $3 though. Tdogg that going to you? I need the info again real quick.
Are we supposed to put our User name or government name as the sender when we ship out?
Just pulled a gold Power Armor from GameStop. Looking to trade for a gold Superman.
^Tryinh to sell for a reasonable price if you can't get a trade PM me. Got GITD Godzills for trade also if interested.
I'm going to go look today for gold. for yall i'll see if ic an find any. i guess all of them but claptrap is needed.

How's everyone Secret Santa going.
I haven't heard from 2-3 people since we started it. Everyone give me a check in there are 16 people. (just copy and paste and add your name)
just to let me know if you've sent or plan on sending.

12 days til deadline

1. Tdogg2k
2. BigPat
3. Hennessey
4. AlleyzonJay

Who i've heard from so far.
Mine was sent last week. And it was delivered! =)
ok so my pulls went like this, I figured there'd be enough boxes to go around so I didn't get to GameStop until 6:30AM. there's like 3 people in the store only one person going for a box. We chop it up, he's looking for gold or video game POPs, I let him know I want Batgirl and Supes. He's ahead of me online he buys one and opens it at the register, BATGIRL!

I told him I'd instantly trade if I got something he wanted. I'm next on line and ask for two, first box is Claptrap and I'm PISSED because that is the one I truly did not want. Second is Power Armor, although I'm not as mad I still had 0 interest in him. So I gave him the option of either one he wanted and one of the pocket pops. He chose Claptrap and Jack Skellington pocket POP, handed them over no questions asked.

So I go to the mall next just to see what Hot Topic had since I wasn't interested in the black/white mystery POPs. I walkout with nothing because there was only 1 POP I really wanted but I was trying to take advantage of the 3/$25 deal. Because I couldn't leave empty handed I try the other GameStop in the mall. I buy one and low and behold, ANOTHER POWER ARMOR! :smh:

Now I'm mad so I decided not to keep wasting money on the boxes. Went on the Funko groups and sold one Power Armor and traded the other for Superman.

So all in all I got Batgirl and Superman the two I wanted. It would of been cool to get a gold Superman though..

Also Hot Topic has a Flash Sale today.

Use code BKU50HT at checkout for 50% off.

Picked up Anti-Venom and Black Lantern Reverse Flash for $8.17 shipped! :smokin
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