I wonder if I can convince the Gamestops to let me open a few until I get the ones I want if I tell them I intend to buy 3 boxes.
Walked in. Told him i wanted bat girl. He said i know which one it is and handed it to me.

Dude already went through almost all his boxes. They have 50.
The box has tape on it. You can open it slightly and the pop is the first thing. U see.

He said it was the only bat girl hes seen though. And only 1 gold superman but he hadnt found the box yet
He is actually the only real pop fan ive met in gamestop i expected him.

Doesnt excuse it but im not as mad knowing its a real collector
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Guy at Gamestop won't let me take a peek. Told me non-returnable, either. Looks like eBay it is.
You just gotta G it to them to let you slide over the limit. They have a lot n the back too.
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I'm so disappointed. Got three boxes. Two Clap Trap and one Power Armor. Asked if I can exchange they said no.
That's why I hate mystery boxes cause I end up with the same ones :smh: can't do blind boxes either lol
I collect mystery minis so I know that feeling of getting doubles,when I get enough to ship I'm just gonna box them up and ship them to who ever in this thread wants them :lol:
If anyone wants my batgirl (the whole box or just the pop) i'm willing to trade.

looking for GOT ones I don't have. or MISC.
That's why I hate mystery boxes cause I end up with the same ones :smh: can't do blind boxes either lol

Yea man i think this will be my last mystery box I'm getting. Now just gotta wait for my mystery pops from Hot topic to come in. With my luck ima get all flashes like homeboy before -____-
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