Fragment Design x Retro 1 High OG - Dec 27, 2014

I want to be both. One DS and one to beat. I just can't at these prices unless i can slang some GR.
not sure if srs

Royals are pretty hard to come by DS as is, check back in another year or two and you wont find any.
Royals are aren't easy to come by but not by any means of the imagination impossible to find. Most consignment shops will have pairs and every major IG reseller throws them up all the time. They're just not at the prices that people here are willing to pay. Just like Frags aren't hard to come by, most people just aren't willing to pay those prices. And as said before - give the Frags 2 years and their scarcity will just go up, just like Royal's have.
People can do whatever they want with their shoes but I could never own a pair of shoes and not wear them.

No matter if I tell myself I'm going to keep them DS, it NEVER happens...

Unless I have 2 pairs! 
That's because you South Jersey guys are kinda slow

JUst joking my dude, I figured that tweet was misinterpreted by some so I just wanted to give guys the heads up that it didn't happen yet.

Imma need for u to lock down my size tho
after that comment papi, you're hands are going to be left empty 

I'll see what I can do, you're a 12 right?
Picked up the solars. Certainly cost a pretty penny but I just can't see them ever coming down in price. I've missed out many opportunities in the past thinking it's way too much, yet every time I look, prices go up. VNDS pairs goes for more than DS pairs since I've been on the hunt. Good luck if you're still on the hunt! If you see the price is right, get them.

Copped my size 8 for $800. Last week I was offering everyone $750, best counter I got was $775 and everyone else wanted $800 but I refused to pay that $25. This week, I messaged same sellers who still had them for sale, they all came back $900 firm except one so I just bit my tongue and paid him.

Post pics when you get them!

Dope pickup man! I got both Yeezy sets.. looking to UNDS plats and RO this year and my solars have been getting plenty of love. I have been more selective with my purchases. I rather spend 600-1000 on ONE shoe that i love on oppose to 4-5 pairs iam just MEHH about.

Either way if u dont mind me asking how much you dropped on a VNDS solar?. sz 8 is pretty hard to come by..
Guys keep feeding the game. Sellers get that bidding war going. They push the envelope on price. Hype plays into the whole thing. At the start its easy cause they sell themselves and they are happy to push each listing higher. Then even though some dont see it or others dont want to admit cause they want thier shoes to be a gold nugget in the closet, the shoe hits a ceiling and the auctions start ending with some hits and some not. To me the ceiling is 800. Now sellers are pushing the 1k mark but i think they are pushing thier luck. I see pairs sittin now in that range and lower easily. Sellers know that people are gonna start throwing logical offers, most are crafty now so instead of biting before the price levels off, they put you in a bidding war playing on the hype and your resolve. Flight club doesnt faze me cause they are regularly overpriced and most cop there due to the image of authenticity they project. Its no knock cause they do well but i wouldnt pay what they and others seem to think is like the market price. I think they are inflated. Other pairs of j's end on ebay regularly under thier pricing. I think market is 800 flat out. I think royals justify an equal price for some reasons even if more were made (not that much more really). Dont forget its a shoe thats only released 2 times other than the og in 30 years. I dont think they will magically be remastered over and over.
:lol: I really don't wanna part with my SB8, but I want Fragments so bad, but really really don't want to pay the resale for them..... :smh:
I've paid resell before cant front ,but paying retail is part of the hunt ,it's what keeps this hobby fun TO ME. But now paying resell TO ME cheapens it. But I'd pay 400 at the most for these because I set limits,but do what you want with your money . I'm salty I missed them not 800-1200 worth of salt I'll tell you that .
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I've paid resell before cant front ,but paying retail is part of the hunt ,it's what keeps this hobby fun TO ME. But now paying resell TO ME cheapens it. But I'd pay 400 at the most for these because I set limits,but do what you want with your money . I'm salty I missed them not 800-1200 worth of salt I'll tell you that .

this man knows. Respects peoples pockets, and knows his own. Some shoes are just not worth it to people..and some shoes are.

Yeezys for example.
I can't believe I missed these. I'm in the same boat as the guy with the SB 8's. I'm ready to give up some zen Yeezys for a pair.
I can't believe I missed these. I'm in the same boat as the guy with the SB 8's. I'm ready to give up some zen Yeezys for a pair.

haha zens for 2.5 frags sure..

yeezy prices are kinda at their all time high. They are steady too. only diff is. Y1-Y2 wont age as well as AJ1s :wink:
this man knows. Respects peoples pockets, and knows his own. Some shoes are just not worth it to people..and some shoes are.

Yeezys for example.
Thanks man,only because I realized I was making a lot of impulse buys .just bought a house so I gotta keep up that investment and responsibility, it's your money everyone's situation is different .imo if your things are in order and you can afford them do it .just remember they will be more shoes and if you miss those prepare to keep paying resell and keeping the resell chain moving .
Thanks man,only because I realized I was making a lot of impulse buys .just bought a house so I gotta keep up that investment and responsibility, it's your money everyone's situation is different .imo if your things are in order and you can afford them do it .just remember they will be more shoes and if you miss those prepare to keep paying resell and keeping the resell chain moving .

exactly. everyones situation is different.

i have my house, whips and everything in order... anything extra i buy is because i want and i can..

for those that are contemplating buying 800 shoes with only 850 in your bank account....might not be the best move but hey, still respect it.. their money, their choice.

good luck on getting a pair! and my sets :smile:
Congrats to everyone that copped at retail or resell. As long as you didn't rob,steal or kill for them you didnt do anything wrong .Resell is here isn't to much we can do about it not paying resell on 1 release isn't gonna stop it ,but we gotta start somewhere right? :lol:
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All i know is these ads at the bottom of every page with the tight booty pants are making me feel like droppin 1.2k.
I just paid 750. First shoe I've paid resale for all year (2014) I was due to pay resale at least once
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