FOX *CBM thread - RIP STAN LEE - Dark PhoeniX 06/07/19

Where Do You Rank LOGAN Among CBMs?

  • Best CBM to Date

    Votes: 13 16.7%
  • Easily Top 5

    Votes: 28 35.9%
  • Top 10, Maybe Top 15

    Votes: 29 37.2%
  • Mediocre at Best

    Votes: 5 6.4%
  • Not Good at All

    Votes: 3 3.8%

  • Total voters
To me, it just felt like a rehash of Thor saying it in Ragnorak. It would have been better if it was so unoriginal.
That's what made it even funnier. It didn't belong. and It wasn't hulk..

This movie wasnt it.
A lot of the humor fell flat, but the humor that hit made the film passable
1st act was bad. Yall was making it seem like it was 20 minutes. It took until the jail scene for the movie to get started and that was a good 40 to an hour.
Plot was mediocre
Cable had 0 development.
Overall just an ok film.
you and Lame are like polar opposite immortal enemies
they can always name drop, i don't think it's a bog issue as long as the character themselves aren't there

he says "I am Batman" and made numerous Green Lantern references without any issues
Brolin's Cable looked so small, Cable is supposed to be 6'8 350 lbs

did you see the film?

spoiler: they made fun of that, DP mentioned that he is 5'11 and less brolic unlike his comic book counterpart

But the MCU cant say mutant?

they probably could but it can't mean what mutant means on the books and if they can't use it in that context, there is no reason for them to say it without Fox assuming the MCU will use the concept and then there'd be an issue then

this is just a guess, there could also be keywords in the contracts on what each studios could use and hawkeye and black widow might not be included in that list because when the sale happens, Marvel didn't think they'd be making these films and only the big heroes are in the list that Fox can't use like Cap, IM, Hulk, etc...
I did, just still off to me since its so ingrained in my head that Cable and Bishop are both supposed to be huge super soldier dudes from the future

did you see the film?
spoiler: they made fun of that, DP mentioned that he is 5'11 and less brolic unlike his comic book counterpart
Zazie Beetz :pimp::pimp::pimp::blush:



When I read about Firefist being named in some posts in here I was really hoping it was some joke making fun of Iron Fist. Not just some lame kid.
Movie was hilarious. So many great jokes. X-Men being there, the dig at Liefeld, the shots at Reynolds, Brolin's height. Didn't expect Juggernaut (yes I successfully avoided spoilers in 2018. Shatterstar LOL. I knew that costume was too fugazi. Damn at how they did Terry tho. He was bigging up his role like it waa the second coming of Black Panther or Blade when he was on Desus and Mero.
Loved the movie. My only complaint (and I never complain about this) but the CGI was cringey. And Cable was kinda boring, but when you have so many other characters with big personalities, I guess he doesn't need to stand out.

I love what they did with the other X force characters though. Biggest movie troll I've seen in ...ever :lol:
Loved the movie. My only complaint (and I never complain about this) but the CGI was cringey. And Cable was kinda boring, but when you have so many other characters with big personalities, I guess he doesn't need to stand out.

I love what they did with the other X force characters though. Biggest movie troll I've seen in ...ever :lol:

Nah Cable should stand out. It wasnt that many characters.
Josh Brolin did well. They needed an angry guy to play Cable and he did it. He wasn’t the ideal height but it wasn’t that serious to me at least. I believed that he was Cable and the way he stormed into the prison was ill af.

While it was funny what happened with X-Force, I was also a bit disappointed as well. Shatterstar is a dope character but they gave him the Deadpool x X-Men Origins Wolverine treatment.

I thought the story was a bit blah as far as the chubby Iron Fist was concerned but the humor really carried the movie.

Good to see a proper Juggernaut instead of that X-Men 3 Trash. Although I was lowkey hoping for them to remove the helmet so we could get another Professor X cameo. When the kid and Juggernaut were talking about that, I thought it was going to happen.

“I am Batman” Loud *** laugh when he said that LOL

Zazie Bae never disappoints.
I was never sold on Brolin as Cable. He did his thing in the movie but we were definitely short changed when it came to everything involving him. It wasn’t too big of a deal to me however because I knew Cable would be shortchanged.
You could've casted a no name actor for Cable and got the same performance. He was wasted. Not as bad as Bishop but still wasted
They should’ve cgi’ed cable to be 6’8. They made colossus and the other big guy tall like they’re supposed to be. Kinda funny when thd big guy called him a ******.
I thought the movie was a little better than the first. A lot more jokes and more location variety, you could tell the budget was noticeably higher

- they didn’t reveal much of anything in the trailers, even a bunch of the jokes were changed from the final cut. More movies should do that
- the prison fight scenes were awesome. It’s so rare to see so much hand to hand combat/stuntmen in comic movies these days and not just some crappy CGI
- the X-Force parachute scene had me yelling in the theater. Especially Brad Pitt’s cameo :rofl:
- the baby legs scene was also funny
- Deadpool frequently implying that Cable was racist was hysterical :lol:

- like the first Deadpool the “villain” sucked and I couldn’t care less about Russell. I wanted him to die by the end of it
- Juggernaut was just ehh, didn’t like the FX on him but at least they made him huge like the comics
- Felt like Vanessa dying didn’t help the plot much (especially when time travel is involved) and it was the typical movie trope “whenever a character starts talking about having a family someone dies”

Overall I was entertained, Deadpool is probably never gonna give us a legit stellar quality movie so I can settle for mindless immature comedy with a ton of pop culture references. They got the tone perfect
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I think it's different cuz Juggernaut was covered head to toe in the prison uniform and all you saw of his skin was his hands which are easy to enlarge and his eyes and mouth which were the actual actors.

Again easy to overlook in the first movie but I noticed that we never see Colussus in his human form. Son is head to toe metal. I've been wondering who the actor is (while admittedly not looking him up).

I think it'd cost more to give Cable an extra foot/inches and for it to look good.

Thanos was all cgi with Brolin doing mica work with his face. I think similar was done with Isaac when he was Apocalypse and he looks horrible.
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the taller cable is a nit pick imo.
Plus their whole point was to keep the budget lower like the first movie.
vanessa dying was the motivation for the movie. I dont think it was bad and the time travel thing was sort of part of the joke. at the end that's it.
No not at all.

Reynolds and the studio wanted a bigger budget and got just that.

The original director (Miller I think) of DP left partly because he wanted just as small of a budget as the first movie. He disagreed with Ryan and left.
ehh id rather see ******/average human size cable than a Liefeld monstrosity 6' 10" with 4 foot guns and shoulder pads
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