DP2 6.6/8
Definitely better than the firdt one overall but it had some issues on this first watch.
I'll say again, I was never a big fan of DP in the comics. Most of the writers using him had humor that was not my speed. I dig the concept of him more and only a few times I have found him really entertaining.
I got a decent amount of laughs from DP but it had no replay value to me. I saw it twice to be sure and haven't seen it since. Tried a few times on t.v. and no bueno.
This was better in that regard I can tell just off the added characters.
My main gripes are who did thw editing for this movie? Damn was the first half dianointed and did not flow well. The beginning was fine for me but everything until DP and Domino are on the convoy left me uninterested.
Then like half the music chosen for 5hs movie was trash. Dub step is horrible. I was like first time was enough but they brought it back again and the lame joke. And even though I heard it in this thread out of context before but that Celine Dion song sucks. There's like 2 other times theky just use some ballad for a scene that doesn't fit. I get that humor but man did they beat it to death.
Pitt's cameo was dumb. Vanisher's powers don't even work like that. Anything for a gag I guess.
Not enough Vanessa. A little frustrated at that. I hope for DP3 they finally just make her Copycat so she can get in on the action.
@ X-Force dying. They might as well have just rolled up on the convoy in a car. A slight pissed my boy Crews aint get to flex as Bedlam but relieved Shatterstar just got killed.
@ sun's getting real low big guy while fighting the Juggernaut.
@ Wade's long *** death and telling Cable he hopes he follows the words if MLKJr.
The baby legs scene
Maybe it was me but I forget which character he's suppose to be but T.J. Miller's character was just a waste of space.
Domino was great. Zazie did her thing. I forget who was first chosen for the role but she really owned it.
I had a feeling this movie would be better than the first one qnd in really happy it paid off.